
Maskerade Quotes

Maskerade by Terry Pratchett

Maskerade Quotes
"Lightning prodded the crags like an old man trying to get an elusive blackberry pip out of his false teeth."
"People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were the kind of people who didn't need people."
"The storm crackled on the mountains, a fire blazed driven this way and that by the gusts."
"You could chain-saw a mattress with about as much efficiency as Nanny Ogg cutting bread."
"It wasn't the medicine that did the trick, it was, in a way, the spoon."
"The selection committee sat around the table in the office of the Opera House's new owner."
"The huge, becolumned, gargoyle-haunted face of Ankh-Morpork's Opera House was there, in front of Agnes Nitt."
"Inside every fat woman, there is a thin woman trying to get out (named Perdita in this case)."
"She had been waiting for this day for years, ever since she'd seen the notice outside the Opera House."
"You can't be too careful," said Granny. "Supposing some man started rattlin' the knob in the middle of the night?"
"Life was hard enough without lies floating around and changing the way people thought."
"Sometimes life reaches that desperate point where the wrong thing to do has to be the right thing to do."
"It doesn't matter what direction you go. Sometimes you just have to go."
"We all live life the best way we can. And there's a lot of people who think witches are bad."
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes."
"And there's always a friendly light in the window."
"I hate people to think I was worrying over nothing."
"It's the music that mattered, not the acting and certainly not the shape of the singers."
"Cheerfully swallow a big lie and choke on a little fib."
"Leave it to the living. They get uneasy when the deceased takes a constructive role in a murder investigation."
"Everything seemed to be so expensive... and now they were owned by a cheesemonger."
"Opera, how hard can it be? Songs, pretty girls dancing, nice scenery."
"No harm in just asking where there was a herbal shop."
"It's only money. It's a way of keeping score."
"In thirty seconds... eh... no. Twenty-one seconds now," said Granny.
"Opera had all seemed so artistic. He'd watched hundreds of operas and practically no one had died."
"She hadn't been hurt, but the old man had died in one incredibly happy instant."
"Who's dead?" he said. "No one, Mr. Bucket, I've got your letters," said Walter.
"The opera house practically runs itself, they'd told him. Well, yes, but it practically ran on money."
"My dear Bucket, I should be most grateful if Christine sings the role of Laura tonight."
"Someone knocked at the door. Mr. Bucket opened it about a quarter of an inch. 'Who's dead?' he said."
"I've been to see Commander Vimes of the City Watch," said Salzella. "He said he'll have some of his best men here tonight. Undercover."
"We've got to do this properly. Did you know Dr. Undershaft was strangled before he was hung?"
"I extend my own welcome to Senor Basilica. I congratulate you on his arrival."
"It's the last place anybody would look," said Granny, about hiding the purse.
"How much was that again?" "Three thousand, two hundred and seventy dollars and eighty-seven pence."
"Money really chafes," said Nanny, about keeping her purse in her knicker leg.
"You're going to need a bigger chimney," said Granny, about Nanny needing a place for her money.
"We've got to get back in there. And into Box Eight," Granny said.
"We could always buy Box Eight," said Granny, artfulness dripping off her voice like toffee.
"I've never had seventy dollars before," said Nanny, working her way up to it gradual.
"It's not as though I like this," said Granny, about the plan to buy Box Eight.
"Seeing is believing. Of course, the trouble is believing is also seeing."
"Seems to me you're so sharp you might cut yourself."
"It's wrong to tell lies about things you see."
"Living other people's lives for them is wrong."
"When you have ruled out the impossible, what is left, however improbable, ain't worth hanging around on a cold night wondering about when you could be getting on the outside of a big drink."
"It's all right to tell lies if you don't think lies."
"I reckon life's difficult enough without some girl cluttering up the place just because she thinks she looks good in a pointy hat."
"If your house was on fire, what's the first thing you'd take out of it?"
"Seeing is believing, but believing is also seeing."
"I'd rather be someone else's voice than some old witch with no friends and having everyone frightened of me."