
Mercy Quotes

Mercy by Jodi Picoult

Mercy Quotes
"She wondered why she had not perceived that conversation then the same way she did now: as a shrill and distant warning."
"She remembered reading once about tribal Indian societies centuries earlier, in which women had the power to divorce a husband simply by stacking his shoes outside a tipi."
"I love you. Now, don’t you think I know that?"
"Loving her was a little like taking the same seat day after day on a commuter train—you couldn’t imagine how it might feel to be in the row behind, you could swear that the dimensions and hollows of the seat were made just for you."
"If I ever get into an accident and become a quadriplegic, you have my permission to shoot me."
"You have all five of your senses. You can still see, you can feel with the skin on your face, you can smell, you can taste, and you can hear."
"He loved the people of his town too much to see them suffer."
"Duty is duty, and a laird is a laird. And be there a clan or no', lad, ye canna doubt your own blood."
"I can’t imagine it being any better than your stuff."
"With him, you never really know what’s going to happen."
"Because he couldna stand to see the people he loved hurting."
"I’m from everywhere. I haven’t stayed long enough in one place to really say I’m from ‘around there.’"
"I thought she worked for the town, but she told me later that she did it once a month because nobody else bothered to."
"If VR is so realistic that you feel, see, and sense an experience, who’s to say it didn’t happen?"
"Don’t you know, Allie, that you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped?"
"You need to do me another favor. When she comes, when Maggie comes... I’ll tell her where to find you."
"I think you and I would have made rather good witches."
"I like not talking to you. I like knowing that I don’t have to talk."
"Imagine. I’d get to ride a broom instead of using it to clean up the shop floor twenty times a day."
"Ah, he thought, as he remembered again to breathe, she’s lit from the inside."
"It isn’t a personal thing, and it doesn’t have any bearing on the trial."
"The answer is no, you can’t put on weight just breathing the stuff in."
"Don’t think about it as the power of your strength, it’s all in the strength of your power."
"It all works out in the end, though, no? What matters now and for always, is that they went the way they wished."
"If you find the defendant guilty, he has to be guilty of three separate processes: premeditation, deliberation, and willfulness."
"I haven’t forgiven God for letting Maggie get sick, so why the hell should He bother to forgive me?"
"Remember Isaiah, 1:18—'though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.'"
"Nobody knew the answer. The cancer was going to surface again, but it was anybody’s guess where and when. It could have been that afternoon; it could have been three months from then."
"I would have been able to tell if Maggie was fighting him. People who are shot or stabbed always die with their eyes wide and scared, their mouths still screaming. Maggie looked like she’d gone off to sleep."
"She wouldn’t see him. Cam had sent notes to the Wheelock Inn, had left messages at the front desk when Mia would not pick up the phone, had once even banged on her door when he was on the midnight to eight a.m. shift and he knew she was there, but she hadn’t answered."
"She was my best friend, God help me, but she’s the one who ought to be on trial. She took advantage of the fact that her husband was crazy about her, and now he’s being called a murderer."
"Love is just a bigger, stickier form of trust. Maggie promised him it would be all right, and Jamie never thought twice about believing her."
"If you could go anywhere, where would you go? - Are you coming too? - I might. Depends on the destination. - Okay, then…Turkey."
"Eight years back, that’s where I’d want to go."
"I don't so much mind the dying," she said. "It's not knowing what's coming next that's killing me."
"It's not his mind that was broken. It was his heart."
"I understand doing something you know you shouldn’t be doing, and knowing at the same time it’s not wrong."
"It was her weekend after all, her present, and didn’t she have a right to pretend?"
"It’s not like he’s Charlie Manson," he said. "I don’t exactly have to fear for my life."
"I’d love you if you just sat in a chair all day."
"I don’t want you to see something else I do terribly."
"What she had always wished, she realized, was simply to turn back the clock."
"I thought you should have something you could keep at the office," Mia said quietly. "Small enough to stuff in a bottom drawer."
"She dressed quickly, because she had a great deal to do."
"Without thinking twice, Jamie unlatched the cage."
"She had on her Walkman, playing an Enya tape."
"The only reason she’d come to Rodeo Joe’s was because it was the first place she’d found in Shelburne Falls with a liquor license, and she planned to get rip-roaring drunk."
"He wondered how long it would take her brain to convince her heart that this was no longer a contest."
"If you really love someone, Allie, I think you have to take them back."
"If you really love someone, you’d let them go."