
Sign Here Quotes

Sign Here by Claudia Lux

Sign Here Quotes
"They didn't tell you? You need at least fifteen here."
"Don't worry, they can't see me. I've paused everything."
"People should really open their mail before they call on us."
"Management is way too cheap to put heroin in the beer."
"My friendly face is here for your enjoyment whenever you need it!"
"If you want to stay responsible, you will get wasted."
"Don't forget—we need to get the same deal at the same time."
"I don’t remember much about my life on Earth. But every once in a while the ancient part of my brain still sticky with human sap will catch a scent and send me flying backward."
"The stale air was circulated over wood floors and faded wallpaper only by the whir of fans, turned up all the way at night."
"Up ahead there was a bang, the butt of a gun against wood."
""You prayed, didn’t you? You asked for help? Well, here I am."
""I can undo all of it. I can rewind time, Jake. And then I can make Rebecca love you, marry you, whatever you want.""
""SAY WHAT YOU WANT about humans, but they certainly got this right,""
""Hard how?" "Eternal damnation for wanting your kids not to be shot—it’s just a tough gig, is all.""
"The slowness of summer hit Lily like a lead blanket."
"The house smelled the way it always smelled, as if the air from the past summer had caught between its walls, a perfect artifact."
"I wanted to celebrate. I wanted to go out and get a drink, have a few laughs."
"The past couple of years of Mickey’s life, magic seemed to be going extinct."
"Regardless of whatever happened in the outside world, magic made its home here."
"When she looked at Ruth, Mickey thought that for the first time in her life she understood why they called them "glory days.""
""Wait—" she said, cocking her head. "You didn’t think you were . . . what? ‘Doing the right thing’?""
"I clasped my hands together. "Harrison," I whispered."
"On the contrary, at that age, Lily wanted to remember everything."
"She was too young for it to creep in uninvited, and things were good enough that she had yet to invite it."
"It felt so much like panic that she could barely tell the difference at the time."
"He wasn’t an old man yet, not nearly. But his body had more to say than it ever had before, and he didn’t quite know how to listen."
"This house was his favorite place on Earth. It was his home, in the truest sense."
"He loved the process of caring for it, washing away the winter of neglect with gentle coos like it was a missing pet that had just come home."
"She was enraged with herself. But by then, she was gone, too, the death certificate saying ovarian cancer but Silas knowing it was the rage that killed her: she grew those tumors like teeth to eat herself alive."
"She wore a white bathing suit, the kind that ended in bows on each hip and had one in the middle of the chest. Her skin was lighter than his daughter's, pale like that of the good girls asleep in fairy tales."
"Calamity Ganon, human name redacted, got her taste for blood the first time one of her brothers beat another to death in front of her."
"No matter what they told her about his record, about his mental health issues and pattern of paranoia and violence, she said nothing."
"But what it does mean is this: even though it's been so many years, I still lose my sister every single day."
"The most immediate, accessible part of me—the me in my center, the fundamental me that hasn't been touched by time—every day, every minute, learns and relearns over and over that she is gone."
"He knew the bite of the open air like electricity, how she would feel cold everywhere outside of the thrum of water."
"What good was a conversation if the other person couldn’t push back? The presumption that the dead are happy just to listen was a selfish, desperate side effect of loss."
"It wasn’t until she brought her children into the world through nothing but her body’s force that she realized she could be strong herself."
"Gratitude is not love, especially when the person dutifully practicing gratitude feels, fundamentally, that it is wrong to be grateful to someone for doing that which they vowed to do."
"Desire grew on everything—every skin particle, every foggy car window; in the beat of every song and the fabric of every strap against a girl’s collarbone."
"Sometimes, especially here in this house, she couldn’t help that some part of her wanted those Forgetting Years back."
"Sometimes you just need to know where you are. Where the outside world ends and you begin."
"The water from the river Lethe makes everyone in Hell forget where they came from, who they are. Everything."
"Our only relief was also our erasure. It was brilliant and cruel and completely on brand."
"Maybe the water is Hell’s clumsy attempt at mercy."
"There is no high like making the dangerous choice."
"Growing up seems to be a lesson in loving only those who will love you back, and forsaking the rest."
"For the first time in my life, I'm thinking about my own wants. And every day I wake up and all I want is him."
"There is nothing more dehumanizing than being chosen by the man you adore for nothing but a beating heart and a positive pregnancy test."
"I want to describe the sunlight of the late afternoon, the way the grass felt warm and lazy on my ankles like the tails of bored cats."
"How can I explain what light looks like to people who assume they'll never know life without it?"
"I think if you like her so much, you should go get her. Screw this other person. You are one of a kind, Mr. Harrison. You deserve to get the girl."
"Just then, Mickey and Ruth came flying down the stairs."
"It wasn’t that I missed her, I thought as I watched the door before KQ’s team meeting."
"‘Okay, buttwipes, focus up,’ KQ bellowed before falling back into her chair."
"She looked at me like I had just asked her to prom somewhere loud and public and she was about to say no."
"The truth was, I had never actually known her at all."
"‘Dad makes the best mac and cheese; you’re going to die,’ Mickey said to Ruth."
"Mickey had wants, sure. But Ruth, like Lily, was a girl left wanting."
"The truth was, anyone who could survive the Downstairs was no longer anything close to human."
"But I struck that thought down instantly, ashamed it had even flickered in my mind."
"I, too, turned my back to Trey and focused on the beer Jack had given me. It was Pabst, and I was thrilled."
"Hell has a lot to offer, if you know where to look!"
"Even if, against all odds, they had arrived that way, it was not how they would leave."
"There is no candy in the world like that dirty, stolen sweetness."
"He could create purpose out of nothing; he could give them both—and anyone else who wanted it—something for which to live, or otherwise die."
"In my millennia of existence, I haven’t mattered to anyone."
"All I have ever known—this version of me, at least—is Hell, and what Cal did for me was human."
"When your whole world decides you’re just not worth the extra gas of turning the car around?"
"My voice shook as I spoke, and I realized I hadn’t said a truer word in longer than my body could remember. Sincerity was like a foreign antibody. Or perhaps it was a vaccine. I could feel it coursing through my veins, making me sick as it made me better."
"There is no ‘out,’ Pey. Not with some magic key, not with ritualistic scars, not even with your supersecret loophole."
"But I have to at least try. And you can too. Please don’t sacrifice yourself for him."
"Do you call it a sacrifice when you spit out the pit?"
"On the conveyor belt, the first cut is always for love. A rarity among our usual haul, love is a precious resource."
"Love is one of these things humans experience, twist to fit their cage of mortality, and then claim to have invented."
"Love—as it is in the wild, no fingerprints on the glass—knows nothing of time."
"I knew that sound. One of my marks was disconnecting."
"I took one look at her, facedown in the water, her spine floating higher than the rest of her, as if it were the only buoyant thing left inside, and clicked Confirm."
"When you cut the frenzied thinking out of your brain, you find you have a lot more room in yourself for knowing."
"She felt her way along the shadows... until her fingers gripped a slick pole of the ladder."
"I couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. Couldn’t make a smart decision. All I could do was watch."
"I pressed; I pressed; I breathed into her mouth; I pressed. I tried. God, if you don’t believe anything else in this letter—in your whole memory of me—please, please, believe that I tried to save your sister’s life."
"I don’t want to live in a world without Sarah. I’m sure I would’ve met plenty of other interesting girls if things had played out differently, but they wouldn’t matter."
"But I can’t deal with you thinking it. Not you."
"Looking at him, Lily recognized all his parts but not his whole. It was like someone else had put on his skin."
"She believed, in fact, that she already was, and would always be [good]."
"To breathe is miraculous. You should think about that more."
"But there is more to the heart than that, isn’t there?"
"It’s that my heart was nothing if not for the container of her hand."