
The Candymakers Quotes

The Candymakers by Wendy Mass

The Candymakers Quotes
"The sweet smell of cotton candy wafting into his room worked better than any alarm clock."
"Logan loved the start of a new day, when the air was thick with possibilities."
"With each breath he recounted the things he was grateful for."
"Who could spend time cleaning when there were so many exciting things to do right outside the door?"
"Being able to distinguish between the milk of two different cows was a basic skill for a candymaker."
"You don’t have what it takes to be a candymaker."
"I’ll be sure not to shout out the temperature at which sugar boils."
"The best part… is that the winning candy will be produced and distributed for the whole world to enjoy!"
"A contest is a contest. You never want to get too close to your subject."
"Butterscotch was first created in England two hundred years ago."
"The universe, and everything in it, might not actually exist."
"Over time, I’ve learned to tell the breed of the dog by the appearance of its bowel movements."
"You have been my friend; that in itself is a tremendous thing."
"Humans and chimpanzees share over 98 percent of their DNA; humans and butterflies share at least 25 percent."
"In the afterlife everyone is friends with everyone else."
"You never know what you’ll learn when you open one."
"If you enjoy life while you have it, then it doesn’t matter how long you have it for."
"Sometimes things can be right in front of you and you don’t see them. Then suddenly you do."
"I figure when my number’s up, my number’s up."
"So what brings you back? There isn’t a problem with the honey again, is there?"
"If Logan hadn’t been such a good kid, had such a big heart, it wouldn’t have happened, you know?"
"That music! So powerful! So full of both sorrow and beauty!"
"He couldn’t let anyone see him crying at classical music of all things!"
"I like my plan. I'm sure the girl would, too."
"As long as I send home chocolate, my dad will be okay."
"With Logan at his side, he hadn't paid any attention to the creaks and groans of the factory settling down for the night."
"The moon shining through the glass ceiling provided only a tiny bit of light."
"I'm like a sponge. I absorb everything around me."
Am I crazy to do this?" she whispered. "Yes.
"You really care about this place, don't you?"
"There's something inside him that just erases everything on the outside."
"I feel the closest to the real Daisy here."
"I don’t even know my last name," she whispered.
"I’m afraid my grandmother’s going to figure it out somehow."
"But why didn’t they tell me after all this time?"
"I’m a teenager, right? We’re famous for being moody and lashing out at those closest to us."
Why did you?" "I don’t know," he admitted. "This place has me all mixed up.
"Philip gave his tie a final tug and turned toward his shelves."
"To achieve true greatness, he’d have to plant his feet firmly in the here and now and focus his head on the future."
"The more people dislike you, the more they stay away from you and the more you can get away with."
"He hated the feeling of not being in control."
"His goal had been to get into one of the world’s most prestigious universities, and he’d done it."
"He didn’t expect anyone else to understand what he’d gone through."
"You can’t miss what you don’t remember having in the first place."
"He supposed it was inevitable, though. Reggie had been a constant shadow since the day his mother died."
"It’s nothing personal against the candy factory."
"But if I do win, I could give you all the prize money and whatever money I’d earn on the candy once they start making it."
"You look good when you smile. You should do it more often."
"His stomach growled as he strode past the cafeteria, but he had no time to eat. Although if he got caught doing what he was about to do, he might be eating bread and water for a good long while."
"He always felt exhilarated after playing, but this, this was a whole different thing."
"He wondered briefly what her project was. For a split second, he thought of confiding in her."
"Every hour on the hour, he excused himself and ran to the Cocoa Room, hoping to find it empty."
"He was about to reach for the handle when he thought he heard a sound in the hallway outside."
"His candy harmonica was nowhere near ready."
"You know I can’t stop something once I’ve started it."
"It’s easy to play any musical instrument. All you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself."
"We put a little of ourselves into our chocolate."
"If nothing ever changed, there’d be no such things as butterflies."
"You’re brave because you never stopped being you. And a lot of people would have."
"Some people have scars on the inside, and other people’s are on the outside. It shouldn’t matter."
"It’s not their fault, they’re not trying to be hurtful."
"I’ve never worked so hard on anything before the Harmonicandy project, and now I know I can."
"These last few days with you and Miles and Daisy have been the greatest days of my life."