
The Schopenhauer Cure Quotes

The Schopenhauer Cure by Irvin D. Yalom

The Schopenhauer Cure Quotes
"Where I am, death is not and where death is, I am not. Hence why fear death?"
"As time went by, it became painful to meet with you, painful to keep on exploring our relationship as though it were real or enduring or anything other than what it truly was: a purchase of service."
"You have e-mail," greeted him, and, to his astonishment, there was a message from Philip.
"I shall be in all those who have ever, do ever, or ever shall say 'I'--especially, however, in all those who say it most fully, potently, and gladly!"
"I love you all, you blessed, and soon, soon, I shall cease to be cut off from you by all the narrow bonds of myself; soon that in me which loves you will be free and be in and with you--in and with you all."
"The more one loves, the more that one responds to children, to everyone, in a loving manner."
"If anything is to be honored and blessed, it should simply be this--the priceless gift of sheer existence."
"Why squander all that love on a phantasm when there seems too little love to go around on Earth as it is?"
"Life is just one goddamned loss after another."
"I'm mostly upset at what this means for you."
"I want to deal with it openly...willing to discuss everything."
"He who would be everything cannot be anything."
"The trouble with a kitten is that eventually it becomes a cat."
"I'm thinking of what Philip said to Gill last week."
"The group's healing ambience...like dermatological treatments of severe skin lesions."
"I don't see how he could have withheld that from us."
"You get used to everything, even mortal illness."
"I've gotten used to my new reality. I don't like it, but life as a healthy carefree person--well, that life is definitely coming to an end."
"I'm all for it. And I also know that Schopenhauer has served you well in many ways."
"Every time I've tried to befriend someone, I've had the same experience."
"To avoid attachments because of anticipated suffering is a sure recipe for being only partially alive."
"What I'm wondering is whether you feel like you failed with her."
"I know what it means to live a life repugnant to one's soul; and if it is possible, I will spare you, my dear son, this misery."
"Only the delight in doing it gives it its charm."
"I will prove it to you as long as I live. It is necessary for my happiness to know you are happy but not to be a witness to it."
"I think it wisest to tell you straight out what I desire and what I feel about matters so we understand one another from the outset."
"You are at home in your lodgings, in mine you are a guest."
"Every day you will come at one o'clock and stay until three, then I shall not see you again all day long, except on my salon days."
"I've decided to be resolute. This is unfair to you, and I've got to take some of the pressure off."
"I couldn't bear it to know that you are unhappy, especially if I had to blame myself for having let this great misfortune happen to you."
"The welfare of your life is at stake, as well as the happiness of my old days; because only you and Adele can hopefully replace my lost youth."
"You see, dear Arthur, that I dearly love you, and that I want to help you in everything."
"The strength of Arthur's filial devotion remains puzzling, given Heinrich's lack of any overt affection toward his son."
"Arthur also inherited his father's deep sense of integrity, which played a decisive role in the dilemma that confronted him following his father's death."
"I continued to hold my position with my merchant patron, partly because my excessive grief had broken the energy of my spirit."
"The instrument of delivery was a fateful letter she wrote to Arthur in April 1807, two years after his father's suicide."
"I find that a panorama from a high mountain enormously contributes to the broadening of concepts.... all small objects disappear and only what is big retains its shape."
"Be sure your objective judgments are not for the most part concealed subjective ones."
"Every time I went out among men I came back less human."
"The happiest of men are those who seek for nothing so much as solitude."
"To need no person is never to be lonely. Blessed isolation is what I seek."
"Love is in the one who loves not in the one who is loved."
"Death as the impossibility of further possibility."
"The man of internal wealth wants nothing from the outside except the negative gift of undisturbed leisure which permits him to enjoy his wealth."
"My intellect belonged not to me but to the world."
"How much he has achieved and in what discipline, you will readily judge for yourself if, out of friendship for me, you will give him a moment of your time."
"We discussed a good many things in agreement; eventually, however, a certain separation proved unavoidable."
"Men of talent hit a target no one else can hit; men of genius hit a target no one else can see."
"After your death you will be what you were before your birth."
"It is better not to speak at all than to engage in conversation as sterile and dull as is the ordinary conversation with bipeds."
"Almost every contact with men is a contamination, a defilement."
"Giving way neither to love nor to hate is one half of world wisdom: to say nothing and believe nothing, the other half."
"The only way to attain superiority in dealing with men is to let it be seen you are independent of them."
"To forget at any time the bad traits of a man's character is like throwing away hard-earned money."
"Don't pay so much attention to details on shore that you'll miss the boat's sailing."
"The main thing was to enhance the treasure for which mental development and complete independence are the primary conditions."
"The only contract any of us have is to do our best to explore our relationship with everyone in the group."
"The group is not life; it's a dress rehearsal for life."
"Therapy begins when blame ends and responsibility emerges."
"It's one thing to forgive someone for an offense to someone else—quite another thing when you're the victim."
"I've apologized publicly for not consulting with him about the confession. I was guilty there of extreme thoughtlessness."
"A happy life is impossible; the best that a man can attain is a heroic life."
"To live alone is the fate of all great souls."
"Every breath we draw wards off the death that constantly impinges upon us."
"The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom."
"We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves to be like other people."
"Happiness is an illusion, the absence of pain."
"The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness."
"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see."
"A man can do what he wants, but not want what he wants."
"Life is a business that does not cover the costs."
"The person who writes for fools is always sure of a large audience."
"The more one ploughs and digs the earth the more it gives back."
"Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal."
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."