
This Lie Will Kill You Quotes

This Lie Will Kill You by Chelsea Pitcher

This Lie Will Kill You Quotes
"Today is the day your life is going to change."
"The universe was speaking to Juniper directly, lighting a fire in her veins and making her heartbeat thrum."
"The sun wasn’t shining. The sun was barely even up, but it didn’t matter much."
"She sat up in bed. Kicking away her tangled sheets (and running a hand through her equally tangled hair), she crawled to the window, looking down."
"Blood red? The envelope leapt from her hand."
"She scooped it out of the snow. Someone had written, You are cordially invited to a night of murder and mayhem!"
"Even if she didn’t get into the college of her choice, she had a couple of safety schools that would take her far away from this town."
"Juniper shook herself. She’d only fallen off track for a month, and most of her teachers had let her make up the work."
"The world will become a stage! A friend will become a foe!"
"Misery dinner!" Olive shouted, and Juniper cringed. She did not want her sister repeating that.
"Tip-sick!" the baby announced, pulling out a vibrant burgundy gloss that would make Juniper look like she’d been eating berries.
"But wherever the lesson had come from, Juniper didn’t mind being her sister’s living dolly."
"It was like being in one of those dreams where you are yourself, and see yourself from outside your body."
"It’s like a Golden Age starlet got her hands on a castle," Ruby gushed.
"You came for me, and you fought for me. Nobody’d ever fought for me before."
"You were the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen."
"It’s definitely not anything your shithead father would’ve done," he said, reminding her that he wasn’t like the rest.
"What’s the point of a gun if you don’t shoot it?"
"That’s the other problem, isn’t it? If I pull out the gun, what happens if you turn it on me? Who’s going to protect me then?"
"What about you?" She leveled a gaze at him. "Can’t your daddy pay for school?"
"You don’t get rich by turning down free money, Rubes. A fifty-thousand-dollar scholarship is a big deal."
"They probably sent one to every senior at school."
"All the more reason to go," her mother said, swooping in with the old, chipped coffeepot.
"Junebug, she’s my kid." Her mother disappeared into the hallway.
"Believe it or not, I like spending time with my kids."
"And yet, you’re forcing me out of the house."
"I never applied for this," she mumbled, her last-ditch effort at logic.
"Sometimes teachers submit you. Guidance counselors."
"You were right, it is on Saturday," Mrs. Torres said.
"Are you going to tell him you’re passing up fifty thousand dollars?"
"I just don’t understand who would submit me for this sort of thing. I’m the world’s worst actress."
"I miss her too. Juniper’s vision blurred as she thought of Ruby’s smile, Ruby’s laugh, Ruby’s touch."
"I’m just making a suggestion." Her mother pulled out a chair at the kitchen table.
"But as she drew the envelope from the darkness, an undertow of guilt started tugging at her limbs."
"This was how it always happened. She’d be going about her day, not even thinking about Dahlia Kane’s Christmas party."
"Maybe it’s a scam," The words were out of Juniper’s mouth before she could stop them.
"It isn’t an offer," her mother said calmly. "It’s a contest."
"Misery dinner!" Olive shouted, and Juniper cringed.
"Calm down, baby girl. Eat your Cheerios."
"You can have everything you want, you just have to play the game."
"Every rebellion starts with a small act of defiance."
"You’re always thinking of ways to defend the group."
"We’ll do our little dance for daddy’s friends, and then we can dance for real when they’re gone."
"You’re coming back. You told me it wasn’t dangerous."
"Every time I hear the bathtub running, I sit perfectly still, listening."
"I told myself it was impossible. I was being paranoid, and anyway, you were trapped with Parker and I couldn’t go running out the door."
"She was? God, I don’t even remember. That day is a blur."
"Please, I can’t explain it, but I have a really bad feeling about this."
"Make a wish," she said, flinging the tear into the air.
"The night before Dahlia Kane’s Christmas party, your brother climbed through my window. He was carrying a rope."
"I’ll miss them terribly," he said into her lips, and Ruby opened her mouth, so she could draw him closer.
"I didn’t want there to be rules either," he said. "But I will never take your silence to mean yes."
"You’re the only one who could’ve written it. No one else knew where my mother was taken—"
"You looked me in the eye and told me you hadn’t brought the rope. How could you do that?"
"But she’s supposed to be. Something’s happening, Juniper."
"You aren’t the Ringmaster. You’re the patsy. The Ringmaster doesn’t exist."
"I’m not going anywhere with you. How stupid do you think I am?"
"But he will. He has no idea who I am. But he will."
"That isn’t who he was! That’s who you are."
"Oh, Parker. That’s a rookie mistake. You never lie to the best friend."
"Nobody understood what Shane was doing. He was manipulating you."
"I haven’t always made the smartest choices."
"But until tonight, I didn’t know what you guys really did."
"It was never supposed to go to that party."
"If I found you with a rope, the last thing I’d do is tie you up."
"You can’t risk your life for Parker. You can’t."
"I was never here. You never touched him."
"I promised to protect her, but she had to go."
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them."
"All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Ruby back together again."
"When happiness was a possibility. Love. Friendship."
"She lifted the doll by the armpits and dragged him away from the house."
"If Ruby could watch a person transform into ashes, and laugh at his memory like that, maybe everything she suspected was true."
"She did something, even if she didn’t do all this."
"You are my soul, Ruby Valentine, and I will never give up on you."
"I kill people, it’s true. But let’s not dress it up in tinsel and wrapping paper, all right?"
"You promised to help me find my family, and you never even realized… my family is you."
"You know me, Junebug. I’m full of surprises."
"Someday Ruby’s soul would dance into the darkness, and they would reunite."