
Twisted Emotions Quotes

Twisted Emotions by Cora Reilly

Twisted Emotions Quotes
"Fear shot through me. I wasn’t supposed to be alone with men in my bedroom. That was a rule I had learned from an early age."
"I stood, wincing from the soreness between my legs. I looked down at myself. There was blood on my legs and something else that made my stomach pinch sharply."
"As women, we have to fulfill our duty to our husbands ... You don’t have to be— Make him treat you like a lady."
"Because it wasn’t really a choice; it was disguised as one. In this life women aren’t given choices."
"Every man would end up in Hell, if what they believed was truth."
"I won’t fight him. I will do what he wants. Then surely it will be endurable. I’m not thirteen anymore."
"I choose to salvage my honor, choose to hold my head high no matter what happens. Let this be my choice."
"Some men don’t bring violence home to their wives. Some men can distinguish between the ones they need to protect and those they need to break."
"Many choices have been taken from me throughout this life, but I choose to salvage my honor, choose to hold my head high no matter what happens."
"You don’t have to be submissive. I won’t feel attacked if you stand up to me."
"It’s us against the rest. It will always be like that."
"I won’t bring women here with me, so you don’t have to be worried."
"My brothers and I protect each other because we are family."
"I will never act on anger or fear or sadness, but I don’t feel."
"I don’t care if you are a virgin. It’s a small piece of flesh that’s completely useless."
"You are a Falcone now, my wife, and in Las Vegas nobody goes against us."
"Be loyal. Be trustworthy. Forget your blood family and New York. Cut the bonds that tie you to them and become a Falcone."
"You didn’t have to protect me. I’m not your responsibility."
"I want her to be treated like family. I want her protected. I want her safe from any threat."
"She is safe, Nino. You are my brother and she is yours. I will make sure everyone in this city, and beyond, realizes she’s under our protection."
"Thank God, not the cage," Leona muttered, and I gave her a questioning look. She smiled. "Fabiano always insists we work out in the cage, and it honestly gives me the creeps."
"I’m going to attack you," Nino said. Leona’s eyes widened. "What? I thought Fabiano would train with me?"
"Being faced with an opponent that makes you nervous is closer to reality," Fabiano explained.
"Remember what I taught you," Fabiano hissed to Leona, urging her to fight back.
"Now he’s got you exactly where he wants you," Remo made clear, emphasizing the importance of acting quickly.
"Then let’s hope your assailant announces his attack ahead of time and doesn’t scare you," Remo muttered sarcastically.
"Your attacker won’t be Nino," Fabiano said. "He probably won’t be half as fast or strong or skilled."
"Do you agree with him?" I asked quietly. Nino nodded. "Remo would be the best option if you wanted to simulate an attack."
"As long as you don’t face your fears, you will be weak," Remo growled, making it clear the importance of confronting fears.
"You are smaller and weaker, so you will have to make every hit count. Aim where it hurts the most," Nino advised, highlighting strategy over strength.
"I underestimated your fear of men. With me, you’ve been relaxed," Nino admitted, recognizing the importance of trust.
"You won’t improve if you feel safe," Nino cautioned, emphasizing the need to step out of comfort zones for growth.
"I want you to face your fears. They might immobilize you during a real fight," Nino explained, stressing the importance of overcoming fears.
"Don’t allow the past to control you. You are safe. Nothing will happen to you. I am here," Nino assured, offering protection and reassurance.
"You can’t hurt me. Again, and harder this time," Nino encouraged, pushing for resilience and strength.
"You will learn to defend yourself, and I swear nobody will ever hurt you again. Nobody will ever get close," Nino promised, offering a vow of protection and empowerment.
"I love you," she whispered, revealing deep feelings amidst vulnerability and strength.
"Someone has to make sure the west stays in our hands. I fought too hard for this to lose it because of laziness."
"Do you ever feel guilty for what you do? For what you did today?"
"Our mother was saved by my father’s men later."
"I don’t want you to kiss me because I want it. I want you to kiss me because you want to do it, because you feel like it."
"I enjoy hurting people. I don’t differentiate if it’s a man or a woman."
"Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is the biggest kind of stupidity I can imagine."
"I love you, Nino. A part of me died six years ago, but you helped me live again."
"I love you. For real. No simulated affection or love ever again, because with you, I don’t need to simulate."