
Marco Effekten Quotes

Marco Effekten by Jussi Adler-Olsen

Marco Effekten Quotes
"Louis Fon’s last morning was as soft as a whisper."
"How peaceful it seemed as he took in the sharp aromas of the village."
"For Louis, these amiable souls were a human oasis of good feeling in an otherwise loathsome world."
"The songs of the cicadas, an alien sound became audible."
"Mbomo first handed out whisky bags to the many outstretched hands."
"The bank crises had yet to begin wreaking havoc."
"The few must be sacrificed for the many, as they say."
"Tired of the days, of life, and of themselves."
"Marco knew the clan’s past was nothing to brag about."
"He may have been small for his age, but his eyes and ears were those of an experienced grown-up."
"No yellow van would collect him again when the day was over."
"The life he and his cousins led was a misery."
"Marco was on his own. No yellow van would collect him again."
"The only thing I got any closer to was the realization that we’re not the only police force in Europe that can fuck things up."
"Everyone in the group knew Zola was a wealthy man and that he loved his money."
"Respect was something you had to earn. The street taught him that."
"All of us live with a certain number of words inside us."
"The desire to be part of a family grew stronger by the day."
"Living on the streets was hard, especially to begin with."
"Time became more amenable when his days were organized."
"Criminal Poles, Balts, and Russians had a style all their own."
"Like a hand brushing against his coat, he sensed a shadow come from the side."
"Instinctively Marco let himself topple off his ladder, knocking his cousin to the ground."
"Here he would always be able to disappear among the boats."
"The gentle rhythm of Svanemølle Harbor, where people were readying their yachts for the summer season."
"I’m looking for development here, Carl, and have been doing so for a very long time."
"I can’t see it would change much, to be honest."
"If she used a toaster it was the toaster that got burned, not the bread."
"He who prods the camel’s ass may find himself with a hoof in the balls."
"Rose and I have talked about this, Carl," said Assad.
"William Stark has never been declared dead," Rose said.
"He woke up abruptly when a wino opened the lid."
"Here in the embassy quarter, there were plainclothes security guards everywhere."
"It was a pretty neighborhood, definitely the sort where he planned to live one day."
"The house, a small yellow bungalow from the thirties, lay on sloping ground with a spectacular view."
"Carl shook his head. Welfare-state concrete slapped down in a landscape of beauty."
"Neither a typical disappearance nor a typical break-in."
"So strange to think that the corpse with which he had shared a hole in the ground had once walked these streets."
"Every piece of scum on the street is out looking for you."
"He needed to be one step ahead at all times."
"Marco stood quite still. It pained him to stand in that room knowing none of it would ever happen."
"He began to study the few private photos there were."
"He wondered about the open safe in the little office."
"Marco tumbled out onto the floor of the office like a lump of compressed metal."
"He was deeply absorbed, eyes once more scanning the room."
"The last thing he saw as he left the house were the shards of an overturned picture frame."
"It was simply the worst possible place to be discovered."
"Marco extracted himself from the bushes and wandered farther up the road."
"If I’d known it was you who was working this case, I’d have sent a telegram."
"There are a whole lot of nice people who are called Hansen. Who could have suspected it was you?"
"Like I said, it’s all in the report," Hansen replied drily.
"The fact of the matter, however, is that I am not a camel."
"For students it was study time leading up to exams and the library café was packed with young people hunched over laptops."
"The lock was simple, but he knew from experience that if he tried to force it with an incorrect key, the key would almost certainly snap in two."
"Marco didn’t hang around to be thanked or accept a reward."
"The sudden rush he felt sparked a brief outburst of laughter, an expression of relief that echoed gaily against the bare walls."
"Here lay the property of all these people. Leather wallets and purses, mobile phones with greasy finger marks that weren’t his."
"He was a thief and would always be as long as the clan existed."
"The hatred that had been latent within him from the first day Zola forced him to steal on the streets now flared up inside."
"Zola would still have his hooks in him wherever he went."
"Only then did he realize how impossible his life had become."
"It was an ugly feeling, as repulsive as dog mess on the sole of his shoe."
"A whole herd was here, he thought, indicating a pile of leaves pressed flat."
"He felt like a fool as he trawled the Højlundshusene neighborhood, noting as he went that blossoming cherry trees were damn popular in these parts."
"Carl recoiled as a matter of reflex. 'Er, no thanks,' he replied weakly."
"The man looked like the reincarnation of a guru from a forgotten age."
"Who could tell from a sock who had worn it last?"
"The room was at once pompous and mysterious, a stark contrast to the small, spartan bedrooms with bunk beds they had passed in the hall."
"Marco’s surname is Jameson and he’s fifteen years old. A strange boy."
"He peered into the wallet. It was the flat kind preferred by men who couldn’t care less what was dictated by the fashion pundits in Milan and New York."
"Wasn’t this Carl Mørck just the kind of man he needed?"
"Had it not been for Mammy and her personal project, the day would undoubtedly have come when the knife would have been used against him as well."
"No one could turn a situation to their own advantage like Mammy, and once she had the advantage, so did her bodyguards."
"Zola nodded. 'I know Marco hated us. We were too much of a clique, too self-righteous for his taste.'"
"His body seemed to be sucking up everything negative out of the room and storing it somewhere hard to reach."
"He was simply feeling too rotten at the moment."
"A boy wandering the streets on his own at all hours wasn’t exactly a common sight."
"A lad who had learned to trust only himself."
"The pain felt almost pleasant, like a swollen thumb you couldn’t stop fidgeting with."
"Herein lay the psychoanalysts’ little gold mine: self-doubt."
"One anxiety attack a day he could manage OK. Two required coffee and a smoke."
"The only person he could think of that might help him was Tilde."
"He wanted to be an adult and leave behind a period of his life he wanted only to forget."
"He had seen one just like it in Italy but had never been on it."
"Never had he felt so abandoned as in this pandemonium of happy faces and gaiety."
"She was the queen of the Copenhagen nightlife."
"He was thankful. He was still alive, wasn’t he?"
"I don't know what you've done to them, Marco. But if you don't vanish from our lives for good, they'll come back again, and we'll never be able to cope with it."
"He’s afraid of us, Carl. And now we’ve got the entire police force looking for him."
"So you do not actually know if this was intended to be a burglary?"
"It’s a good thing we googled Teis Snap, Carl, so we know what he looks like."
"No, he doesn’t. The army rejected him. It was something to do with his back."
"She is afraid of not belonging anywhere, that’s why."
"She is afraid of herself. Afraid she cannot be anything else than what she is."
"I didn’t want to believe something that could take my home away from me, just like that other man said before."