
Last Stand Of Dead Men Quotes

Last Stand Of Dead Men by Derek Landy

Last Stand Of Dead Men Quotes
"You were supposed to be keeping an eye on the place," Donegan said.
"Witches are more afraid of you than you are of them."
"You might be right. Yes, you are right. Bees are fine, witches are horrible. Always get those two mixed up."
"My name is Donegan Bane and this is my colleague Gracious O’Callahan – we’re Monster Hunters."
"Because she has your friend trapped in the cellar."
"With age comes wisdom, you ever hear that?"
"I did, but I’ve found that wisdom has a cut-off point of around one hundred and twenty years. Once you reach that, you’re really as wise as you’re going to get."
"My days are devoted to my granddaughter and my nights are spent making multiple trips to the toilet. I don’t have time for anyone’s grand schemes."
"And you have large sums of money, you can of course buy one of these brand-new if you so wanted. But I like to think that a second-hand one, bought by your parents, would have a sentimental value that you just wouldn’t be able to get in a—"
"Even your magic is restricted. Sorcerers treat magic like science. It’s disgusting and unnatural. It twists what true magic is all about."
"Your job as a sorcerer is to protect them from the truth, not share it with them to make your life easier."
"If you tell your family the truth, you’ll torture them. Their mortal lives will be shattered. They’ll jump at every shadow."
"Every hour that passes when they don’t hear from you is another possible death."
"Knowing things is a result of my power."
"I’m the most caring person in the world when I’m with her."
"We’re not in this to win. We’re in it to survive."
"The future is uncertain. It’s always changing."
"They’re stronger, yes, but not by much."
"I didn’t want to use it myself because of the noise, but I wasn’t just going to ignore it."
"What kind of man would do that to a child?"
"The Dead Men still carry a certain amount of weight in the magical world at large."
"If there was anyone who deserved a lifetime of loneliness, surely it would be her."
"Like all venomous creatures, most dangerous when dying."
"You can feel those fingers round your throat and see that burning hatred in those eyes."
"In that simple movement alone, China knew everything about him that she needed to."
"The patterns became suddenly hot, and began to glow."
"The fog rebuilds the town and everything is fine and then the wraiths come."
"Monsters? Do you view all Children of the Spider as monsters?"
"As it was, she would just have to keep running."
"Had it not been for Eliza Scorn, she would still have Skulduggery’s friendship to rely on."
"A boost that big would drive all sorcerers insane."
"War isn’t about winning or losing. It’s about playing the … oh, no, wait, it is about winning or losing."
"You didn’t ask me if you could take it. I was using it first."
"Desperate times, we can all go a little crazy."
"If you move, violence erupts. If we move, violence erupts also. That’s a lot of erupting violence."
"Magic, he used to say, should only be used to protect the mortals."
"You’re dead. All of you are dead. Everyone who stands between us and our destiny is dead."
"I am the Dark and Stormy Knight, I am Roarhaven’s protector, and logic holds no sway over me."
"You have no idea, you could not even begin to fathom, the depths to which they have sunk."
"You won’t be leaving here empty-handed. You’ll be leaving here with your lives."
"They’re not after us! They took something from the Science Archive! Stop them!"
"I’m twelve years old and my uncle has just died."
"I’m not so sure," Skulduggery said, and everyone went quiet until he snapped his head up.
"You deserve more than that. You deserve poetry and originality and you deserve everything, everything in the whole world."
"I kill you, and you won’t kill my parents."
"You’re going to stab me?" she said, panting. "You’re really going to stab me to death?"
"You’re a bad influence on me," she said.
"We’re at war," she explained. "The other Sanctuaries, they want to take over. There was a … a battle. They won. I think I was … I might have been captured. But Skulduggery got away."
"You never asked for the burdens you’ve been given. At the start you were a victim of your own bloodline, and by the time that passed you were already in too deep."
"With great power comes great responsibility."
"You don’t have to. Valkyrie, you’ve been through so much. Too much."
"You understood that with great power comes great responsibility."
"I didn’t kill Caelan. The saltwater did."
"You used Necromancy, a discipline Skulduggery has warned you against so many times in the past."
"I can erase your confusion and regret. You’ll never have to be afraid again."
"The world has changed, my friends. Technology has changed it. Secrets are harder to keep."
"Equal rights imply that they’re equal to mortals. They’re not. They’re superior."
"The Warlocks are hunting for Department X. They’re going after the mortals."
"I’m trying to do this with a minimum of hardship."
"This is the most painless way we can do it, for both us and the mortals."
"The Warlocks are close to attacking the mortals. To the best of our reckoning, we expect them to attack Dublin in a matter of days."
"Their rotting skin was stitched through their clothes."
"She bit his neck, gagged on the foulness, and jammed her thumb in his eye."
"Wretchlings exploding like 2,000-year-old clay pots being dropped from a great height."
"She looked at lifeless sorcerers and lifeless Wretchlings and still Cleavers, and the damage done by all that white energy."
"That’s what myself and Valkyrie do. You kill defenceless girls."
"I get that you hate me. You hate me because I’m not her."
"Valkyrie is the evil version of Valkyrie."
"Pain meant nothing. Pain was transitory. Pain would fade. Only justice was forever."
"A proud man in a proud woman’s body, not as some pathetic joke."
"I’ve grown, Fletcher. I’m more than I was."
"Feeling bad is new to me. Feeling anything is new to me."
"You’re not the monster here. Ravel had my people killed. He is responsible for all of this."
"It’s bigger than me now. It’s bigger than you, bigger than all of us. The revolution cannot be stopped."
"You knew what she was, what she would become, and you hid her from us."
"Bullet to the head, or are you going to beat me to death?"
"These images may have looked solid, but they had no more substance than a hologram."
"Strength flooded her body and, when Mist reached for her, China grabbed her wrist and twisted, locking Mist’s arm straight and forcing her to her knees."
"She couldn’t see and couldn’t breathe. She tore handfuls of spiders away from her face, but it was like clawing at a landslide."
"She opened her eyes and her mouth and sucked in air that turned superheated and scorched her throat and lungs."
"I’m sorry for what I did to you. I’m sorry for what I did to your family."
"A last resort. He helped me craft it. If ever you had found out what I had done, and you’d got your hands on me, I was to use this to kill both of us."
"I deserve the pain that’s going to arrive, any second now."
"You did terrible things hundreds of years ago. So did I. I’m no hypocrite. I can’t hate you any more than I can hate myself."
"That’s what I thought. Any other objections? No? You’re quite sure? Very well then. I hereby accept, with great reluctance and humility, the post of Grand Mage."
"She loves that power. She loves becoming Darquesse. It’s so incredibly freeing for her."
"The gap between you and a mortal is far less than the gap between you and me, Erskine. To someone like me, a mortal could be viewed as an insect. But a sorcerer? A sorcerer is only a slightly bigger insect."
"If these sorcerers were forced to go public, people would get hurt. People would die."