
Camino Winds Quotes

Camino Winds by John Grisham

Camino Winds Quotes
"Leo spun to life in late July in the restless waters of the far eastern Atlantic, about two hundred miles west of Cape Verde."
"Warnings were posted from Galveston to Pensacola."
"As a Category 4, and veering east and west along a steady northbound trek, Leo seemed destined for a historic and ugly landfall."
"In the depths of summer, he preferred to have his fancy meals on the veranda."
"Her favorite chore was preparing a table for a dinner party."
"Bruce knew virtually every serious bookseller in the country and visited as many as possible."
"Bob Cobb was an ex-con who’d served time in a federal pen for sins that were still vague."
"Every day on the beach is a good one, my dear."
"At every lunch and dinner table, and at every bar, Bruce noticed."
"The biggest fears were rising waters and glass breakage."
"The devastation was unlike any he’d seen in his fifty-plus years on the island."
"They ate on the veranda, in fading sunlight, and washed down the steaks with a bottle of Syrah."
"A bad company, privately owned by some bad people, operates a string of low-end nursing homes scattered around the country."
"Many of the patients suffer from various forms of dementia and are out of it, completely."
"The care may not always be good but it’s always expensive."
"On average, a nursing home charges Medicare between three and four thousand dollars a month per resident."
"Six million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s and the number is increasing rapidly."
"Last year Alzheimer’s cost the federal government close to three hundred billion in Medicare and Medicaid payments."
"The protagonist is a forty-year-old corporate lawyer, male, whose mother is stricken with the disease."
"His mother is totally unresponsive and that won’t improve, but she won’t die because her heart keeps beating."
"Daxapene is not on the market. It is registered, has a trade name, but will never be approved."
"It stimulates the medulla, that section of the brain that controls the heart muscle."
"It works only in patients who are basically, as they say, brain dead."
"Only blindness and severe vomiting, but these were discovered by accident in China."
"So, the shady company buys the Daxapene from the shady Chinese lab."
"The bad company owns three hundred facilities with forty-five thousand beds."
"The money is vague because everybody eventually dies."
"If the drug extends life, what’s illegal about it?"
"In Nelson’s fictional world, the average is twelve months."
"The culture is ‘When in doubt, give ’em another pill.’"
"I’ll stick with the girls. And don’t call it chick lit."
"The bad guys get caught, pay up, go to jail."
"The Daxapene disappears and old folks start dying."
"Let’s talk about something else," Mercer said.
"We don’t always know exactly where the truth might take us."
"Usually, someone will cave and try to save his own skin."
"They’re nasty people, Bruce. And they are desperate."
"He’s tired of losing sleep and sick of worrying."
"Their glory days were over and they’d had a good run."
"There was plenty of money in the bank and enough time left to rebuild a future."
"It would be a pleasant day when he walked out of Grattin and never looked back."
"You can’t testify, Bob, you’re a convicted felon."
"That’s because you’re a professional with ice in your veins."
"We want immunity, complete and unrestricted immunity."
"Who knows? Lawyers and judges. Could be a couple of years."
"The last time I saw you, you were running away, running down the sidewalk in a Category 4 hurricane."
"It’s been real. Thanks for the drinks. I’ll catch the next tab."