
The Battlemage Quotes

The Battlemage by Taran Matharu

The Battlemage Quotes
"A kaleidoscope of violet seared across Fletcher’s vision."
"Consciousness faded, seeping from him with the warmth from his body."
"With each moment, flashes of memory darted across his air-starved brain."
"They were on a small, craggy island, shaped like an upturned bowl and coated in a thick layer of green algae."
"The sky above was a dim, sullen blue, like dusk in winter."
"As he lay his head on her shoulder, Fletcher realized she was shivering."
"With each gust, the placid surface of the water shivered like a living creature."
"The only question is, what do we do now?"
"We wait for dry land, or somewhere to hide."
"We just walked into the heart of their holiest place and destroyed half an army."
"The Catoblepas had turned the same intense burgundy that colored Ignatius’s skin."
"They reveled in the glow and heat from their small fire."
"Doing nothing is as much a choice as doing something."
"We’re going to traverse the ether—until we find Hominum’s part of it."
"She needed normality, comfort and care."
"We’re just lucky Fletcher buried so many of the nearest shamans’ demons."
"The sky was already darkening, and Fletcher’s stomach was cramping and gurgling."
"How could he have judged Jeffrey so poorly?"
"The blood of the innocent is a necessary sacrifice to protect the purity of our race."
"You have struck a blow for the safety of humanity that will be felt through the ages."
"I slaughtered your goblins and buried your shamans’ demons in the rubble of your most holy place."
"I hope he found a nice lady friend while he was away."
"We’ll have to move on, first thing tomorrow."
"Do you know how Shrikes got their name?"
"It’s so it can hold its catch in place while it feeds."
"I bet there will be little Sheldons running around someday soon."
"We were just a few weeks into the academic year too, correct?"
"We didn’t realize she knew. We thought Lysander was unconscious."
"But what do you expect me to do? Make my own announcement, show them the journal? My father has his spies watch me at all times."
"So what’s your plan? Captain, if you would."
"I don’t know why you’re smiling. I wish you’d never publicized your discovery."
"It’s not that simple. Who am I supposed to take this to? The Pinkertons? The Inquisition themselves?"
"Why do you think Alfric needs to make these speeches? Because he needs the people of Hominum on his side."
"The students downstairs were all commoners, since the nobles didn’t bother attending."
"Then we’ll just need to hold off until the story is told."
"That’s the plan? What if Cress and Othello’s distraction doesn’t work, and word gets out that you’re in there, making a speech?"
"There’s no turning back now. We’re here."
"I think it’s best you let us take these two criminals off your hands before their imprisonment here is discovered and misinterpreted as dwarven aggression."
"Rook hit me with a fire spell. It was bad. But … it didn’t hurt me."
"Immune to Manticore venom and fire. You’re a veritable trove of surprises, Fletcher Raleigh."
"News of your proclamations has already spread throughout the land: Even the guests at the banquet now know every word of Sylva’s speech."
"If the people of Hominum believed what Sylva said, they will welcome the dwarven recruits with open arms. ‘All is forgiven, we were wrong,’ so to speak."
"You’re saying we can just have it? No debt, no nothing?"
"I lost a family, but I gained a new one, thanks to you."
"Try it. They’re not quite ripe yet, but you’ll rarely manage to find one that’s purpled; the animals get to them first."
"You were supposed to be the best, an army to be proud of. Now look at you. Squabbling like spoiled children."
"I blame myself. I let it go on for far too long."
"You call it treachery; I call it the cost of doing business."
"If you hated one another, this little dog-and-pony show would have gone a very different way. But hate isn’t your problem. It’s pride."
"I am proud of what we have achieved here. You are now the elite, soldiers I would be proud to lead into the heart of orcdom itself."
"I am asking you to trust me. You know who I am. I have fought the goblin hordes in the heart of orcdom itself, and lived."
"This is where we make our name. This is where we take the fight to the enemy."
"We will hold the line, until help arrives."
"Every village needed to produce something. Pelt had been known for its furs and leather working. Perhaps Raleighshire would be known for its ebony."
"They are killing them. Some escape. Not many."
"We have less than an hour until the enemy arrives. Just do it!"
"I want the riflemen up in the watchtower, ready and loaded. The rest of you, head to the jungle and cut an armful of bamboo, then meet me at the Cleft. Hurry now."
"There was no time to bury them, nor the bodies of Forsyth’s men. A poor fate for brave men and women."
"Thanks for fixin’ me wounds, milord," Mason said, touching his forelock. "I was ’alfway dead."
"They’re cowards at heart, goblins," Mason said. "You hurt ’em enough, they’ll turn and run."
"We can do this," Sylva said, her eyes meeting his.
"The prophecy is true," Khan said, shaking his head. "He who holds the Salamander will win the war."
"You’ve done more than anyone could ask," Sir Caulder said, wrapping his good arm around Fletcher’s shoulders. "Your parents would be proud of the man you’ve become."
"I’ll fight for ye," Mason said, giving him a level look, "I’ll be fetchin’ me falchion then, and some bamboo, was it? What do ye need that for?"
"It’s going to be okay," Fletcher whispered. "He’s not dead. He’s not."