
Wolf Brother Quotes

Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver

Wolf Brother Quotes
"Torak woke with a jolt from a sleep he’d never meant to have."
"Only yesterday – yesterday - they’d pitched camp in the blue autumn dusk."
"Suddenly death was upon them. A frenzy of claws. A welter of sound to make the ears bleed."
"Torak couldn’t see beyond the firelight, but he knew that the clearing, too, was a wreck of snapped saplings and trampled bracken."
"His wound was so deep that as Torak clumsily stanched it with beard-moss, he saw his father’s guts glistening in the firelight."
"‘Torak ... ‘ he breathed. His hand reached out, his hot fingers clinging to Torak’s as eagerly as a child."
"‘In one moon -it will be too late. The demon -too strong.’"
"Torak stared at him. He opened his mouth but no sound came."
"‘It lives only to kill,’ he said at last. ‘With each kill -its power will grow.’"
"The darkness was absolute. Everywhere he looked the shadows were bear-shaped."
"‘Run! Run! Run!’ his father’s voice echoed in his head."
"He tried to keep his panicky thoughts from skittering away, but his mind had gone white."
"‘I can’t do this on my own. Shouldn’t I try to find-’"
"For the first time in his life he was truly alone."
"‘Listen to me,’ hissed his father. ‘A bear -any bear -is the strongest hunter in the Forest.’"
"‘The Listener,’ quoted Fin-Kedinn, ‘Gives his heart’s blood to the Mountain. And the Shadow is crushed.’"
"He was furious with himself. Look behind you, his father had said. He hadn’t, and now he was paying for it - and so was Wolf."
"The only sounds were the trees whispering in the night breeze, and the rasp of Wolf’s tongue as he licked the rawhide."
"The pain in his legs wrenched him back to the present."
"The squirming cubs. The rich, fatty milk…"
"His fingers found only a willow-branch mat: smooth and useless."
"His spirits sank. He’d need a lot of luck to manage all that."
"His feet were freezing. He had to get out of the river or he’d be too numb to run."
"He was languid and frozen past feeling."
"They see you, but you don’t see them. Not till it’s too late."
"The Forest had everything you could ever want."
"The raw power of the Nanuak, but with no clan feeling to tame it; just the rage that something’s been taken from you."
"A nightmare glimpse of dark fur flickering in an unfelt wind."
"The yew tree with a scattering of berries beneath. No bear."
"The most important quality in a hunter is to be a listener."
"The bear killed my father. That’s what it was made to do."
"The Listener fights with air and speaks with silence."
"You can run or you can fight. There’s always a choice."
"If you survive, it won’t be the end... the Soul-Eaters will come after you."
"You follow the trail. Somewhere, at the end of the ravine, lies the Mountain."
"But I swore to my father that I’d find the Mountain. I swore an oath."
"I don’t want to risk my souls getting separated. I don’t want to risk becoming a demon."