
A Return To Love: Reflections On The Principles Of "A Course In Miracles" Quotes

A Return To Love: Reflections On The Principles Of "A Course In Miracles" by Marianne Williamson

A Return To Love: Reflections On The Principles Of "A Course In Miracles" Quotes
"There is no place for hell in a world whose loveliness can yet be so intense and so inclusive it is but a step from there to Heaven."
"The journey into darkness has been long and cruel, and you have gone deep into it."
"Our fear is free-floating. We’re afraid this isn’t the right relationship or we’re afraid it is."
"The government isn’t holding us back, or hunger or poverty. We’re just afraid, period."
"The problem with the world is that we have strayed from God, or wandered away from love."
"Love does not conquer all things, but it does set all things right."
"I must have decided wrongly, because I am not at peace."
"Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love."
"When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter."
"Forgiveness takes away what stands between your brother and yourself."
"Forgiveness is ‘selective remembering’—a conscious decision to focus on love and let the rest go."
"Dear God, I surrender this relationship to you," means, "Dear God, let me see this person through your eyes."
"Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation."
"Do you prefer that you be right or happy?"
"The ego is the choice for guilt; the Holy Spirit the choice for guiltlessness."
"Only what you have not given can be lacking in any situation."
"Forgiveness is the way in which separation is overcome."
"The fundamental change will occur with the change of mind in the thinker."
"Healing is the way in which separation is overcome."
"Forgiveness hadn’t turned me into a doormat. It had taught me how to own my yes and own my no, without anger, with dignity and with love."
"To communicate is to join and to attack is to separate."
"Accepting people as they are has the miraculous effect of helping them improve."
"A miracle is an authentic switch from fear to love."
"The Holy Spirit improves our style. He teaches us how to communicate from love instead of attack."
"Silence can be a powerfully loving communication."
"The choice to join is the key to communication because it is the key to communion."
"Truth can never be destroyed. There is no loss except in time, says the Course, and time does not exist."
"Whom God hath brought together, the ego cannot put asunder."
"We heal the body by remembering that it is not who we really are."
"Sickness is an illusion and does not actually exist."
"A miracle worker’s job is not to attack illness, but rather to stimulate the natural forces of healing."
"Healing is the result of relinquishing all attempts to use the body lovelessly."
"Our happiness and our function are one."
"The key to a successful career is realizing that it’s not separate from the rest of your life, but is rather an extension of your most basic self. And your most basic self is love."
"Success means we go to sleep at night knowing that our talents and abilities were used in a way that served others."
"Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say, and to whom?"
"Every moment, we are choosing to join or to separate, and the person to whom we’re speaking feels what we have chosen regardless of our words."
"Personal power emanates from someone who takes life seriously."
"I paid a high price for my 'sin,' i.e. loveless perception."
"Choosing to believe I was vulnerable, even for an instant, made me so."
"I totally understand how this happened. I return my mind to the point of my error, and I atone."
"Every problem comes bearing its own solution."
"Crisis comes bearing its solution in that it takes us to our knees, our most humble thinking."
"Spiritual practice is mental and emotional exercise, not unlike physical exercise in the way it works."
"Training our minds to think from a loving, faithful perspective is the greatest boost we can give to our immune systems."
"The body-mind connection might be new to Western science, but it is not new to Eastern medicine, or to the fields of religion and philosophy."
"Healing results from a transformed perception of our relationship to illness, one in which we respond to the problem with love instead of fear."