
Ink And Bone Quotes

Ink And Bone by Lisa Unger

Ink And Bone Quotes
"How could you not hear someone who was right next to you?"
"Anyone who asks you to keep a secret from your mom—a teacher, a friend, a stranger, anyone—is not looking out for you."
"Natural beauty is everywhere. It finds a place for itself even right here. You just have to know where to look."
"When the outside looks like how I feel on the inside."
"You can't ignore a thing just because you don't want it."
"The worst part about it was that she’d never stopped loving him."
"You have to find some time for yourself, sweetheart. Just for you."
"Families don’t give up on each other, we can’t just leave her."
"The world had become such a crowded, frenetic, and terribly lonely place."
"The worst thing can happen to any of us any day."
"Good things happen every day, too. There are no patterns."
"She’s alive, Mom. I’ll find her. I swear it."
"We don’t always choose who we are, or what we experience. We just choose what we do with it all."
"Life is an impossible twist of choice and circumstance, one rarely exists without the other."
"The place wrapped itself around her like a blanket."
"If there’s anything we can do for you, Merri, please don’t hesitate. We want to help any way that we can."
"There’s a safety net here that can only be seen when tears are shed."
"The world could do with a few more kind, polite people—even if it was fake."
"Even if the worst thing happens, the mind recovers eventually, returns to its natural baseline of happiness."
"The wondering, the crushing weight of disappointments, the violent swing between poles of hope and despair. It’s almost more than a person can endure."
"We don’t choose, Eloise had warned. We are chosen."
"Don’t let anyone talk you out of what you have seen. Don’t let other people make you doubt yourself, even those who are good and well meaning."
"Whoever we are. If there’s a pattern to all of this, if there are rules and ways, I never learned them."
"Nighttime is the hardest time to be alone with your thoughts."
"What if we learn something because I’m there that we wouldn’t if not?"
"Not too late to wait in the car," said Jones.
"I won’t embarrass you, if that’s what you’re worried about," she said.
"Then it will be there in the morning when we come with enough people and the right equipment."
"They’re so often wrong, Agatha said. That’s why they need us."
"My name is not Penny," she shrieked. "Penny is dead."
"You can’t crush the soul of a place like this."
"I have to, buddy," he said. "Your mom shouldn’t have to go through this alone."
"She trusted him, opened herself to him. She let him mark her body with total faith in their connection."
"That’s what it is. That’s as it should be. We are one with the earth."
"You can’t hide behind addiction and call that positive change."
"You’re flesh and bone, you know. You’re not invincible."
"No matter what happens, I’m here for you, for our family. I swear to you."
"We all want something. Like life. You take from it what you bring to it."
"The truth was he never gave a moment’s thought to Kristi or what would happen to her in all this mess."
"It’s legal to live the way you want to live, within reason, anyway. This is America."
"All we know at the moment is that the vehicle of a missing man has been located."
"There’s an unmistakable sense of release, like letting go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding."