
Children Of The Mind Quotes

Children Of The Mind by Orson Scott Card

Children Of The Mind Quotes
"I don't have your approval," he said. He sounded annoyed and amused, both at once.
"I'm not myself," he said again. "I'm not really Peter Wiggin."
"You must understand," he said. "I'm not myself."
"It is possible to have words come to your mind, and still refrain from speaking them aloud."
"I am not the Royal Mother," said Wang-mu. "The name was a cruel joke --"
"I came into existence," he said, "only a short while ago. A matter of weeks."
"I'm Andrew Wiggin's nightmare," said Peter. "I'm Andrew Wiggin's self-loathing."
"So don't do it," said Wang-mu. "If you don't want to be those things, don't do them."
"What is your will, anyway? Nobody can see it. You don't hear it thinking."
"I look back on my life and I see only the memories he has imagined for me."
"You are saying this to control yourself," said Wang-mu, guessing but also sure she was right.
"The Filhos are married, you know. It's a married order. You can't become a full member without me."
"She says that she has to finish the weeding, so she has no time for lesser battles."
"Then what are we waiting for?" asked Ender. "Show me where I can find a hoe."
"My eyes take every twisting turn of the grain, But my body moves straight along the planking."
"She might tell herself that she had taken the mantle of Christ upon her, but if so it was the Christ who denounced the Pharisees."
"I certainly do too believe in God," said Ender, annoyed.
"I'm not interested in my own life anymore. Do you understand? The only life I care about in this world is yours."
"Let me tell you the most beautiful story I know. A man was given a dog, which he loved very much."
"Thank God," said the man. "At least one of us will not starve."
"Knowledge is just opinion that you trust enough to act upon."
"I don't know the sun will rise tomorrow. But I trust that tomorrow will come, and I act on that trust."
"We living sentient beings, we are not slaves to the data we receive."
"Suicide is a desperate attempt to get rid of unbearable agony. It's not a noble decision to let someone with more value go on living instead of you."
"It doesn't mean I'm not a real person because I can choose to give my life to someone else."
"People make choices like that sometimes. It doesn't mean they don't have any fight in them."
"I'm not going to give it up without a fight. Do you understand me?"
"I chose to live," said Miro. "I chose to leap to the body in which life was possible."
"No matter what they say, they all intend to live."
"If we find out there's no dealing with them, then yes, it's a war."
"There are times when you have to defend yourself or someone else against relentless evil."
"Starways Congress and the Lusitania Fleet were not helpless."
"We're the ones who are in a hurry all the time."
"But by and large, we're coming closer to being worthy to associate with the hive queens and the pequeninos."
"We're all like that. We all have a little bit of varelse in us."
"We humans are the sentient species that has shown the most tendency to deliberately refuse to communicate with other species and instead destroy them utterly."