
Hunting Adeline Quotes

Hunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton

Hunting Adeline Quotes
"You’re such an idiot, Addie. Such a fucking idiot."
"I don’t belong here. I belong in a salad full of fruits and vegetables."
"Just imagine it, dude—Z's girl, the one and only, up on an auction stage."
"I will raise a generation to take over, and they will do the same."
"That potent fury is still present, spewing from my pores, but I manage to keep it in check."
"There’s always a way out, little mouse. You just have to find it."
"I wouldn’t be able to live with myself," he murmurs, staring at me thoughtfully. "There would be a very different reaction this time around—you already know that."
"You’re brave. Incredibly brave, and a goddamn survivor, and it’s admirable as fuck. You have no idea how proud of you I am."
"It’s not an out, it’s an option. I want you to do whatever you can handle, Addie."
"I’m not going to pretend like I’m the big bad wolf… yet."
"You will never hear me call myself a good man. Or kind. Or even honorable."
"Because I love you, Adeline Reilly. And I know you love me back."
"My entire world revolves around you. If you want mint chocolate chip, then that’s what I want, too."
"This happiness may be fleeting, but I’ve never been surer that it’ll be back."
"I’m not going to rush you, but eventually, I’ll need to know if you saw anyth—"
"Don’t tell me I’m not capable, or not ready. I’ve had a lot of fucking time to think."
"I’m sure they do," he agrees easily, taking a step toward me.
"I was born with a blackened soul and good intentions."
"It’s because I love you, Adeline Reilly. And I know you love me back."
"One day, you’re going to feel safe with me again. And when that day comes, you better pray I’m feeling generous."
"You’re drowning, Addie. Just let me help you."
"I’ve seen the woman who could hardly stand to be in her own skin, and the woman comfortable in a gothic mansion, at home with herself and the ghosts that haunt her."
"Without you, I will shatter. But with you, I am indestructible."
"You were never a whore for those men, little mouse."
"I survived you, but you won’t fucking survive me."
"Scars only serve as reminders of what we’ve survived, not what killed us."
"All the ways I’ve hurt you have always been intentional."
"All the ways I’m going to hurt you will be intentional."
"I needed to be sure you’re one hundred percent in this with me."
"You’re always going to be a creep, aren’t you?"
"You can kill Claire and all her minions, and I will finally be able to live in peace."
"You think I’m going to believe your little lies?"
"Don’t mistake my lack of control for weakness."
"I dare you, Adeline. Deny that my name isn’t carved into every star you see when I make you come."
"You're searching for life inside that sunset, yet I seek death between your thighs."
"You won't find God in the sun when he's already inside you."
"The anticipation of what's going to happen. Who's going to get hurt or die."
"Absolute control over the human population, of course."
"Technology can do anything. Its only limitation is its creator."
"It's hard to say for sure, but I think Zade enjoys what he does now too much."
"She would be better than Claire. And she wouldn’t do it alone."
"Never sleep with two eyes closed, how about that?"
"I know what you’re going to say. Another thing your atrocious father was wrong about."
"Regardless of your horrible taste in men, you’re my daughter and always will be."
"Your body was fucking made for me. So you’re going to be a good girl and fucking take it."
"I own every part of you, Adeline. And I will make you feel me for fucking days."
"I will chase away your demons, Adeline, and they will run and hide because I’m fucking scarier."
"Heaven isn’t a place you go to when you die, it’s inside the person that’s worth dying for."