
Every Soul A Star Quotes

Every Soul A Star by Wendy Mass

Every Soul A Star Quotes
"In Iceland, fairies live inside of rocks."
"I also know how to find every constellation in the sky."
"The fact that we live somewhere with a hot spring outside our house pretty much explains why I don’t have friends nearby."
"The brightest star in any constellation is called the Alpha."
"I prefer MTV to PBS, and to me, dark matter and antimatter really means don’t matter."
"When you’re a teenager and shopping for a new eyeliner or lip gloss, you don’t want an old lady telling you what you need. You want someone you can identify with."
"All I want to do is be left alone so I can read (fantasy and SF), draw (aliens, monsters, and wizards), and conserve my energy so when everyone else is sleeping and dreaming their normal dreams, I can do something that most other people can’t."
"The best thing about being beautiful? No one expects me to be anything else."
"I plan to work at the mall, get discovered by one of the scouts looking for kids with modeling potential, be on the cover of Seventeen BEFORE I’m seventeen."
"We all have things to offer the world. My beauty is what I have to give."
"Every time [my comet] circles around the sun and approaches Earth, excited onlookers will exclaim, 'There goes Comet Summers, isn’t it bright? Isn’t it amazing?'"
"I’m sure that’s not true. All your magazines are a fire hazard, and they’ll have to go."
"You don’t need to read any articles. You got a living, breathing eclipse expert right here."
"I’m sure you’ll get a lot out of it. Going away with a big tour group is a very social experience."
"If I wasn’t already on the ground I swear I would seriously faint."
"Only a poet can truly describe an eclipse, and I’m sorry to say I’m not a very good one. But comparing what you see during an eclipse to the darkness at night is like comparing an ocean to a teardrop."
"If the kids at school could see him now!"
"We’re going to be on the only spot of American soil to witness all of nature holding its breath."
"Your daughter’s your daughter all of your life, your son is your son till he gets a wife."
"I’ll explain on the bus tomorrow instead."
"Girls dig confidence. They don’t care if you’ve got rock-hard abs."
"It’s just that while you were writing that last thing I realized something. We can’t move!"
"The Moon Shadow is the best place on the planet to live."
"The things people do for fashion. Doesn’t make any kind of sense."
"I’m not going to screw up again. Those days are gone. This is a new place, and I can be a new person here."
"There’s such a thing as questioning too little."
"You’ll find your comet one day, mark my words."
"You can’t light a fire when you’re stargazing! It would ruin everyone’s night vision."
"Once it’s out there, it’s for everyone."
"I don’t want to leave the Moon Shadow! I’ll never make it out there."
"I can come awake in my dreams. I can fly."
"I think you should dream about things you really want to happen. That way, they’re more likely to come true."
"I’m struck by the perfect way the universe fits together, like a big elaborate watch that keeps perfect time."
"I feel like I could die from the beauty of it."
"It’s like a big eye beaming down on those of us lucky enough to stand beneath it."
"The universe really is full of mysterious and amazing things."
"If this could be repeated every day for a year, I would never budge from where I stood."
"It’s like the life and color is being sucked right out of the world."
"It’s like looking for something invisible."