
The Paradise Snare Quotes

The Paradise Snare by A.C. Crispin

The Paradise Snare Quotes
"Garris Shrike was an expert shot and had spent his early years as a professional bounty hunter."
"One of his fellow players, a hulking Elomin suddenly turned his tusked head to glance behind him."
"Shrike insisted on 'proper' protocol and chain of command, especially as it applied to himself."
"The Solo kid, he said. He’s the only one cocky enough to try something like this."
"Experimentally, he swung the blaster up to eye level and awkwardly closed one brown eye as he sighted along the barrel."
"Getting off this ship and away from Shrike is worth a little risk."
"Han couldn’t speak Wookiee—trying to reproduce the growls, barks, roars, and rumbling grunts made his throat sore."
"You worry too much, Dewlanna. Of course, I’ve got it all planned."
"I’m a patient, tolerant man … as the galaxy knows, but even I have my limits."
"But if it comforted her to believe in it during her dying moments, Han wasn’t going to argue with her."
"I’m going to Ylesia, and I’m going to become the best pilot in the sector."
"Han Solo took a long, deep breath of canned spacesuit air. 'Thank you, Dewlanna,' he whispered."
"Anyone who wasn’t didn’t last for months on the streets, the way he had."
"The thought made Han’s mouth curl up in a predatory smile."
"Good pilots couldn’t afford to let their emotions get in the way, or they’d wind up dead and that would end their trip real quick, wouldn’t it?"
"I’m Han Solo, and I didn’t need aliens invading my mind or my body to make me feel good."
"Every night, the One conferred blessing upon her, through the priests. Exultation was the way the All communicated with the pilgrims."
"Life now had meaning. Now she was Exulted. Every night, the One conferred blessing upon her, through the priests."
"I’m afraid you’re much too much of an unbeliever, Pilot."
"I’ll bet that I could almost pass the exams to get into the Imperial Academy now. A few more months practice, and I’ll really be set."
"I couldn’t just stand there and watch him blast you."
"You don’t deserve for this to happen, and all I can say is, I’m sorry."
"I owe you my life, but that doesn’t mean I have to like you."
"To have a good memory is to be both blessed and cursed."
"I’m not looking for trouble, but I’m not running from it either."
"We’re a team, remember? We look out for each other."
"I’ve never had a partner before, but why not?"
"No friend, no lover… nobody is worth this kind of pain."
"Freedom is worth more than any treasure or comfort."
"You don’t get to choose your family, but you can choose your friends."
"I’m not a hero, I’m just trying to do the right thing."
"Life doesn’t give you what you want, it gives you what you work for."
"No, you just wanted it to be self-evident and easily recognized by everyone around you."
"It worked for you a lot, Dad, let's hope all its luck hasn't run out yet."
"Besides, what loyal son of Corellia ever had any use for odds?"
"Easy, Whistler, get me my shields back first. Hurry."
"He’s been at this a bit longer than I have, so it is not a surprise he got me."
"The surprise was that he took so long to get us, really."
"Good flying, all of you. Congratulations on winning the scenario."
"Today we’re all pilots, we’re all on the same side."
"The man who beat the Redemption scenario is about to make good on all those dinner and drink promises he made."
"The closer he looked, the more evidence he found of attempts to preserve her from the ravages of time and of spaceflight."
"He imagined her origins and the adventures she had been through."
"He would get the Hutts to buy her for him, or pirate her if he had to."
"Not once did it occur to him that he would win her from Lando."
"Designed with help from Narro Sienar, the freighter was marketed as an inexpensive and easily modified alternative."
"The ship was selling so quickly that production couldn’t keep pace with demand."
"The enlivened YT jinked to port, then starboard, leapt out of line, then dived below it."
"Even that far back it was easy to envy Lando all he already possessed."
"After all the years of servitude and wandering, of close calls and failed partnerships, in and out of love, in and out of the Academy."
"Perhaps he saw the ship as a chance for permanence."
"Piloting the modified SoroSuub he and Chewie leased from Lando had only added to his longing for the ship."
"It struck him that he was so accepting of her from the start, he had never asked Lando how or when she had acquired the name Millennium Falcon."