
The Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie Quotes

The Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie by Alan Bradley

The Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie Quotes
"It was all Ophelia's fault. She was, after all, seventeen, and therefore expected to possess at least a modicum of the maturity she should come into as an adult."
"Retribution was not long in coming, but then with Ophelia, it never was."
"I adjusted the flame on a spirit lamp that was heating a beaker of red liquid."
"I'm sick and tired of being blamed for everything, Feely."
"It's an experiment. Careful, Feely, it's acid!"
"He made both of us swear never to tell. Or at least until you were eleven."
"I leapt up from the table and fled the room in tears."
"As with all great schemes, it was a simple one."
"I looked up slowly from my work so that the round lenses of my spectacles would flash blank white semaphores of light at her."
"We've had rather an early start this morning. Do you think you could manage to rustle something up?"
"It isn't you, it isn't me, and it isn't Feely."
"I wish I could say I was afraid, but I wasn't."
"I didn't know his name. I've never seen him before in my life."
"Did you find what you were looking for, dearie?"
"They pretended great interest in his little stamp collection, and feigned an even greater interest in the collection of Dr. Kissing."
"One of the boys set it alight. He meant it to be a joke."
"It's so long ago," she said. "So very long ago. I really don't care to remember."
"I was me. I was Flavia. And I loved myself, even if no one else did."
"Not so much saturated as drenched," I corrected him.
"I pray that he is, at this very moment, being basted in hell."
"There are questions which need to be asked, and there are questions which need not to be asked."
"The Weird Sisters were still going at it in the drawing room, their voices rising and falling between notes of anger and grief."
"Realizing this was an opportunity that would never come again, I began my search."
"Something about it, though, had upset Father, and it seemed logical that as soon as he had gone to his room on Friday, he would have put a match to it at once."
"Mediocrity, I discovered, was the great camouflage; the great protective coloring."
"The entire study, of course, would be at the very top of the list of too-obvious hiding places."
"I realized with a pang that I loved him and hated him for it at the same time."
"Everything is a source of fun. Nobody's safe, for we care for none! Life is a joke that's just begun!"
"I've known that de Luces and custard don't mix since Miss Harriet was alive."
"Chemistry," I said in less than half a heartbeat.
"Everything is always a muddle just before it settles in."
"Sodium nitrite," he said. "Doubtless you are acquainted with sodium nitrite."
"Given time, twenty or thirty minutes perhaps, it clears."
"I should think that the best person to decide that is the stamp's owner, wouldn't you agree?"
"Being kidnapped is never quite the way you imagine it will be."
"Unless some sweetness at the bottom lie, Who cares for all the crinkling of the pie?"
"Don't let your imagination run away with you."
"If ever I managed to find my way out of this infernal fix, I vowed that, at the earliest opportunity, I would take him on a private picnic."
"I was alone with a madman in my own personal Calcutta."
"It was almost too easy: He squatted and grabbed the torch from where it had fallen, then reached out towards the stairs."
"I was so long in darkness that even the light of a single match would have been excruciating."
"You lied to me," he repeated more loudly, and this time I could hear the strain in his voice.
"I'm going to take the handkerchief out of your mouth, but first let me show you something."
"Keep a cool head. Pemberton will soon be arriving at Buckshaw."
"We followed him, you see. Dogger knew that you hadn't come home, and when he spotted someone prowling around the house."
"All it needed was a source of ignition to set it off and the resulting explosion would be talked about for years."
"It was Dogger who thought of using the tractor battery to get the Royce started up. Be sure to compliment him."
"I wanted rather to say just the right thing: brave words that would be talked about in Bishop's Lacey for years to come."
"Extraordinary!" he said. "Simply extraordinary!"
"It's tea," I said. "Assam from Fortnum and Mason. I hope you don't mind it being warmed-over."
"You have your very own symbol," he said. "Well, it's time I was getting along."
"Being Flavia de Luce was like being a sublimate: like the black crystal residue that is left on the cold glass of a test tube by the violet fumes of iodine."
"No work-in-progress was ever more kindly nurtured than The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie."
"It's a nice bit of brain," I said. "I pinched it from the larder."