
Too Late Quotes

Too Late by Colleen Hoover

Too Late Quotes
"Like right now. At six o'clock in the damn morning."
"It's just something stupid I do when I'm bored."
"You're dating the very reason why I'm here," I say. "It's just a job."
"I cried because I realized that no matter who he's become, a part of me is still in love with him...because I don't know how not to be."
"I cried the entire time he was on top of me, fucking me like he didn't give a shit who was under him, as long as someone was under him."
"Dude, What is this? Kindergarten? Go find your own fucking seat."
"People in Wyoming don't really exist, and I can never find the right outfit to wear when I shop for penguins."
"Mosquitos whisper sweet nothings into my barrel of monkeys that took too long to bring me the pizza I ordered."
"It's lunchtime, Sloan. You need to eat. I'm taking you for pizza. Quit trying to make it more than it is, okay?"
"I don't want his dirty money, I'd rather starve."
"I officially sucked the fun out of that drive. Got any remedies?"
"Walrus tusks cloud my vision like chocolate pudding."
"One-legged tiger sharks are better for you than vegetables."
"No thanks. Apparently I'd have to hit you first, and that's not my style."
"Don't ever trust anyone, Carter. Especially the whores."
"I don't think she knows shit. Focusing on her will be a waste of our time."
"I wish you could save me from all this shit so, so much. But you can't."
"Daddy says a woman's tears make men weak, and the more I see their tears when I'm younger, the less I'll believe their lies when I'm older."
"Don't trust anyone, Asa. Especially the whores."
"I am definitely an introvert, because people drain me. And now I need silence to refuel."
"He unclenched his fists and dropped her worries, unable to catch them for her. But she picked them back up and dusted them off. She wants to be able to hold them herself now."
"The only thing love relies on for survival is respect. And you don’t get that from him."
"You don’t love him. You’re still here—not because you’re too weak to leave—but because you’re too strong to leave."
"Everything you do, you do for other people. Not many people have that kind of courage and strength, Sloan. It’s fucking inspiring."
"I’m sorry I said those things to you at the restaurant. You aren’t weak. You aren’t Asa’s doormat. You’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met."
"I read once that the difference between an extrovert and an introvert isn’t how you act in a group setting. It’s whether or not those group settings give you fuel or drain you."
"This house is a prison with its own set of rules. And Asa is the warden. Always has been."
"I want everything about you. So goddamn much. To the point that it’s blinding me."
"Please be careful. Until I can help you get out of there. I don’t know when that’ll be, but please. Be very, very careful."
"For what it’s worth, you look really beautiful today. I kind of can’t catch my breath."
"If it doesn’t benefit you, it shouldn’t fucking matter to you."
"Maybe it’s weird to compare people to drugs, but when drugs are all you know, it’s normal."
"Heroin makes you mellow. As long as you have it in good supply, heroin would be something you could happily inject every day for the rest of your life."
"I’ve always dressed for the level of respect I want to receive."
"I know you do, Baby. You’d be stupid not to."
"It’s tragic. And that’s where love finds you…in the tragedies."
"I can’t do this while you’re wearing this ring."
"Your sister is amazing and you’re very lucky to have her."
"I don’t know what I was expecting today, but it certainly wasn’t that."
"Every time I come to this goddamn casino, I see the same miserable motherfuckers hunched over these tables, handing over their hard-earned wages to you goddamn motherfuckers and you just keep taking. Taking, taking, taking."
"A son doesn’t forget his father. No matter how easy it was for that father to forget his son."
"Actually, I’m a lot disappointed. I’ve always hated the motherfucker, but the memories I have of him made me think he was invincible."
"They’re all whores. You’re young, don’t settle down. Enjoy your life."
"I’ve never been angrier than in this moment."
"I’m nothing like him. I’m not fucking turning into that pathetic bastard."
"We’ll just have to start taking bigger steps forward."
"You’re all I see, Sloan. Beyond the job, beyond right and wrong. You’re all I see."
"Listen up, Babe, if you try to insinuate that you don’t love me, I’m going to be really upset. Really fucking upset."
"Don’t ever get angry like that with me again, Sloan."
"I don’t like what it does to me, what it makes me want to have to do to you."
"I’m so angry with myself right now, I scrub my body even harder, wanting to get his smell off me."
"Sometimes I think I could treat you better than I do."
"My heart beats real fast inside my chest and I nod."
"His eyes scroll over my face. His pupils contract and then expand again."
"I hope she's right. I hope this pill takes me somewhere else in my mind, because I'm getting really tired of being in this family."
"I wonder how it would feel to have someone say those words to me. I love you! No one has ever said that to me."
"Sometimes Brady’s mom writes notes and puts them inside of his lunchbox... One time I saw one of the notes he threw in the trash and I picked it up. It said, "Dear Brady. I love you! Have a great day at school!""
"You either survive or you don’t. The journey from breath to death has nothing to do with miracles, how much you pray, coincidences or divine intervention."
"That’s why-when the doctor walked into the waiting room to update me on Luke’s condition-I had to sit down when he said, "If the bullet had made impact just six centimeters to the left or right of where it did, Luke would have died instantly. Now all we can do is pray for a miracle.""
"Love shouldn’t feel like added weight. It should make you feel as light as air."
"I guess that’s the difference in being loved the right way and the wrong way. You either feel tethered to an anchor…or you feel like you’re flying."
"It’s too late to kill me, Asa. You killed me a long fucking time ago."
"His murder can wait. It needs to be planned out with more precision and preferably without the eyes of a judge on me."
"I’m about to be a free man, which means I finally get to marry my fiancé. In a real wedding. With a three-tier coconut cake."
"How long do you think it takes someone to recover from being completely fucking brainwashed?"
"Maybe it wasn’t a complete waste. I at least have the 'schizophrenia' to fall back on if I ever need it."
"You promised to love me. Forever. And you fucking will."
"I hate Asa Jackson. I hate that I ever met him."
"I want Asa to pay, Luke. I want him to suffer in the worst possible way."
"I don’t know. I just hope you kiss it a lot."
"For the rest of your life, every time you close your eyes in that prison cell, I want you to see me. With Luke. Being fucked by Luke. Marrying Luke. Having Luke’s babies."
"And every year on April 20th, my beautiful family will be celebrating your birthday with a big, huge, delicious coconut cake, you sorry fucking bastard."