
The Things We Leave Unfinished Quotes

The Things We Leave Unfinished by Rebecca Yarros

The Things We Leave Unfinished Quotes
"This is not our end. My heart will always remain with you no matter where we are. Time and distance are only inconveniences to a love like ours."
"Whether it’s days, months, or even years, I will be waiting. We will be waiting."
"It’s killing me to leave you, but I’ll do it for you. I’ll keep us safe."
"I will wait for you every second, every hour, every day for the rest of my life, and if that’s not enough, then eternity, which is exactly how long I’ll love you."
"Six years of marriage, and the only thing I’d walked away with was a name that wasn’t even mine."
"Hopefully, losing his name would make losing him and six years of my life hurt just a little less."
"Holding my head up and keeping my mouth shut when cameras were thrust in my face was exactly what had earned me the nickname "The Ice Queen" over the last six months, but if that was the cost of keeping whatever was left of my dignity, so be it."
"The possibility sat in my stomach like sour milk."
"It smelled like parchment and tea, mixed with a little bit of dust and home."
"Romance isn’t about unrealistic expectations and sex. It’s about love and overcoming adversity through what can be considered a universal experience."
"I’m not sure you noticed, but here in Poplar Grove, we all knew Scarlett Stanton pretty well, and she was never one to keep her opinions to herself."
"But I was home now, where I could recharge until I was whole again."
"You’re immune to good-looking men, the logical side of my brain warned, but I was too busy staring to listen."
"For the first time in years, I was speechless."
"There was no shame in knowing you were the best at what you did, but romance wasn’t what I usually wrote."
"I had never been with a woman I was ready to forsake all others for."
"I’ve read them all twice, some of them more than that. She had a unique voice, incredible, visceral writing, and a way of evoking emotion that blows me out of the water when it comes to romance."
"If you let me finish this book, it will be her book. I will work tirelessly to make sure it reads as if she wrote the last half herself."
"You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now, Scarlett."
"But if we don’t leave right this second, we’ll lose the horizon, and that will make it three times harder to keep the airplane level while you’re flying it."
"Leaving you today was the hardest thing I’ve ever done."
"You were always meant for happiness, Constance, and I’m so sorry that my choices robbed you of so many chances to find it."
"The love, it wasn't what I'd had with Damian, and it started to make sense why Gran had been so against my marrying him."
"He never would," I assured her. "Your husband is wild about you."
"That was the thing about Mom—I could criticize her, but no one else was allowed to."
"It had died little by little with Damian's affairs that I'd pretended hadn't happened, hollowing me out until all I had left to hold on to was my pride."
"I promise when this war is over, I will make it up to you."
"There's only a blue-eyed beauty who holds my heart and my future."
"Because you're not just another girl in a pub."
"The satisfaction it brings me is more than worth what could be seen as a lack of maturity."
"There are men doing far more than she was in far worse circumstances. Doing her best was the least she owed them."
"Typical middle-class family. Dad was a mechanic. Mom still is a teacher. Grew up with barbecues, Mets games, and an annoying sister I’ve grown to appreciate."
"With the writing, I step into a story and the first thing I see about a character is their flaw. The second thing I see is how that flaw will lead to redemption…or destruction."
"Gran used to say she saw the characters as fully fleshed-out people with complicated pasts, set on a collision course. She saw their flaws as something to overcome."
"I’m in love with you, Scarlett Wright. I’ve done everything I can to fight it, to take it slower, to give you what time and space you need. But this war isn’t going to give us that time, and after last night, I’m not hiding it anymore."
"We’re going to face it all head-on. Your parents, the war, the whole Royal Air Force. We’ll do it together."
"How many more times can this war separate us before we’re simply allowed to be happy?"
"Everyone’s always digging up my backstory to see if there’s a reason all my stories have poignant endings."
"Don’t ever give away your name again, Georgia. There’s power in being a Stanton."
"You can’t protect someone from everything. Eventually, you have to let them face their own battles."
"Plans change, honey. But you have your feet under you now, and as soon as you feel like you’re ready to face the rest of the world, you get back to New York City, Gigi. You’ll go stagnant here. Everyone does."
"You know he’s just going to drain your account and dump you again, right?"
"I stayed for you, took care of you, and now I deserve to be happy, just like you."
"You took off for college, and what did you find? A lonely, older man to take care of you."
"When you have someone like your gran in the family, it’s nearly impossible to get out from under that kind of shadow."
"I might not be here physically, but that doesn’t mean we’re not together. Understand?"
"I’m no longer a child for you to order about."
"You make the mistake of assuming I want anything to do with your title. I do not aspire to wealth or politics."
"I’m quite comfortable saying that I am not the cause."
"I am free to do as I wish, as long as I willingly accept your consequence."
"You have just the right mix of arrogance and talent."
"I try to live most of my life like my mother will always find out what I’ve done."
"Maybe Art was right to leave," Howard grumbled before draining half his beer.
"You read my mind." Jameson looked down at his full glass.
"It wasn’t as satisfying as it had been when they’d done this after a mission."
"At least the unit had been moved to Kirton-in-Lindsey last week. That was one step closer to being operational."
"His letters increased from twice a week to three times, and sometimes even four."
"Scarlett always said exactly what she meant. She never minced words or played games."
"Sometimes he felt like he was still proving his."
"Every other part of her life was managed and controlled. Jameson shredded the rules she’d been raised under."
"My heart, my name, my very being—it’s all yours."
"I will," she said, her lips trembling as she smiled.
"Someone who recognizes you for the stubborn—"
"It went out like a fire I’d forgotten to tend."
"This isn’t a story, with characters who speak to you and choose their own branches."
"What I want has only ever mattered to one person, and she’s dead."
"I wanted to have a clear head." His lips tugged upward. He wasn’t about to be drunk the first time he got his hands on her.
"God, I love you."
"Good, because you’re stuck with me now."
"You’re mine."
"And you’re mine," she replied, lacing her fingers behind his neck.
"Welcome home, Mrs. Stanton," he said as he set her feet on the floor.
"This might not be the most opportune time to tell you, but I can’t cook."
"I got more than I could have dreamed of by marrying you. We’ll figure everything else out together."
"If you’re asking if I want your children someday, then my answer is emphatically yes."
"I’ve been waiting my entire life to touch you."
"Every night of our lives will be our honeymoon."
"My love for you didn't fade when half of England separated us. A few hours is nothing."
"I love you so much that my heart feels like it beats within your body."
"The key to bringing them the ending they deserve is to pick at their flaws until they bleed, then make them conquer that flaw, that fear, in order to prove themselves to the one they love."
"It would be all too easy to fall for Noah Morelli."
"I’m not going to let anything happen to you, Georgia. You have to trust me. I’ve got you."
"You didn’t break any laws, and you’re my wife. You’re entitled to American citizenship."
"I'll probably write until I'm dead. Whether I choose to publish it or not is a different subject."
"You fight and you thrash because this fated, deep-rooted thing you called love refuses to go down with a single shot."
"Real love has to be choked out, held under the water until it stops kicking. That's the only way to kill it."
"There's a warning, a sound your heart makes the first time it realizes it's no longer safe with the person you trusted."
"Truly crushing a soul—now that requires a certain level of...personal violence."
"You either let yourself die...or you learn to breathe the goddamn water, and then they call you a monster for what you become."
"I love you in whatever role you play. Whatever uniform you want to wear. Whoever you want to be. I will love you."
"Having seen both you and your sister, I'd say you might have some dominant genetics in the eye department."
"For one night, you could be whomever you wanted—whatever you wanted."
"Not at all. That was the problem. It didn’t matter how much time I spent with Noah, I always wanted more."
"If I could have seen the future, I would have known what the hell I was doing."
"Whatever this was, it was far beyond physical want."
"Every day he worked brought us closer to his inevitable departure."
"He chose me. The concept was so wild that it took a moment to sink in."
"I’m not selling the rights. It doesn’t matter."
"I could spend days with you under my tongue and still want more."
"I’d never been so completely, thoroughly intoxicated by a kiss."
"We have two choices... Or we ride out the snowstorm together right here in this bed."
"Looking at any situation, any relationship, any story, and having the sublime ability to wonder where it will take us is a bit intoxicating, really."