
Renegades Quotes

Renegades by Marissa Meyer

Renegades Quotes
"Oh, how Nova despised the Renegade Parade."
"Nova shook her head, mildly disappointed in humanity."
"And Ace ... Ace Anarchy was dead. Destroyed in the explosion that leveled half of the cathedral he had made his home."
"Nova swallowed, feeling the knot in her stomach loosen only once the villain float had passed."
"My little nightmare ... He had called her that, too, all those years ago."
"The world became still. Serene. Black and white."
"Society would be better off without them."
"Nova started to squeeze. Something landed on the end of the rifle. Nova lifted her eyes, focusing on the gold-and-black butterfly, its wings opening and closing as it perched on the barrel."
"You Renegades sure ask a lot of questions," she said, white spots flashing in her eyes.
"Darkness engulfed her as she made her way down the stairs."
"The subway system had fallen with the government, back at the start of Ace’s revolution."
"The Renegades still visited them on occasion—raiding the tunnels to ensure they weren’t harboring illegal weaponry or causing trouble."
"Nova wondered how long that would last now, after Winston’s debacle at the parade."
"She shouldn’t have gotten into that balloon. That choice was just one more piece of evidence linking them together."
"All revolutions come with death. Some must die so that others might have life."
"The world needs heroes, but we both know the world would be better off without heroes."
"The Renegades may not have the city under control like they want us to think they do."
"I don’t much care for the ocean. Seeing it always fills me with regret."
"Heroism wasn’t about what you could do, it was about what you did. It was about who you saved when they needed saving."
"Knowledge is power. One of Ace’s favorite phrases, drilled deep into her head over the years. To overthrow the Renegades, they needed knowledge. They needed to know their enemy’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities."
"Rock paper scissors," she said, hauling herself to her feet and brushing off her pants. "Paper beats rock."
"If we started punishing everyone for crimes committed a decade ago, we’d have no one left in this city to defend."
"Every superhero wishes they could fly, right? Well, darling, you’re about to have the pleasure."
"No matter what happens, no matter what you find, nothing is going to bring your mom back. I know you want answers. We all do. But it won’t change the fact that she’s gone."
"It’s not easy, leading the world into a new age," said Hugh.
"Intuition, it’s important to listen to those feelings when you have them. Strong intuition can save lives, especially in our line of work."
"I don’t sleep ever... I don’t sleep... ever."
"She crossed her arms, tapping her fingers against her elbows while the trials went on. Prodigies had come from all corners of the city, some from the far reaches of the world, even, in hopes of being accepted among the elite."
"She wasn’t a Renegade. She was Nightmare. And she did not like to be seen."
"You think you can throw me out a window? I’ve had mutts that were bigger than you!"
"But there was something faintly unnerving about the place. It was too clean, too neat, too perfect. Too full of false promises."
"Today she was a Renegade, so that someday she would be their downfall."
"This was a new taste of power. Not just to be Nightmare, and all the secrecy and anonymity that afforded her. But now, to be Insomnia."
"The weapon pressed into her palm. Could she take one of them out, right now, at this very moment?"
"But he knows... He never tries. To leave."
"This pin was proof that she belonged there."
"Her pulse stammered. She was there. She was inside Renegade Headquarters, mere steps away from two members of the Council, and no one had any idea that she was a threat."
"I’m not really sure what possessed me to do it, other than how I just couldn’t stomach the idea of the Jackals walking away with anything more than they’d already taken."
"I dreamed that I was standing on top of our apartment building and I was breathing in—this long, long breath that went on and on."
"Probably the best thing that ever happened to me, though, right? Just think—if I’d been faster, I might have gotten out of that apartment building just fine, and I’d be stuck with all the other spry, non-prodigy suckers out there."
"I had a dream. I dreamed there were these tiny little squiggly dinosaurs that kept trying to bite my toes and when I woke up, I thought, that’s it. Never again."
"I’ve had a lot of practice," said Adrian, "But enough about me and my extraordinary artwork."
"I’ve bled rubies ever since. They’ll form on new wounds for a little while, but those tend to heal pretty fast."
"We’re trapped in a burning building. What do you think?"
"We didn’t really expect to catch anything on our first night, did we?"
"You’re a Renegade," he said. "Of course I trust you."
"Gravity tugged at her. She stretched, her arm reaching toward the sconce. Inches away... what might have been a mile away..."
"Nova felt her body being crushed against a hard, unforgiving shell, and she was soaring upward again."
"He was holding her. Like she was... precious cargo. Or an innocent bystander. Or... a damsel in distress."
"The weapons might have supplied my livelihood, but those books... those were my life."
"This is why I was bestowed this gift. To preserve all those words, those stories and ideas. To rescue them from extinction."
"Sometimes the weak must be sacrificed so that the strong may flourish."
"What sort of villain did that make her?"
"Her legs were shaking as she pushed herself off the side of the roof and turned around."
"She did not want to move. She didn’t know if she could."
"She was not convinced that his death—and such a horrible, horrible death—could possibly be a good thing."
"It’s going to change prodigy relations forever."
"Sometimes inspiration just strikes, man."
We'll find out," said Nova. "Just give us a few days.
You don’t even like olives," Ruby shot back, nearly falling into his lap as she leaned across him, fork jabbing at the air. "You only got them to taunt me!
"Had they suspected they would be facing the Detonator when they set up their surveillance on the library, Nova guessed the team would have been outfitted with similar handcuffs too, rather than the standard cuffs they’d been given."
"Nova smothered a smile. He made it seem so easy, diffusing the tension."
"You’re the observer. If you have something to say or add, jump in, but otherwise, I want you focused on any signs he might be lying … or telling the truth."
Great skies, Nova," said Adrian. "We’re the good guys, remember?
"But with this simple compromise, Adrian was also valuing the many ways Oscar contributed to the team, even if that contribution was simply Oscar’s talent for the dramatic."
"Nova’s heart thundered. He had been there. He had been there that night. But he had been too late."
"He would have thought that to be leaving that room with her secret still intact would have left her buoyant and overjoyed, but she felt only guilt."
"The tranquility that came with being alone, but also the knowledge that she wasn’t, not really."
"Her memory was replaying those moments in Winston’s hot-air balloon as they drifted over the remains of the parade."
"She knew what had happened to her family. She knew that the cowards in the Roaches had hired a hitman to kill them because her dad had refused to keep making weapons for them."
"For there, printed on the inside of the cranium, were the words MADE WITH 100% RECYCLED MATERIALS."
"You don’t need to be a Renegade to be a superhero."
"It’s easy to say you want to be a hero, but the truth is most people are lazy and complacent."
"Prodigies will always be at odds with one another, always fighting for power and dominance, and normal people will always suffer for it."
"This is what we use when we want to put it on display. It doesn’t need to be real."
"It’s a visible reminder of how far we’ve come since the Day of Triumph, and how much we have to lose if we ever let humanity slide back to the way it was."
"Don’t worry. No one is ever going to use that helmet to torment the people of this city again. We’ll see to that."
"All things that people would be doing for themselves. If there was no Council, they would have reestablished their own government by now."
"I don’t think we’re going to find Nightmare here."
"Life is far better now than it ever was when Ace Anarchy was in charge, and that’s because of the Renegades."
"You have always feared failure, but it is an especially strong fear tonight."
"These doubts… these insecurities… they will come to serve you well, Nightmare. After all, one cannot be brave who has no fear."
"I don’t know who’s more gullible, Nightmare… or you."
"The Sentinel. You’re the Sentinel. Oh, that’s rich."
"You’re going to threaten me into submission with… what? A tranquilizer? Life imprisonment?"
"The Renegades are done negotiating with Anarchists."
"By tomorrow morning, they are going to hate you…"
"It’s so very nice of you all to join us."
"Not every prodigy deserves their powers. It’s because of villains like her that we need Agent N."
"The world will become a much safer place."
"I knew you would do well, my little nightmare."