
The Executioner Quotes

The Executioner by Chris Carter

The Executioner Quotes
"Ironic how the only certainty in life is death, don’t you think?"
"It doesn’t matter how you’ve lived your life, what matters is how we die."
"Some people die very slowly. The pain of death can drag on for hours...days...weeks."
"Words like 'day off, pay rise, holiday, and vacation' don’t apply to us."
"The distance between them – the shapes – it's all too symmetric, almost calculated."
"Forgive me, father, for I'll rip your head off."
"I’d have to agree with that statement. I trust his judgment."
"I’ll always stand by my detectives. So don’t even think about starting with that Miami-Vice, I don’t give a crap bullshit attitude. It doesn’t bother me pissing politicians off. What bothers me is not having the trust of the people I work with."
"The truth is that we don’t know yet and it’s irresponsible to make assumptions this early."
"It takes a certain kind of person to be able to kill someone the way Father Fabian was killed."
"We have only one victim so far, and that gives us nothing to establish a consistent pattern."
"The bloodstains and splatters were exactly where he wanted them to be. It was a controlled and planned mess."
"Depending on how terrified a victim is, it’s not uncommon for the brain to simply shut down. No motor stimuli get sent anywhere."
"Despite the gloomy week, Amanda was feeling lucky."
"We’re humans and as such we have our moments of weakness, our uncertainties. It’s not uncommon for those of us who choose a life of servitude to God to question that decision every now and then."
"In years gone by, a great number of people who were misunderstood were arrested and tortured before being sentenced to death."
"Without being insolent, detective, I think that maybe you’re going down the wrong path."
"I believe that this has been an aggression against the Catholic Church. Someone who wants to hurt the Church as a whole, not an individual priest."
"And something tells me he will kill again. Maybe he already has."
"The chair didn’t budge. It was either too heavy or it had been nailed to the floor."
"Some say Los Angeles Union Station is America’s last great railway station."
"Los Angeles has one of the liveliest and most exciting nightlifes in the world."
"It’s very late and I can’t sleep. I woke up from the dream maybe an hour ago, and this time it felt more real than ever."
"You can help the pain go away. You can get me my pills. You know where they are, don’t you?"
"Malibu is famous for its warm sandy beaches and for being the home of countless movie stars and celebrities. A place reserved for the rich and mega-rich."
"The sort of smell that could make you sick if you were exposed to it for long enough."
"It was a rich, sterile room, full of money and devoid of character – the kind of elegant space in which it was hard to believe people actually lived."
"She was brought here on Saturday evening, tied to this chair and left in front of a blazing fire. She died long ago, but the fire was never turned off."
"Hunter felt a sting in his eyes. He wasn’t sure if it’d been caused by the nauseating and repulsive smell, or by what lay before him."
"The smell of burned human flesh is quite different from that of other animals because of our diet."
"Hunter’s stare quickly moved from the dead woman to Brindle. ‘The killer... cooked her?’"
"It was like her melted face and burned body were hiding behind my eyelids. I couldn’t close them."
"The killer knew that by Monday he had to be out of that house. He knew exactly how long he had to torture her, and I bet he used every second of it."
"The killer didn’t stop cooking her after she died, Robert. This was more than torturing a victim. This was a demonstration of his resolve."
"This is a world where someone enters a church during confession time and decapitates a priest. This is a world where someone ties an innocent woman to a chair and tortures her in front of a large fire until she’s dead."
"Maybe the LA Times could publish a request to all violent murderers out there, asking them to take a few years’ break so we can catch up."
"Detective Hunter brings us the advantage of also being a forensic psychologist."
"In this department, we don’t have a best or a worst detective. We all work just as hard and we all do our job to the best of our abilities."
"I knew I could never be like Mandy, so it didn’t really bother me."
"She was very pretty, very ambitious and very good at what she did."
"Truthfully, I was happy that she became my friend."
"I’m no Miss America and this isn’t something of late. I’ve always looked like this."
"No one’s ever happy for you if you’re doing well, unless they own the company and you’re bringing them money."
"People made fun of me all the time because I was fat and not very pretty."
"You’d have to be a monster to burn someone alive."
"This city has changed so much. I don’t think I understand it anymore."
"She was superstitious like that. She thought it was unlucky."
"We all work just as hard and we all do our job to the best of our abilities."
"I’m not asking for charity, miss. I have money."
"It’s hard to believe that a place that’d brought me the happiest days of my life housed such a monstrous act."
"Surviving the woman you love— I guess it’s something you have to live through to really understand."
"She said she had a good feeling about this guy."
"The press had already nicknamed the killer the Slasher."
"Such an organized killer wouldn’t change his plan halfway down the line."
"Maybe they’re still missing, locked inside a car trunk somewhere or in a ditch up in the mountains."
"The killer couldn’t go back to the bodies. That’s why he used the photos."
"He’s right. On a body this would’ve looked like a simple splash of blood."
"The killer doesn’t carve the numbers onto the victims; he uses blood to draw them."
"She’s seventeen. If she wanted to get in touch with her father, she would’ve done it herself."
"We’re dealing with a very different type of serial killer."
"The killer uses the blood of the previous victim to number his next one."
"Without the numbering, not even Sherlock Holmes would’ve been able to attribute these two victims to the same killer."
"I said, Welcome to your fear, Mandy... I know what scares you to death."
"Even without him saying so, she knew the question he’d just asked was much more than simple curiosity."
"She made me promise not to tell her parents – ever. We talked a few times after that, but she was very shy. Very hard to be friends with."
"Somehow Martha knew it before it happened, Carlos. A whole day before it happened. I don’t know if she dreamed it or saw it in a vision or what. The fact is, she couldn’t have guessed it. No one could."
"If they really could see the future, they’d all be living in Vegas making a killing at the casinos."
"Most crime scenes, if you know how to read them, are like witnesses, revealing secrets about the victim, the perpetrator and what really happened."
"Nothing in this world is free. At least not the good things."
"But we can help this girl. That’s all I’m asking."
"I loved reading so much that it seemed only natural."
"Every new syringe filled with blood was stabbed into the victim's body as opposed to inserted."
"The killer always goes after the victim's fear."
"Yesterday's front page could easily become today's old news."
"A tied-down victim wouldn’t be able to move, but he’d certainly be able to wiggle his body about."
"A paralyzing agent that would’ve kept the subject conscious?"
"She had to watch her worst nightmare slowly becoming a reality."
"James used to have this little white dog... Its head was missing."
"You look old enough to me," the receptionist said, flashing Hunter a new smile followed by a discreet wink, which made Garcia almost choke.
"You don’t have to be a teenager to enroll in university."
"Nighttime was always harder. For some reason the images came stronger then – more real, more painful."
"The worst they could come up with were two unpaid parking tickets."
"We’re supposed to be used to it, and it still turns our stomachs inside out."
"This story goes way deeper. And I think it goes murder deep."
"With all due respect, captain, fuck protocol. I’m not putting a set of bullshit, bureaucratic rules over anyone’s life."
"The air was saturated with a gagging, fusty smell. But there was something else in that basement room Hunter couldn’t identify. Something that made his skin crawl. Something very evil."
"Put your gun down nice and slowly or I'll scatter your partner's brain all over the floor."
"Do you have any idea what being laughed at and treated like a worthless piece of shit every goddamn day feels like?"
"She was the sweetest and the prettiest girl I’d ever seen and I’d do anything for her."
"I’m brilliant with numbers, better than anyone you’ve ever seen."
"We started a new life in Colorado. A few years later we flew to Rio for our operations."
"They started calling her 'Baby Killer' and making jokes of how ugly the baby would be because she was the mother."
"We tried for years to start a family, but Kate just couldn’t get pregnant."
"The psychological damage they did to Kate when she was young had been such that even after all those years it took only his voice and a few seconds to rip her apart."
"I swore I’d find them all and I’d make them pay."
"Seeing the fear in their eyes as they recognized Kate’s picture, as they realized they were about to die their worst imaginable death, filled me with a mind-boggling pleasure."
"Your task was to understand your daughter. To help her control and comprehend the gift she’d been given."
"She’s got the devil inside her, that’s why she sees things – demoniac things."
"She cursed her mother. She told her she would die."
"Your task was to see beyond the masquerade. To overcome your own prejudice and find good in what you thought was evil."