
Taran Wanderer Quotes

Taran Wanderer by Lloyd Alexander

Taran Wanderer Quotes
"I've seen you restless as a wolf on a tether ever since you came back from the Isle of Mona."
"Trouble Dallben with none of your questions. His thoughts are on deeper matter."
"I can bide my time no longer. It is in my heart to speak with him now."
"I never cease to wonder that the young, with all their pride of strength, should find their own concerns such a weighty burden they must be shared with the old."
"If there is honor--- yes, let me share it. If there is shame, let me face it."
"It takes as much strength of heart to share the one as to face the other."
"You shall know all you seek to know, directly we've settled another matter: the price to be paid."
"Begone! Out of my sight--- your nag, your monster, and his pony along with you!"
"I think he'd make a miser seem a prodigal in comparison."
"Indeed, is a man truly what he sees himself to be?"
"The further from the deed, the greater it grows, and the most glorious battle is the one longest past."
"A king's strength lies in the will of those he rules."
"If there's too great a difference between his own opinion and the facts, then I should say that such a man had no more substance to him than Goryon's giants."
"Do you yearn for parents? No less do I yearn for a son."
"A proud folk they are, and a stiff-necked breed."
"Great Belin, you have them there! Goryon divides and Gast chooses! It takes two thieves to strike an honest bargain!"
"What matters in the Free Commots is the skill in a man's hands, not the blood in his veins."
"If you hadn't told me, I'd never have guessed."
"A weak lord who craves a strong war band, or three wayfarers who need protection against the dangers of their journey."
"As a caged eagle, as a blind worm--- could I indeed have stayed myself?"
"It's a precious gift, too precious to waste."
"Without a farewell? Without a word of thanks?"
"Their feelings are tender. I fear you've deeply wounded them."
"How then! will you go your way without settling the small matter between us?"
"I give it up. My quest has brought only grief to all of you. And for me, it's led me not to honor but to shame."
"I am not proud of myself. I may never be again. If I do find pride, I'll not find it in what I was or what I am, but what I may become."
"My best? At first I thought to leave Craddoc on the ledge."
"I was ashamed to be base-born, so ashamed it sickened me. I would have left Craddoc to his death."
"I saved the signal to use in a worthy cause, and when I found one it was wasted."
"No more than that? As a name, my friend, it's cropped a little short."
"Taran Wanderer? So be it, if that suits you."
"My flock?" Llonio answered, laughing. "I had none until this moment! Though we've been hoping and waiting and the children have been talking of little else. A lucky wind it was that brought you to us."
"If I hadn't, would you be offering me a fine flock in the first place; and in the second, would I have the place to keep them? Is that not so?"
"Everything else does! Now honor us by stopping here a while. Our fare can't match our thanks, but we'll feast you as best we can."
"An egg it is! The finest the brown hen's given us! Look at the size! The shape! Smooth as glass and not a crack on it. We'll feast well on this, my friends."
"Life's a matter of luck. Trust it, and a man's bound to find what he seeks, one day or the next."
"If I fret over tomorrow, I'll have little joy today."
"My holding is small; I work it as best as I can. For the rest--- why, look you, if I know one thing, it's this: Life's a matter of luck."
"You need only sharpen your eyes to see your luck when it comes, and sharpen your wits to use what falls into your hands."
"Life's a forge! Face the pounding; don't fear the proving; and you'll stand well against any hammer and anvil!"
"Life a forge? A loom, rather, where lives and days intertwine; and wise he is who can learn to see the pattern."
"But if life is a loom, the pattern you weave is not so easily unraveled."