
Fumbled Hearts Quotes

Fumbled Hearts by Meagan Brandy

Fumbled Hearts Quotes
"Alcohol does one of two things for you in high school: gives you the courage to tell the truth or the freedom to forget it."
"Face it, Kalani, you’re being a judgmental bitch."
"I mean, I like to party and have a good time. Or at least, I used to."
"I guess I can try not to be such a buzzkill; have some fun while I’m here."
"I’ve been in Alrick Falls for three weeks to the day."
"I’m the impassive new girl with nothing left to give."
"You’re the one out here listening. Tell me, did she sound like she was having fun?"
"It’s okay, Lolli Bear. That party you cut out on this weekend... That was my birthday party."
"Don’t be mad at me, Lolli Bear. You’re my new favorite person."
"Hungry? Shit, Lolli. It’s not about being hungry."
"Just keep to the track or the weight room and you’ll be fine."
"This isn’t part of the play ‘em to lay ‘em routine."
"You were Passed. Out. I drove you here so you didn’t get yourself arrested."
"I’m the persistent playboy who refuses to walk away."
"Common conceptions don’t apply to me; they don’t affect me."
"His smile is infectious and I can’t help but smile back."
"Don’t be mistaken, I get freshman and sophomore dirt, too."
"This place is probably worse than a beauty salon."
"All we have to do now is trade and we’ll each have our favorite dish."
"Good thing I’m the one with the balls then, huh?"
"Because I didn’t want you to feel like you had to come out if you didn’t want to."
"Once you’re in, you stay there. Always. No matter what."
"I want you. All of you. Every stubborn and determined inch of you."
"I want to be with you Kalani. Me and you, and no one else."
"I’m not like most girls. I found one I liked. It fit. I bought it."
"It comes and goes as it pleases, taking with it the remains of the days or hours before; washing away all traces of attendance, all the memories."
"You battling with yourself. Sometimes you allow yourself to smile, a real one that makes your eyes shine, only to wash it away seconds later, leaving behind a blank space."
"I always liked the rain," I tell him, looking out over the hillside.
"You can’t just say you want something and get it. That’s not how it goes. That’s a fucked-up fantasyland."
"He stares at me, transferring courage without words."
"I'm gonna fuck you long and hard... Then soft, and slow," he whispers into my skin.
"Because you remind me of my OG, Hero," I joke, doing my best to take the seriousness away.
"You're like the epitome of the guy you 'bring home to mama' or maybe it's daddy, since I'm a girl."
"You kinda are perfect, Parker," I smile down at him.
"I'm in love with you," he growls, fury burning in his dark eyes.
"My grandpa was like you. Happy and fun, the peacekeeper between others."
"I thought about calling him when I drove in late last night, but decided against it."
"I'm yours. You're mine. It's a done deal."
"She was made for you, Nathaniel. The other piece of your soul."
"I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m running on edge, hoping I don’t fumble."
"It’s your turn now. Go to her when she needs you most."
"I need to know what the hell happened, if only for my own sanity."
"You’re everything I thought you were, Jarrod. Self-centered, shallow, and… mean."
"I’m not like you. I don’t need to tear someone down or take advantage of people to feel good."
"This isn’t happening. I don’t know who lit the fire under Nate’s ass."
"I’m gonna ask the one person who, as much as it kills me to say, I know would never turn his back on her."
"You’re all heart. Just like your grandpa was."
"Because my heart beats in your chest, and yours in mine."