
Blood Hollow Quotes

Blood Hollow by William Kent Krueger

Blood Hollow Quotes
"Sometimes the snow fell softly, sometimes it came in a rage. Always it changed the face of whatever it touched."
"In his time, Cork had seen nearly fifty winters come and go."
"Cork couldn’t help thinking that in this respect, snow was a little like death."
"The driving snow attacked his eyeballs, a thousand sharp needles, and bitter fingers seemed to pry at his sockets."
"He realized that if it were Charlotte Kane, he hadn’t had enough time to turn aside before he hit her, yet he’d felt no impact."
"Cork, in his arrogance, believing that he might yet find the missing girl, had only made matters worse."
"It’s hard to hold on to hope when you’re hungry."
"Rose turned to the stew pot and stirred with a wooden spoon. 'I took some food up earlier. I’m not sure they ate anything. They’ll be hungry eventually.'"
"Steam, full of the smell of beef and carrots and onions and parsley and pepper, rose up against his face. Cork thought heaven couldn’t smell any better."
"He knew that the wounds people carried didn’t always show on the skin."
"Cork believed his son was strong deep down and he answered honestly."
"He paid little attention to the video. He was seeing instead the empty white trails that had been in front of him all day."
"For along with the heat came the good smell of hot stew."
"A wonderful warmth hit Cork the moment he stepped into the guesthouse."
"What she read out loud was fine and all, but what she wrote in her journal was really different. Way better than anything else any of us wrote. But very dark."
"On such a day as this, standing at the edge of Iron Lake with the sweet, distant breath of spring breaking over his face, Cork couldn’t help but feel gratitude."
"In everything we remember, Sam’s still alive. In every decision we make, he’s still with us."
"For goodness’ sake, I’m not dead. I’m just going over to the rectory at St. Agnes. You’ll do fine."
"Despite the April mud, he’d somehow managed to keep his Gore-Tex boots spotless."
"You can feel him out here, can’t you? I sure can."
"Even in death, Charlotte Kane was lovely to look at."
"It was nearing evening. The day had cooled and she wore a jean jacket with DOT in letters made of brass studs across the back."
"For years, he’d refused to set foot in church, and didn’t give a hoot about the commandment of keeping the Sabbath holy."
"The bridge was well marked and wide enough for an easy crossing."
"And, Stephen, there’s plenty you can do, too."
"It's no secret, Solemn, that you and Charlotte were seeing each other for a while last fall."
"Love has a way of making people beautiful. To each other anyway."
"Even a good kid like Annie, looking like that, she’ll give men the wrong idea."
"In the end, the woods would reclaim the land and the materials Sam had borrowed to build his little home."
"A black snake lay coiled at the bottom. It lifted its head toward Cork. The fork of its tongue tasted the air."
"Everything about the scene felt a degree off, as if the whole compass of that place had been shifted."
"The concern on a vision quest is this: Has the vision guided the life?"
"God makes His presence known in many ways. In acts of love, in selfless acts of courage, in everyday human compassion."
"The dead can't speak for themselves. They've got no way to ask for justice."
"It's called due diligence, Jo. It's what a good cop does. He considers all the possibilities, turns over all the stones, and he tries to do it without prejudice."
"I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, Cork. She’s a little distracted these days. I see it on the ball field, too. I’ve just chalked it up to normal teenage stuff. You know, boys, social status, boys. Does she have a boyfriend?"
"If you’d like, I’ll talk to her about it, see if I can get her to focus a little more on her studies. And her pitching."
"I’m very concerned about another young woman I know. She’s only seventeen, and I believe she may be having an affair with a married man."
"These are all signs that might be indicative of sexual abuse. Generally speaking, the more severe the symptoms, the more long-term the abuse."
"If you saw these things in one of your students, you’d be required to report it, wouldn’t you?"
"I understand, Cork. But a young woman in this situation desperately needs help and usually doesn’t know how to ask for it."
"It’s a bit more complicated than you realize."
"I’m wondering if a teacher might be involved."
"I understand. But, Juanita, if Solemn is innocent, there’s a murderer still out there somewhere. Maybe even walking the halls of Aurora High."
"I heard Solemn claims he talked with Jesus," she said. "Is it true?"
"That’s funny. I always figured Him for a Birkenstock kind of guy."
"Cork," Jo said to his back. "It’s good information. I’m sure it will be a big help if we have to go to the mat for Solemn. Thank you."
"Every year on that holiday, weather permitting, the O’Connors had a backyard barbeque."
"She’s a growing girl, an athlete. And she does like to eat. She told me she wants to be a professional sin eater when she grows up."
"A grotesque joke. Why would Father Mal tell her such a bizarre story?"
"I’m sorry, Jo." He put his arms around her. "You okay?"
"It’s hard when I visit Solemn. He’s my son, but he isn’t. It’s like a stranger stepped into his skin. We don’t seem to know what to say."
"It’s the situation. It’s put a lot of stress on both of you."
"In the eyes of a lot of his parishioners, he is married. Married to the church."
"All I came away with was a little peace. My own peace."
"They’re looking to me for something I can’t give them."
"Maybe some things that are secret should stay that way."
"Whatever happened out there this morning, it wasn’t me. I’d know if it was me, wouldn’t I?"
"Maybe all those years I spent on Franklin Avenue listening to the stories of drunks, Shinnobs and otherwise, have made me a poor audience for this kind of thing."
"Sometimes believing is all it takes to make a thing real."
"There's more in these woods than a man can ever see with his eyes, more than he can ever hope to understand."
"A lot of people never did. Does that make a difference?"
"I wish you'd take a ride. Until we know who stalked Annie, it might not be safe to be out alone so late."
"It's gone. That feeling I got in the woods. I've lost it."
"I used to believe life was pretty simple. There was my family, my friends, and my church, and there wasn't much that prayer couldn't help."
"I'm not saying absolutely it was Kane, but I'd be a fool—no, worse; I'd be negligent—if I didn't check him out."
"Terribly demanding of himself and his colleagues. A perfectionist. Sometimes difficult because his standards were always so high. But absolutely wonderful with patients. Compassionate, understanding."
"Expect nothing, because nothing is what's going to come."
"What I received was a true thing. I know that God is."
"We come from a great heart, the heart of Kitchimanidoo, the heart of God. And we just go back into that heart."
"That Henry. He always means exactly what he says, but it's hard to figure sometimes."
"If you’re not careful, all you see in someone is what you’re looking for."
"There’s only one way to start a new life, and that’s by facing the truth."
"The more I think, the more confused I become."
"Forgive me. I looked to you wrongly for a redemption that was not yours to give."
"I don’t know if I’ve abandoned God, or God has abandoned me, or if we’re mutually disgusted and have simply turned our backs on one another."
"That’s why you’re here? You know, you’re a real son of a bitch."
"Truth. You’ve assembled a lot of facts, but you haven’t come anywhere near the truth."
"I was with Rose, trying my damnedest to convince her to help me shatter my priestly vow of celibacy, a thing she would not do."
"I’m tired, Cork. I just want to be left alone."
"Before you go crazy over there, there’s something you should know."
"I already went crazy. And Mal told me the truth."
"This place, it makes you look at life a little different, I figure."
"The dead, they’re not prejudiced. They don’t complain. And they never make too much noise."
"All human beings, it seemed to him, were a collection of conflicting impulses stuffed into one skin, trying somehow to find peace."
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned."