
Dragon Spear Quotes

Dragon Spear by Jessica Day George

Dragon Spear Quotes
"How hot does sand have to get before it melts?"
"You’ll be fine," I told him, leaning against his shoulder.
"There really was no way around it: my aunt was dumber than two turnips in a rain barrel."
"We going to live in palace, we going to live in palace," she sang.
"You shouldn’t have got up," I told her. "You’re going to have a busy day."
"This really is just a big rock," Hagen said.
"You have picked your own gift out of the lot," she told me.
"I’m sure he was sitting on one of the cliff ledges, eating or reading and ignoring the goats," Shardas said.
"It seems that you’re doing very well here, sir," Luka said as he and I climbed among the vines.
"We are the chosen people. We followed the true queen."
"What right have you to steal the queen? What right have you to lock her away? She is your queen, too!"
"I thought you were going to negotiate the peace."
"We will rescue her and the eggs. We will."
"We cannot move her now. She, and the eggs, will have to stay here."
"I was only an innocent girl, lost in a big forest."
"I will see to it, personally, that you do not encounter such difficulties as Velika and I have faced."
"To my shame, my sense of self-preservation kicked in, and I leaped backwards to crouch among the eggs, sure that they would not risk harm to them."
"Velika’s wing was like a roof of iron over my head, and the eggs hemmed me in on every side. I could only watch and curse."
"You will leave. Now. And never come within my sight again." Shardas’s voice was hard.
"We’re not leaving any of the eggs here," I said resolutely.
"As you all know," I began, "I am a friend of Queen Velika Azure-Wing, and I am authorised to speak for her today."
"If Velika had come into line, she would have been brought here," Darrym said arrogantly.
"He is… great, Noble One. Powerful, strong, and… good."
"He loves the queen very much." And if a dragon could have blushed, the nameless young dragon did.
"Our queens’ mates were always chosen for them, and they had no status among us."
"A queen is not kept in a hole in the ground, forced to do your will. The queen of the dragons needs to be free to go to all her people who need her."
"I spend a lot of time hanging too far off the ground," I commented, trying to sound brash but coming out high-pitched. "I should stop that."
"It’s like… like…" Words failed me, and I closed my mouth with a click of teeth.
"I’ll do it," I said, stopping Shardas in his tracks.
"I don’t think I can do this." I tried to step back.
"It’s for a net," I said. "We’re going to pad it with blankets to carry the eggs in."
"I’ll sneak out tonight, find the others, and send them to talk to the locals. Maybe some of the humans will join our cause as well. They can’t enjoy being cowed this way."
"I’ll get you another one, a better one," Luka said gruffly.
"It will have to do, until we get up to the surface at least," Luka said, looking at the lava river with anxiety.
"No, I will not have it," Mannyl said. "I will not have it!"
Well, I can see two more dragons coming right now," she said. "So it shouldn’t be long.
"My mate is bringing the other guests," he said. "They should be here shortly."
"I don’t believe it!" While they grinned with pride, I put both hands to my cheeks, and felt tears start in my eyes.
"We have a lot to do," Marta said briskly.
"It’s better than the one I had –" I was cut off in midsentence by the sound of roaring.
"The hatching!" Feniul stopped roaring long enough to say the words with an explosion of joy.
"You look radiant," Isla told me as I slid down off my horse in the courtyard of the New Palace.
"I’m fine," I said. "I just have to fix this."
"It’s a good thing you saved me from those bandits all those years ago," I told him.
"I wonder how soon you’ll be needed in Moralien," I mused. "I would like to have our firstborn in the Far Isles . . ."