
Breakaway Quotes

Breakaway by Grace Reilly

Breakaway Quotes
"After a lifetime of waking up at random times to head to the rink, plus two full seasons of McKee hockey, you’d think I wouldn’t mess up something as stupid as the time of the season-opener exhibition."
"The semester has been underway for a month now, but I still don’t have my shit together, especially for the three seminars I’m taking."
"He gives me a hard look with those pale blue eyes that can cut through you like a knife."
"I traded cleats for skates and never looked back."
"Academics are supposed to come first—but he’s known since freshman year that if I could, I would have declared for the NHL Draft the moment I turned eighteen."
"Sex wouldn’t solve anything, but getting off inside a girl instead of my fist would be a start, however embarrassing that sounds."
"He’s improved my game so much in our first two seasons together, and we’ve spoken about the future—the only future I’ll accept for myself—in a way I can’t with my actual father."
"The pressure of performing well so the NHL will come calling when I graduate."
"When I’m skating, at least my blood is pumping."
"I pick up my drinks from the counter and thank the barista, Will, who nods at me before moving on to the next patron."
"It’s not the first time you’ve let your temper get the best of you. I’ve always wondered if hockey brings out the worst of your personality."
"Of course, I can’t do that if you’re going to get yourself thrown out thanks to fighting penalties."
"But if I laugh, though, Mia might slice me open with that razor."
"I can keep letting Preston into my life, or I can bury his memory with new experiences."
"It's the least I can do after the trauma you endured yesterday."
"He’s sending someone to volunteer at one of my classes."
"The universe is giving you a gift. It’s telling you to seize the dick, if you will."
"You don’t have to like him; you just have to invite him to stick his head up your skirt."
"The personal space bubble around a café table is sacred."
"It’s not like you can stay orgasm-less forever."
"Why not? It makes it even more perfect, honestly, because you know you can’t fall for him."
"Just help them keep their balance and learn to find their way on the ice."
"We want to keep ourselves low and use our arms for balance."
"That’s a good name. It’s going to look nice on you one day."
"You know, Ovechkin had to learn how to skate when he was a kid. I had to, too."
"Falling? Even hockey players fall sometimes, right?"
"We’ll do this exercise together, and then you’ll get to practice on your own."
"I can’t control my grin as we resume play. I can’t wait to hear what Coach has to say when the game ends."
"The less I think about her, the faster I’ll forget her."
"Enjoy the win, gentlemen, but make sure you stay focused on tomorrow, too."
"Not everyone cares all that much about clothes."
"If she found someone new to date, I would have heard about it by now."
"It’s what I’m doing. You asked, so I’m showing you."
"You heard her. Doesn’t matter who scores as long as we get it done."
"I want that; I want to feel him in my throat."
"If you want to suck me, take me into your mouth nice and slow."
"I know this won’t lead anywhere real, but for a moment—half a second, really—I let myself pretend."
"I haven’t felt this good since Dr. Faber finally got me situated with Lexapro."
"I’m just saying, if they can get past Dallas, they’ll be golden."
"This is my last season playing hockey. It’s been my life for as long as I can remember."
"I’m not going to magically feel safe having vaginal sex again if I don’t try anything else first."
"I don’t like Penny Ryder like that. She’s not my schoolboy crush. She’s my friend and we’re kindred spirits in the sack, but that doesn’t make me want to be her boyfriend."
"Even if all my wet dreams lately have involved her."
"Even if her laughter is so adorable, it makes my chest hurt."
"Even if I’ve never enjoyed sex more, and I haven’t even gotten my dick inside her anywhere but her mouth."
"Even if my favorite recent memory is cuddling with her in my bed while watching Lord of the Rings."
"Just teasing. That was at Emma Cotham’s pool party."
"It’s almost Halloween. You could be a fox; you have the hair for it."
"I’d rather imagine the guys looking exactly like I want them to."
"You’re the sweetest girl I’ve ever had, and if I’m being honest, she’s ruining me for anyone else."
"I need us to be good. We’re cat parents now."
"We’re going to take it to the vet tomorrow, and if it doesn’t belong to anyone, we’re keeping her."
"I like this cat. We’re going to take it to the vet tomorrow, and if it doesn’t belong to anyone, we’re keeping her. So buckle up, because you’re Mommy and I’m Daddy."
"I’ve never had baby fever, aside from the occasional reaction to a well-written breeding kink scene, but if I become a parent, I think it’s going to go something like this."
"Phantom pain always crops up whenever I ponder the cost of those awards."
"She made me feel grateful that I had the opportunity to make the mistake in the first place and learn from it."
"It’s almost been a decade, and yet I can’t reminisce without crying."
"I started reading Twilight in the hospital. It was the series that made me fall in love with reading."
"I’m terrified that the moment that happens, I’ll lose Penny for good."
"She’s my girl. Maybe it’s not official, but it’s the truth."
"How can I help her—truly help her—if I don’t know the whole story?"
"I’m happier than I’ve been in a long, long time—and Cooper is the reason."
"You read them because they make you happy. And that’s sweet."
"I even miss Sebastian and Izzy, too, since I’ve been seeing a lot of them."
"You should always get something for yourself too."
"But you're still my little girl, and I'll always be there for you."
"She's good enough to win the Frozen Four this year."
"I'm really excited. I mean, I have no idea what to do with an English degree, but right now I don't care."
"I wasn’t sure that I’d ever tell anyone those words ever again. I’m still not sure, but the possibility sparkles in the distance like a far-off sun shower."
"And that’s hard fucking work. There are gummy bears for you in the glove compartment."
"The casually possessive nature, combined with the fact he didn’t draw any attention to it, is hot enough to make me want to ask him to pull over."
"People talk about love like it’s a given, but until now, I didn’t know if that included me."
"It’s like I’ve been carrying around an enormous secret—until I know my girl’s okay."
"I’ll take being whipped if it means I can get on my knees to worship her."
"She’s everything to me. Even the thought of that hurts."
"Eventually, it wasn’t just them watching it, it was our whole school."
"I had a panic attack in the middle of my routine. That’s how I tore my ACL."
"They saw everything, Cooper. The whole thing, start to finish."
"I just hated that everyone thought I was some… some slut, for putting myself in a position where I allowed myself to be filmed."
"I want to forget it. Give me the last thing on the list, Cooper, please. I need it. I need you."
"I don’t give a fuck about the party when you’re hurting."
"I wanted every single moment of it, the awkwardness and the discomfort."
"Turns out, I didn’t know what special even meant until this very moment."
"My good, gorgeous girl, talk to me, okay? Tell me what you need."
"I’ve got some people I want you to meet, business associates."
"No rehab is over a quarter of a million dollars."
"You’ve always been good at worming your way into places you don’t belong."
"Don’t say it for me. Say it for us when you mean it."
"I’m the biggest idiot in the world. Never Dad’s first choice."
"Let me feel something other than pain, even if it’s nearly as unpleasant."
"All he’s ever wanted is to feel like you cared."
"What’s the use of love if you’re not open about it with the people you care about?"
"You own it, and even if you try to give it back, if you abandon it, I won’t take it."
"You are my first choice. That’s why I’m standing here right now."
"It’s like I’ve been falling all my life, and I finally landed somewhere safe."
"I’ve loved you since the moment your mother and I found out we were going to be lucky enough to have another son."