
The Gilded Cage Quotes

The Gilded Cage by Lynette Noni

The Gilded Cage Quotes
"No one? Who can speculate as to the cause of death?"
"Someone with such natural, intuitive talent deserved the chance to hone his skills."
"For future reference," Naari declared, "the next time the two of you sneak off for some alone time, please do so inside the palace grounds."
"I’m on my way to Vallenia. It’s time to reclaim our kingdom."
"There's something fundamentally wrong with our laws when children can be sent to a death prison."
"If she knew the truth, she’d never be able to look at me again."
"Trust is the first ingredient in a recipe for betrayal."
"I have no idea what the future will bring for us, but right now she deserves the chance to live her life and follow her dreams."
"Poor Serafine. Navok is obviously using her for some kind of bargaining power. She doesn’t deserve that."
"No one threatens my family and my kingdom and gets away with it. No one."
"Foreign trade negotiations, city maintenance updates, guild requests... all matters that were inconsequential to her."
"I can only hope she’ll grant me the honor of being by her side on that journey."
"Just this once, she told herself. Just this once, she would allow herself to forget who he was — who she was — and rest in the comfort of his embrace."
"They’re all that was holding her together."
"I’m sorry, she whispered again, the words breaking."
"People like to gossip. But don’t worry, everyone thinks you’re dead."
"You need to choose, Kiva. You can’t claim to be on our side while staring longingly at your precious prince. It’s him or us. Them or us. You can’t have it both ways."
"The last thing I want is to make her feel like she’s trapped in another kind of cage."
"Never underestimate the power of hope, Mouse."
"To this day, I’ve never understood her strategy, but despite the unrest, people keep joining us in the hope that they’ll be healed."
"It’s enough that the people think we do, as Corentine heirs."
"I’m tired of seeing good people suffer for a cause I’m not even sure I believe in."
"Her hopes, her dreams, her ambitions. Her future."
"I’m here every day for the morning shift — come find me if you want a break from palace life."
"I love my people too much not to worry about them."
"I just want to make sure I’m ready first."
"I’m guessing she sent you here. I won’t give it to you, either, so go back to where you came from. Shoo!"
"The last thing I wanted was a reminder about the unknown Mr. Chomps being out on the prowl."
"We care about you, Kiva. Ignoring that you deliberately kept me from coming with you — which I would have done in a heartbeat, as you damned well know."
"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just —"
"Please, it would mean a lot if you could tell someone where you’re going next time."
"I just wanted to see my family. To see if they — if they —"
"You need to learn how to control your magic, not repress it. That’s the only way you’ll stop your outbursts."
"I think it’s best if he gets this out of his system, Sweet Cheeks."
"You don’t believe me," he said, misreading her expression. He reached for her hand. "Look."
"I would have traded my life in an instant if I’d known they would let you go."
"Thank you for taking such good care of our sister."
"I wanted us to have a nice time together, and you ruined it! Why did you have to ruin it?"
"I told you," Jaren said as they meandered along the river, noting how quickly she finished her roll and graciously handing over what remained of his."
"You’re looking a bit uncomfortable there," Jaren said, lips twitching as he watched her holding her belly and moaning. "Do you think you can walk up the hill, or should I carry you?"
"You’re taking me to Silverthorn?" she asked, tilting her head in puzzlement.
"We’re not going there for you," Jaren chuckled and wound an arm around her waist, leading her off the crowded River Road and onto the quieter side street toward the academy.
"I told you I trust you. And besides, my sharing where it is won’t cause any harm. You’d literally have to get through an entire army to steal it."
"I’m fine," Kiva answered, speaking true.
"I did appreciate it. And I did enjoy it. More than I can say."
"But you’re right. There is a way they could, theoretically, be willfully accepted by the people."
"You have absolutely nothing to worry about, Kiva. I promise you."
"I’m sorry," Zuleeka whispered. "I shouldn’t have listened to Mother, I know that now."
"Let’s just — Let’s try to forget about it. As you said yesterday, what’s done is done."
"This isn’t creepy at all," Kiva stated, looking around.
"Let’s cut the bull and get straight to it, Sunshine," Caldon said, prowling toward her. "What did your brother and sister want?"
"The reason you don’t have to worry is because the Eye is almost impossible for anyone to steal."
"It’s him or us. Them or us. You can’t have it both ways."
"You bring out the best in me, Sweet Cheeks."
"That’s lovely," he said. "Real charming."
"You were thinking pretty deeply," he said, using the tip of his finger to smooth the wrinkle between her brow.
"You’re different from them, Kiva, the light to their darkness. Your magic is pure, your heart is true."
"But you must be careful, one mistake is all it will take, one poor choice. You have to fight it. Don’t become like them."
"The dagger — Sarana used it on Torvin. It’s how she saved the kingdom."
"The Eye of the Gods — their gift to Sarana. A weapon forged to take away her husband’s magic."
"Save him, or stop me. The choice is yours, sister."
"My magic is a part of me. Like an arm or a leg."
"Don’t, not right now. I need to — I need to think."
"Sorry about this, It’s nothing personal."
"Goodbye, sister. I wish things could have been different."