
Scarlet Quotes

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

Scarlet Quotes
"This is to inform Scarlet Benoit of Rieux, France, EF, that as of 15:42 on 28 Aug 126 the case of missing person(s) Michelle Benoit of Rieux, France, EF, has been dismissed due to lack of sufficient evidence of violence or nonspecific foul play."
"She would go to the police station. It was too late to go now—tomorrow, then. First thing in the morning. She would be calm and logical and she would explain to them why their assumptions were wrong. She would make them reopen the case."
"Scarlet’s world was crashing down around her and nobody noticed. Her grandmother was missing and nobody cared."
"Everyone talked about her grandma’s disappearance as if she were a stray cat who would meander back home when she got hungry."
"He’d persuaded the only female guard on rotation to lend him a portscreen."
"One of the escapees is Linh Cinder, the Lunar fugitive."
"The crowd roared, egging on the dominating fighter."
"I’m going to the Morel farm. If I’m not home in three hours, comm the police."
"Tonight, our reigning, undefeated champion—Hunter!"
"Wolf’s concentration darkened into something thirsty but patient."
"Scarlet gasped, the movement almost too quick to follow, but Wolf ducked easily and skirted out from Hunter’s shadow."
"The crowd erupted, pushing and screaming against her."
"Blood was dribbling from his lips, but he didn’t seem bothered by it."
"Revulsion burned through Scarlet’s nerves."
"Scarlet wrapped her fingers around her sweatshirt’s zipper, wondering if that tick was how Wolf had gotten his nickname."
"Scarlet flinched with each blow, her stomach roiling."
"He shook his head in an oddly doglike manner, wild hair flying."
"The crowd swarmed, buzzing with confusion and curiosity."
"Scarlet was shaking as she pulled her hood up and fled with them."
"A sickening howl stopped her, sucking the air out of her lungs."
"Cinder spun, steadying herself on the curved, slick concrete walls."
"Thorne blinked at her, then down at the sewage he could barely make out in the darkness."
"The weight of her metal foot keeping her grounded so the current didn’t knock her off balance."
"Cinder began desperately searching her brain for Plan B."
"Cinder had just downloaded the programming manual for the scanner’s product number when the door beside them swung open."
"Cinder sighed in relief, following Thorne as he marched into the maze of ships."
"I’m sorry. I knew that if I told you, you wouldn’t trust me. I know I should have anyway, but I couldn’t."
"They’re convinced that she does. Or at least, they were when I left them, though I don’t know what they’ve learned since—"
"They believe, but they can’t know that for sure."
"It occurred to her with a jolt that it was always her grandmother’s intention to keep it a secret. She had never meant to tell Scarlet the truth to begin with."
"I thought for sure you would have known about this."
"It’s all right. We’ll figure out something else."
"You’re insane. Why would my grandmother have ever gone to Luna?"
"I’m sorry. I should have told you sooner."
"I’m sorry. I lost focus, I slipped—I’m sorry. Scarlet. Are you all right?"
"Her mind emptied of everything but the gusting wind and how fragile Wolf looked in that heartbeat, like one movement could break him open."
"I’m all right," she assured him again, wrapping her free arm around his back and pulling him toward her until she could curl up beneath the shelter of his body."
"It seemed ages before the adrenaline drained out of Scarlet’s limbs, before she could breathe without her lungs hiccupping at the effort."
"The shocked horror had left him, replaced with heat and longing and uncertainty."
"Scarlet found herself pinned beneath his gaze, intense and terrified."
"Her head was too full of the memory, the too-recent agony of wanting to kiss him."
"They were always rushing into things without thinking them through, and it always got her into trouble."
"Perhaps if she hadn’t kissed his cheek right before the jump, his balance would have been too."
"The fantasy of being tucked in his arms didn’t fade."
"She’d wanted him to kiss her. She still did."
"I know you don't want to hurt me, Wolf."
"You are only the omega. You must have been left behind because you are too weak to join the battle."
"I remember you. You were with the ones who came for me."
"I can’t walk. I can’t move. You have to leave me here, Scarlet. You have to get out."
"As long as there’s an alpha female nearby, you should be just fine."
"You and every other girl in the galaxy."