
The Keeping Quotes

The Keeping by Nicky Charles

The Keeping Quotes
"The room was silent, except for the ticking of the grandfather clock that stood majestically near the doorway and the faint sounds of the old man’s breathing."
"Pale winter sunlight, so typical of early January, was valiantly trying to brighten the large, cluttered room."
"His gnarled hands rested lightly on the arms of the chair in which he sat, their occasional tightening the only real sign of the emotion he was feeling."
"Studying it with care, his gaze traced over the subject matter, analyzing and assessing."
"Excitement was bubbling inside him, though his calm countenance gave no sign."
"You’re not even here, and still you manage to be dominant."
"I can use the extra cash. That money pit I bought wants new plumbing."
"Young people left Stump River, they didn’t move here."
"His black hair, blue eyes and ‘devilishly sexy smile’—their words, not his, of course."
"All he saw, when he looked at Ryne, was a hard-working, confident man who knew his way around an engine."
"The forecast had called for light snow, but the weatherman was obviously an idiot."
"She clenched the steering wheel tighter, trying to steer into the skid; muscles tensed as she braced herself against the impact that was sure to come."
"It wasn’t the most pleasant drive, but I made it."
"Being charmingly casual, while making subtle inquiries, seemed like too much of an effort at the moment."
"Staring at the thick carpeting beneath his feet. A dry chuckle rumbled in his chest."
"At first, there’d been rumours that they were gay, but their behaviour at the bar on Friday nights soon dispelled that rumour."
"Watching Ryne get cleaned up at the nearby sink, Ben couldn’t help but feel a touch of envy."
"I’m sure I will. It’s been nice talking to you, Elise."
"I can’t believe you’re still jealous of him. You must know there’s nothing between us."
"How many beers had he consumed last night, anyway?"
"Having a cast iron stomach was one of the genetic benefits his parents had passed on to him."
"She wasn’t strikingly beautiful, nor blatantly sexy, but there was something appealing about her."
"He didn’t go for the girl-next-door-type; real women who knew the score were more his style."
"I thought you were supposed to be the smart one."
"Women like Lucy, he added. Some sex, some fun, and then we’re done; that was how he operated."
"I’m sure you didn’t, but look what happened anyway."
"Her hair, spread out upon the cushions, was a shade between blonde and brown."
"He wondered what her lips would feel like against his own."
"The idea that Taylor might be gay had never crossed her mind."
"A little voice felt it was important to point out that the waitress had left Mel with the impression that the two had a rather loose relationship."
"The idea of carrying out the Keeping was no more palatable now, than it had been earlier on."
"If you sneeze in Ruth’s diner, the nurse at the clinic is waiting with a thermometer by the time you step outside."
"Don’t worry. You could always sleep with me."
"I don’t know about you, but I’ve always heard you don’t stand outside playing with power tools in the middle of a storm."
"But then someone told me it’s really cold and hard on your feet, so instead I’m going with hardwood."
"I always like a game of ‘show and tell’ myself."
"The previous owner, Edith Nelson, was an avid gardener in her day."
"I have complete control over what you write and want to see a list of questions ahead of time so that I can consider which ones I want to answer."
"Life isn't simply black or white. It's a myriad of shades of grey."
"It's just such a sunny day, I thought it would be nice to go outside."
"Prevention is the key. It's a monthly treatment; five days of pills and then you're fine for the rest of the month."
"I'm not a baby anymore. And my bodily functions aren't a subject I wish to discuss with you."
"Old enough to want some privacy in certain areas."
"They make me so sleepy and I have the strangest dreams."
"An unfortunate side effect, but well worth the benefits achieved."
"No, I need to do this. Lucy’s my friend, too."
"As a werewolf, you get lots of practice creating plausible half-truths to cover things up."
"The apartment units surrounding hers were unusually quiet, almost as if everyone knew of the tragedy and were paying their respects."
"It hadn’t been much of a life, but it had been hers."
"If I hadn’t taken that picture of Kane in his wolf form, Greyson wouldn’t have gone looking for me."
"Sometimes the simplest of things can cause a landslide."
"You might want to talk to Armand. Apparently, just before she left, he indicated he was interested in her."
"I always wondered about that, but the man was afraid to make his move."
"A were-bear? Exactly how many other shifter creatures are out there?"
"Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. I’ve had experience with this type of situation."
"It was deemed a random act of violence, the perpetrator likely looking for something to steal and Lucy had unfortunately surprised him."
"I tried to keep my lustful side a secret so you wouldn’t run away."
"I want to be with you for the rest of my life."
"You sound pretty confident about that, Taylor."