
Stay With Me Quotes

Stay With Me by J. Lynn

Stay With Me Quotes
"Life is way too damn short to live any other way. And I want to get to know you better."
"You’re good to the core. Always have been, no matter what shit Mona put you through, even before the fire."
"I will not kill her. I will not kill her."
"You’re not from around here," he announced.
"It’s not a party until Ollie breaks out the turtle," said Jase.
"But I’d prefer not to eat in my truck while driving. You cool with that?"
"You got attitude. You really do. I kind of like that."
"Who in the fuck do you think you are to tell me what to do?"
"Sometimes we have problems with checks due to the amount or a typo in entering the account number."
"You pinky swear and listen to old-school music? I like you."
"Why are you here, Calla? Seriously? There’s nothing here for you."
"Whoa. His words slipped through me like a sheet of ice."
"She tanked my credit, and I’m not even sure I’ll qualify for any student loan now."
"I can’t stay in the dorms because I couldn’t enroll in summer classes."
"Plan B. I need to get a job and make as much money as I can this summer."
"You’re a lot of things, a lot of beautiful things rolled up into one."
"Tequila is like a long-lost, not so annoying friend."
"We’re going to have to wait and not do it here."
"The best things in life are rarely good ideas."
I thought maybe if I’d been home, I could’ve stopped her," he replied. "Hell, a part of me still thinks that.
"You know what I want? I want to see you get sweeter."
"Everyone has secrets, babe. Not one person is always a hundred percent honest in every single situation."
"We were outside a small village—a village that looked like any number of them we scouted in the past, but it was different. Turned out to be heavily armed, and not all of them were a part of the cause. There was a roadside bomb."
"Sometimes it was fun. I was a little girl and I liked dressing up. I felt like a fairy princess."
"I’m going to be the first to give you one."
"I wanted to tell her what was going on because I had a feeling I really didn’t know what was going on."
"Virgin twenty-one-year-olds are kind of like Big Foot."
"I was beginning to think sharing was a bad idea."
"Dermablend was no joke—a heavy makeup used for maximum coverage."
"The scar on my face is nothing compared to the rest of me. It’s pretty bad. For real."
"I glanced at his buddy, and was unsure of what to say."
"I was tired, mentally and physically, and all I wanted to do was crawl into a bed, tug a blanket up over my head, and say good night."
"It’s not something you ever get used to."
"I’ve never, ever look at that kitchen counter the same again."
"I have no idea how to wrap my head around that epiphany. Not at all."
"I was sated and made up of nothing but air."
"Damn shame what these druggies are doing to this town. This used to be a good town, a good place."
"Sorry about that. We usually don’t have those kinds of problems."
"I’m totally okay. But thanks for checking on me."
"I’m gonna yippie-ki-yay that bitch out of this bar one of these days. Mark my words, hand to God, and all that jazz."
"You and I would be cuttin' up that floor."
"Whenever you want to dance, you let me know."
"I doubt you did the kind of dancing I do."
"I flashed my goods from time to time, but it’s more classy than your average shoving your vajaja in unsuspecting faces."
"I’ve got to believe he’ll get through this."
"I could've lost you. Fuck, I could've really lost you."
"You’re sitting here on my couch and there’s nothing I could do that will outdo that."
"I gotta tell you that I love you, Calla."
"I had no idea she was going to show up tonight. She hasn’t been to my house in—"
"I never said you had to deal with it, Calla."
"I never want you to be embarrassed over me or anything I do."
"You’re not in their ballpark, because I’m not playing any bullshit games with you."
"I’m only going to say this once. I’ve been with enough people that I know the difference."
"My babies are gone, Calla. Kevin and Tommy, they—"
"My entire life has been turned upside down. Again."
"The house is yours. Sell it. You’ll get at least a hundred grand for it."
"I love you, baby. I’ve always loved you. I always will."
"You and I both know I wouldn’t deserve it."
"I’m not the pot and I’m not the kettle."
"You’re a dork." "Yeah. I am, but you love me."