
The Body Farm Quotes

The Body Farm by Patricia Cornwell

The Body Farm Quotes
"It is a noise that never stops in Quantico, Virginia, where the FBI Academy is an island surrounded by Marines."
"Since medical school, I had been accustomed to exposing myself to any trauma at any hour."
"In Black Mountain, a western North Carolina town of seven thousand people, local police had worked very few homicides or sexual assaults of children."
"I did not understand what would have drawn Gault there or to a frail child named Emily who was lonely for her father and a boy named Wren."
"But I had not been able to shake the chill of doubt that had settled over my spirit back then."
"The sky was faded denim blue, trees hinting of how brightly they would burn when fall reached its peak."
"Some of Emily Steiner’s physical findings make we wonder if her body was refrigerated."
"Wine has never known a good year at the Academy, and I regretted drinking several glasses of it in the Boardroom the night before."
"But the likelihood of recovering them had been so remote as to discourage most of us from trying."
"I wondered if any of them knew he was dead."
"He said if I didn’t do exactly what he said, he’d kill me."
"You know, my fingernails are blue. I’m such a wreck."
"You know how children can get when they’re in moods."
"I was up and down all night, night after night. Living with that horrible fear."
"It’s just this place where lots of colored people fish. There’s a bunch of weeds and slime, and huge bullfrogs and snakes hanging out of the trees, and that’s where she was."
"He makes toothpicks, and we buy them for a dollar. Ten for a dollar. He soaks them in peppermint and cinnamon. I like the cinnamon best ‘cause they’re real hot like Fireballs."
"In my opinion, this is inconsistent with a shooting in which the shooter was defending himself, especially since Mr. Jones had a blood alcohol of point two-nine, which is almost three times the legal limit in Virginia."
"Imagine, for example, if ERF developed a surveillance device that could filter out background noise so we could be privy to virtually any conversation of interest to us anywhere in the world."
"In other words, the victim’s motor skills and judgment were substantially impaired when he was assaulted. Frankly, I’m amazed that Mr. Jones could even stand up."
"It’s not fair." She knelt on her suitcase to fasten the clasps. "Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?"
"She’s made it clear that some things aren’t my business. And I shouldn’t judge."
"I might not have decided to drive up that dirt road had I not detected wisps of smoke drifting from Creed’s leaning stone chimney."
"It’s really like nothing I’ve ever seen in my twenty-two years of police work. But then, I have to say I’ve never seen a case like this to begin with."
"Deborah’s family, like many I encountered in inner cities, subsisted on all the high empty calories that food stamps could buy."
"Memories like that certainly can scar you."
"It’s like some kind of curse straight out of the Old Testament."
"It was at night and this man changed lanes and I guess I was in his blind spot."
"He hit me from behind and I lost control of the car."
"That person was killed instantly. A poor old woman in a Volkswagen. I’ve never gotten over it."
"You see, he did that to me and as you know I’ve gotten phone calls."
"I’ve certainly been telling Pete to look over his shoulder, too, especially after he tripped yesterday."
"It could have been bad since he usually has that big gun stuck in the back of his pants."
"He’s such a fine man. I don’t know what I’d do without him these days."
"We don’t know how it goes with budgets. Ours is already bare bones."
"Sometimes we get more than we can handle. Then we don’t get any."
"The two of them have done some real good."
"I would have called the sky Carolina blue."
"I did not want her to be his wife. I did not want anyone to be his wife."
"Women psychopaths don’t rape and strangle people. They like poisons."
"It was a fantasy that would have been exciting for her, and she might have worked it out in her head."