
The Debutante Divorcee Quotes

The Debutante Divorcee by Plum Sykes

The Debutante Divorcee Quotes
"Married girls in New York these days put almost as much effort into losing husbands as they once did into finding them."
"A sexually scandalous vacation is the newfound, but nevertheless inalienable, privilege of the debutante divorcées."
"I met Lauren Blount on the beach on Labor Day. You know how it is in Careyes. You’re best friends in five minutes flat because you’re both wearing Pucci bikinis."
"The day of my divorce was sort of glamorous, actually."
"The social demographics of Careyes, Mexico, are such that there is no place better suited to the exotic pleasures of the Divorce Honeymoon."
"I gave up the Eternity dream at age eight. You are so cute."
"Professional Friends are the newest kind of acquaintance to have in New York—subconsciously, that is."
"Her exquisite legs, which drew so much envy among her set, 'reflect years of private ballet instruction,' she always said."
"The rumor is that the Hamill Blounts own more art than the Guggenheims, more real estate than McDonald’s."
You’ve got everything to worry about," shrieked Tinsley. "I’m more afraid of Sophia than I am of Saudi Arabia withholding oil, I swear.
"I think about you all the time. I keep thinking Paris isn’t really Paris without my beautiful wife beside me."
"Marriage comes with an awful lot of non-sexy, non-romantic projects. Like Drano shopping."
"I remember calling Louis thinking he was in New York, and there he was, in Rio with this fifteen-year-old model!"
"Why is this the only question anyone ever asks you once you are married? What are you supposed to say?"
"Never trust a man who’s always on a business trip. Men do not work that hard."
"You could persuade a man to give you his entire portfolio just by blinking at him."
"That’s odd. I was here all weekend. I couldn’t call when I wanted to because…I had endless business…meetings and then with the time difference…"
"I hate to admit it, but my heart sank when I realized I was on line behind Phoebe Calder."
"You are not going to believe what happened to me last night," said Lauren, looking at me.
Marci, darling, we should stay here," I said. "It’s really cold out. Why don’t I make us some rose-hip tea?
"The truth is, domestically speaking, being married is more like being in one of those suburban sitcoms like Everybody Loves Raymond."
"So, listen, I have some very unfortunate news about Marci," declared Tinsley.
"Never trust a man who’s always on a business trip."
"The amount a girl is allowed to talk decreases in exact inverse proportion to the amount of dollars or euros her boyfriend has."
"You’d never know the whole thing’s a total fake, put up about five years ago."
"The only thing to recommend it is that it’s the one airline that still takes bribes."
"Phoebe has more friends-slash-business-associates than the president of the United States."
"You can take the girl out of Bridgehampton, but you can’t take the Bridgehampton polo out of the girl."
"Polo kit is designed with one purpose in mind—to make its wearer look like a total hottie."
"That’s why Russian billionaires are always accompanied by exceptionally beautiful women who chat about as much as Holly Hunter did in The Piano."
"There’s nothing like a Christmas card depicting blissful family life to drive a stake straight through the heart of even the merriest divorcée."
"There's nothing better, you know, than being a former Debutante Divorcée."
"Being married is a million times sexier than being divorced. It's the intimacy."
"A wind-burned Italian captain, Antonino, greeted us. He was dressed in tan Bermuda shorts, an immaculate white polo shirt, and tortoiseshell sunglasses. He matched the boat exactly."
"I’ve done something terrible," he said. "I’m so sorry."
"I never want to hear another thing about that wretched girl."
"It’s a shame they don’t tell you this stuff before you’re dead," said Alixe. "It’s such good advice."
"I’d rather be the leaver than the leavee."
"I thought you might need moral support," she said.
"Sophia likes nothing more than planting a story about herself in a gossip column."