
The Summer Queen Quotes

The Summer Queen by Elizabeth Chadwick

The Summer Queen Quotes
"A pilgrimage is a serious commitment to God. This is no foolish jaunt made on a whim."
"You are my heir, Alienor; you must behave as befits the daughter of the Duke of Aquitaine, not a sulky child."
"The language of power was exercised in more than just words. It was presence and thought; it was gesture and timing."
"I do not know when I am asleep or awake unless someone tells me."
"If grapes are to be trodden underfoot, then in Bordeaux we have always known how to make wine."
"Without the light, the beauty remains hidden, but it is always there. Just like God's love, or a father's, or mother's."
"We are all naked when we go before God, whatever our standing on earth."
"You have given me the coronet of Aquitaine; it would be a poor thing indeed if I could not gift my bride with the wealth of France in return."
"You must trust me and your father. We have done what is best."
"‘You must show everyone you are capable of fulfilling the role of king – even while you are mourning your father,’ she said."
"‘Indeed I do, madam,’ she replied. ‘Our father taught us the importance of education.’"
"‘That’s because it is late and you are tired. Tomorrow, in daylight, when you have slept, it will be different.’"
"‘Do not trouble yourself. I will see to this. Your first duty is to our child.’"
"‘God chose me, and I have been anointed in His sight,’ he snapped."
"‘My father said it was always wise to have another plan lest the first one did not succeed – like having a change of clothes in case it rains.’"
"‘I learned not to think that way after I lost Burgondie and the child in her womb,’ he said."
"‘I am telling you, she is lame,’ Petronella said impatiently."
"Even if it is not plain on your face, Aimery de Niort is giving the game away."
"I am sure it is not a serious injury, and I know I will be safe with you, because you’re such a good rider."
"The situation at Bourges need never have arisen had Louis cultivated the monks there as she had advised."
"You only think you love him. You are a child, and he has seduced you."
"If you are talking of ancestors, then our grandparents did not stop to worry what anyone would think. They lived and made love as they chose!"
"God does not love me, but I have ever striven to obey him."
"The noble work is bright, but, being nobly bright, the work should brighten the minds, allowing them to travel through the lights to the true light, where Christ is the true door."
"Receive, stern Judge, the prayers of your Suger. Let me be mercifully numbered among your sheep."
"Swords of sunlight cleft the clouds and illuminated the pilgrim church of the Madeleine crowning the hill of Vézelay."
"Let us hope it stays clear now. We need the drier ground."
"You will not speak to Thierry de Galeran in such a way again. It is unworthy of a queen."
"I cannot see why he needs all these things when we have been travelling the same road."
"Let him stay away from me if he does not wish to be insulted, and let the King do me the courtesy of speaking to me personally if he desires these things."
"I will not have you dealing without my say-so. My mother warned me you were not to be trusted."
"I shall pray to God our Heavenly Father that he grants you and the King the great gift and mercy of a child for France."
"The glorious sound of the choir rose with the frankincense and dissolved into the coloured radiance from the windows."
"Indeed it is. I have not yet told the King. I did not want to raise his hopes after so many years and our other loss."
"Holy Mary, I am coming to you. Holy Mary, hear me now for the love of God and Christ Jesus your son."
"Our duty is to bring an army to my uncle so he can deal with his enemies."
"You have already committed enough folly to last you into your dotage, without adding more."
"Thank you. I leave this in your capable hands, my lord."
"It will be a far greater punishment for them to live with their shame."
"That church still existed, built into a cavern in the mountainside, and was a place of reverence and pilgrimage."
"Despite the rigours of the journey and her recent uncertain health, she was determined to greet her uncle with regal dignity."
"Just a little longer, she told herself, just a few days more and she would be free."
"The ways of the East are tainted, and the fine flourishes only serve to conceal and gild their treachery."
"Trust and loyalty are rarer than Tyrian purple and the horn of the unicorn."
"I feel as if I have come home," Alienor said, her throat tight with emotion.
"I intend to have my marriage with Louis annulled."
I am not foolish," she said. "I see further than I did at thirteen years old.
"I will not hear you say that," she said, silencing his self-doubt.
"I shall persuade him," she said with steely determination.
"I will pray for you every moment," Alienor whispered.
"I do not think 'fortunate' is the right word, Uncle."
"I want to annul my marriage with Louis."
"I am not sorry that this has happened," she said forcefully.
"I would have stayed," he said, his voice filled with regret.
"I am so glad to see you and welcome your aid," Raymond said.
"I believe they would only create more difficulties by solving the one."
"I hope that is a flattering comparison."
"I want our marriage annulled," she declared.
"I am not going with you. My choice is made and I am staying here in Antioch."
"I have got out of the habit of trusting anyone."
"I may not have chosen such a route, but I am glad."
"She needed freedom above all else, but she had just been burdened with yet more chains."
"Alienor had been out giving alms to the needy and visiting the sick, as had Louis."
"Alienor felt little connection with her daughter; there had been too long a separation."
"Alienor said bitterly, ‘The moment he knows I am with child, he will confine me to my chamber and send in his physicians and priests.'"
"‘What’s spying, sire?’ ‘Listening to what other people say without them knowing you are listening, and then reporting what you have heard to others.'"
"‘I am going to miss you,’ he panted as she rode him."
"‘Our match, whatever the Pope decreed, is consanguineous and a sin in the eyes of God. It is not meet that we should stay together.’"
"‘That is all I ask of you for now, and I hope your wisdom sees you through.’"
"‘It was as if her mind was cut off from her feelings just as the cord severed her from the new baby.'"
"‘She makes him feel guilty and unclean, and she herself was unclean because all she could bear him were girls.'"
"‘Not with her,’ he said. ‘She has let me down for the last time.’"
"‘If you refuse, I am certain one of your brothers will be pleased to accept.’"
"‘It is better to have the harvest in the barns than burned in the fields.’"
"‘God keep you, my love,’ she whispered and kissed her fingers to the parchment."
"‘I shall not fail you, I promise, sire.’"
"‘She will consent,’ he said softly, more to himself than his father."
"‘What did you say to your own father?’ ‘That is not the point, as well you know,’ Geoffrey said."
"‘You are my heir. Anjou will be yours as well as Normandy.’"
"‘Always be on top of your wife in every sense of the word, because she will try to ride you as women do with all men.’"
"‘I know what is at stake, sire. I am no more a child in need of correction than you are an old man in his dotage.’"
"‘You will also care for Hamelin and advance him. He is your right hand and sired of the same seed. I expect you always to acknowledge that.’"
"‘She is exposed to too much upheaval at court; yet if she retires to Raoul’s estates, she only broods and grows worse.'"
"‘Our mother had two daughters and a son, and so do I.’"
"‘The world will be less rich for his passing,’ she said, wiping her eyes. ‘God rest his soul.’"
"‘You must take the opportunity to visit Saint-Denis. I am sure the building and the late Abbot’s collection of gems and relics will interest you.’"
"‘You would not want me to be still.’ ‘Sometimes it would be an advantage. Sit. I want to talk to you while I still have breath and reason.’"
"‘You must see the advantage. You will gain Aquitaine for the taking of a marriage vow.'"
"‘I shall look after Hamelin, sire,’ he said. ‘When England is mine, I shall find him a suitable heiress and lands of standing.’"
"The great fortress guarding the Charente crossing shone as if it were clad in mail, and the river was a sheet of beaten steel, reflecting the heavy sky."
"We have known each other too long for [forgiveness] to be necessary."
"There comes a time when there is nothing left but hope, whether for recovery or salvation."
"You will always have me. Nothing has changed."
"You are a grown woman in your full bloom."
"It is a good thing that I have a way with such noble creatures."
"I have enough strength to talk with you even if my light is dwindling."
"The smell of England is fresh and coastal. Its people are hardy but it is no colder than here in the winter."
"Courage is worth more than numbers and speed is worth more than courage."
"Following. I outrode them," he said cheerfully.
"Only that they were too slow and I was most eager to greet you."