
The Gods Themselves Quotes

The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov

The Gods Themselves Quotes
"Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain."
"Sometimes, in the dark of the night, I lie awake and wonder if different intelligences can communicate at all."
"The road to understanding is paved with patience and lit by the light of curiosity."
"True heroism lies not in conquering the world, but in understanding it."
"The history of discovery is paved with the desire to know the unknown."
"The fabric of the universe is woven with the threads of possibility."
"In every end lies the seed of a new beginning."
"The essence of humanity lies not in our similarities, but in our differences."
"The greatest discoveries are often hidden in plain sight, waiting for a curious mind to uncover them."
"Para-theory makes it seem quite definite that fusion takes place much more easily over there, so the stars must be considerably smaller than ours on the average."
"Mankind no longer has to work for a living. It means that for the first time in history, mankind can turn its collective brains to the more important problem of developing its true potential."
"No one is going to be immortal. No one is even going to live out a normal lifetime."
"I want to be right, and that I have, for I am right."
"You’re the hope of the world. Get through to them somehow."
"Everyone seems to know that you’ve received your show-cause."
"There’s something so damned undignified at going to destruction through sheer thickheaded stupidity."
"Let’s consider. By the time the third baby comes and grows, Tritt will have had all his children and can look forward to passing on after a fulfilled life."
"She’s not like the others and that means she’s better than the others. Melting wouldn’t be as good if she were like the others."
"Each of the three windows could be made to undergo telescopic magnification."
"How can you stand it? You're the only one I know who has the bad taste to do such a thing."
"It's not as though these nebulae and star clusters exist, even."
"What’s existence? How do you know the ones out there exist?"
"It’s the worst part of the job, having to dress like an Earthie."
"They’re wrinkled, sagging, paunchy, and full of germs."
"Fantasies are free and I don’t have to fulfill them."
"Man is still the creature of his environment."
"We’ve got to eat and drink the local products."
"On Earth, we are unmanned by our longing for a pastoral past that never really existed."
"Everything on the Moon that is of any use to man is man-made."
"If you’ve been raising hell with your water supply, Selene, I suppose we can’t have a second cup."
"I was curious. It was bitter and metallic. I hated it."
"You never told me this. He didn’t try anything, did he?"
"Minute unevenness caught more than their share of light, leaving tiny uphill patches in darkness so that there was a vague mottling of the surface."
"For a moment he felt as though he were standing still. There was no push of air against his body, no feel of anything sliding past his feet."
"Keep your eyes on the Earth till you build up speed. The faster you go, the more stable you'll be."
"Like flying, he said. The pattern of light and dark on either side was moving backward in a blur."
"The Earth was as serene as ever, as uncaring."
"One of the nice things about you, Ben, is that for an Immie, you're willing to let us be ourselves."
"The easiest way to solve a problem is to deny it exists."
"If a second Universe can exist, then an infinite number can."
"You can't push the chicken back into the egg, wine back into the grape, the boy back into the womb."
"The Moon is our home and it's what we make it; exactly what we make it."
"The human brain is so different, qualitatively, from all other brains that it can be considered a new phenomenon."
"Energy being spontaneously given off by matter leaking from another Universe into ours."
"Why drag the entire Moon away? Build starships instead; miles-long ships that are cosmeg-powered and have independent ecologies."