
The Black Witch Quotes

The Black Witch by Laurie Forest

The Black Witch Quotes
"The woods are beautiful. They’re my friends, the trees, and I can feel them smiling down at me."
"We finally stop in a sunny clearing deep in the forest."
"A powerful energy shoots through me and courses toward the stick."
"And over time, the memory fades, like a stone falling to the bottom of a deep, dark well."
"The only girl I know who’s been fasted is Sage, and she’s up and disappeared."
"I’ve never been away from my uncle for more than a day."
"I’m suddenly acutely aware of the sad state of my own appearance."
"There’s no reason for me to have a wand. I’ve no magic."
"I wonder if she’ll let me take some of these books to University with me—they’d be of incredible use to me in my studies."
"Sometimes in this world, it’s good to know what you’re dealing with."
"I’ve no experience in society. There’s just no way I can...swoop down into it and...fit in."
"Simply sit back, enjoy it and follow my lead."
"I can’t be weak here. You’ll be eaten alive."
"Wands aren’t the only tools of power, Elloren."
"The generosity of his offer catches me completely off guard."
"I love how the trees smell this time of year."
"It doesn’t matter if there’s an army of Lupines on your tail."
"Guild Mage Lorel expects you to be on time."
"You ignore Him when you allow the Icaral demon of Prophecy to escape."
"The ancient Kelts had good reason to despise the Fae."
"History is a tricky thing. What is written about it is usually subjective."
"Real education doesn't make your life easy. It complicates things and makes everything messy and disturbing."
"It's easier to cast the Icarals as evil and shun them at birth than it is to admit that every race is a mix."
"Life would not be worth living without at least having faith in that one thing—that there is another way."
"Perhaps there is hope for something better than all of this fighting? Some other future that's possible?"
"It's time to start paying attention to what my own government is doing."
"You ignore Him when you dismiss His Holy Charge to claim Erthia for the Mages."
"I was mean, but I didn’t want to be. And I’m sorry. I’m not mean anymore. At least I hope I’m not."
"I won’t stop until you tell me what’s going on."
"They’re not after you. They’re only after her. Our next Black Witch."
"Or you’ll do what, exactly, Mage Elloren Gardner?"
"They rune-marked her clothing with search runes."
"Ishkart mercenaries. Assassins from the Eastern Realm."
"They’re trained to kill intruders. And to go to their Dragon Master."
"It’s not working. They need to get so cold they turn white."
"They seem to be headed in the direction of Valgard."
"An explosion of limbs, flesh and blood streaks through the sky as the white beam barrels onward."
"Gray clouds pull in from every direction, like dogs heeding a master’s call."
"I can taste blood in my mouth, smell it on Yvan’s taut neck."
"You’ve lost a lot of blood," Yvan says gently.
"Do you trust me?" His eyes are steady on mine.
"Everyone turns to look at me, the gravity of what we’ve done, and the extreme danger we’ve placed ourselves in, stark in everyone’s eyes."
"Good," Tierney says, barely visible through the frigid white.
"We’ve destroyed a Gardnerian military base," I state flatly.