
Space Case Quotes

Space Case by Stuart Gibbs

Space Case Quotes
"Life in outer space sucks. Trust me, I know."
"Living in Moon Base Alpha is like living in a giant tin can built by government contractors."
"Yes, we drink our own urine in space. They left that out of Star Trek too."
"Everything the movies have ever taught you about space travel is garbage."
"To my dismay, the toilet jammed. It made a loud gagging noise, like a cat with a hairball."
"If you ever see a piece of chocolate floating around the cabin, don’t eat it. It’s probably not chocolate."
"There’s an old saying in zero-g space travel: If you ever see a piece of chocolate floating around the cabin, don’t eat it. It’s probably not chocolate."
"The government fed my family all that baloney as well, back when they recruited my parents."
"We can’t mention that anything has ever gone wrong. We have to constantly present a positive face to the public, even when there is nothing to be positive about."
"My name is Dashiell Gibson. I’m twelve years old and I live on the moon."
"Greeting new arrivals is always one of the happiest times at MBA."
"After a few hours on board, you still feel like a sardine in a can."
"The base was alive with excitement. All the adults cheered and hugged one another."
"I’m Dashiell. Welcome to Moon Base Alpha."
"I usually goof around, making up stories that are obviously ridiculous, about meeting martians and fighting moondragons and such."
"It’s not like I had any more choice than you did."
"Take it easy, and if you need anything, well... it’s not like I’m leaving here anytime soon. I shouldn’t be that hard to find."
"Trust me, when you’re heading to the bathroom in the middle of the night, you’ll be thankful this place isn’t any bigger."
"It’s not perfect, but it’s still pretty cool to be one of the first people to live on the moon."
"Your reputation around here is sterling."
"My official duty is to upgrade and assess the base security systems."
"But I still had plenty of trouble. Everyone does."
"I don’t know, but it won’t be hard to do in quarters as tight as this."
"The only Moonie any of them remotely got along with was Cesar Marquez, and that’s only because Lily Sjoberg had a crush on him."
"I’ll bet she’s already forgotten about you. She has a lot of other things to deal with right now."
"No one should see me leaving your room."
"I’m not really supposed to be investigating this at all."
"The contract also said this would be the adventure of a lifetime!"
"You can’t keep me here against my will! I am one of the most influential men on earth!"
"Trust me. You do not want to make enemies with me."
"I demand that my family and I be on it!"
"If I only had a few seconds left to live, I’d be trying to say something. Especially if I knew there were cameras all around."
"In the early days of moonwalks, even something as simple as making a fist had been incredibly difficult."
"It’s sign language! You know how people are sometimes born without the ability to hear?"
"If you were born deaf, or blind, or paraplegic, you stayed that way."
"Sign language used to be one of the most common languages in the world."
"I am being murdered— Earth killed me. Find my phone. Tell my family I love them."
"It’s hard enough to sleep in this dung heap without imbeciles carrying on at all hours of the night."
"If there is something you would like discussed with the group, please submit it to the MBC several days ahead of time."
"Everyone knows about it. It’s all anyone is talking about."
"To be honest, the forced time with my family is one of the best things about living here."
"I’m not even sure if I should mention it or not until I had time to go over everything again, but then we got here and it looked like Dr. Holtz hadn’t hidden his phone here after all, so I started to think that, maybe, he was cracking up a bit."
"But often we need to handle something more precise. The biologists want a soil sample, so we send out a drone with a drill."
"It’s not like the killer can get away. It’s someone on this base."
"Don’t wander too far from MBA. And exercise extreme caution."
"It’s perfectly safe out there with our suits on."
"Think how awesome it would be to get outside again, even for just a few minutes."
"We have to do something! This person didn’t only kill Dr. Holtz. They nearly killed two children!"
"That’s not a risk I’m willing to take. Humans have never been prepared to meet the unfamiliar."
"I’ll bet it was Lars! I never trusted that guy. He always seemed shiftier than a Neptunian Blorkbeast."
"We first became aware of humanity about a hundred of your years ago, when you started detonating nuclear bombs."