
Firewall Quotes

Firewall by Henning Mankell

Firewall Quotes
"The wind died down towards evening, then stopped completely."
"Sometimes he set up his telescope and looked into the lighted windows of the other flats."
"There may even be a touch of frost tonight, though it's early for Skåne."
"Since it was Sunday, the place was immaculately clean. It gave him a feeling of satisfaction."
"Below that he had added four sentences: No activity in C-space today. No messages. C doesn't reply when prompted. All is calm."
"Nothing is truly comprehensible, he thought. My own life is as incomprehensible as the fact that the light I see now from the stars has been travelling for aeons."
"If people only knew what lay in store for them."
"A person who died eventually became a person who had never existed."
"He thought about the fact that this was his fourth funeral in seven years."
"But there were no life-changing decisions in wait for him, no Sudan."
"I can't deny that this is how things are now, he thought. But that doesn't mean that I can understand a single bit of it."
"He wondered what the coming winter was going to be like, if there would be much snow or if it would simply rain."
"I miss the companionship, he thought. With Baiba I managed to escape the loneliness I hadn't even been aware of."
"I should avoid deserted beaches in the autumn, he thought. They make me depressed."
"There's really only one question, he thought as he returned to the conference room. Why did they do it?"
"He knew he should go for an evening walk and tried desperately to think of an excuse."
"He would never be anything but a police officer."
"Do you understand now why I think so often of quitting?"
"That was the point at which Wallander woke up."
"He felt sure that Hökberg was still on the run."
"He had been sleeping for almost seven hours."
"The national chief of police has called and expressed his displeasure."
"Wallander put on a CD of Verdi's La Traviata."
"Wallander felt something go tight in his stomach."
"Twenty-five per cent of Skåne is without power."
"It was like choosing execution by the electric chair."
"Wallander had fallen asleep on the sofa while he had been waiting for the power to come back on."
"The hospitals were using their emergency generators."
"It was cold for the beginning of October."
"He wondered if the executive really knew what had happened."
"The wind was stronger here in the open fields."
"He looked down at his watch. It was 3.30 a.m."
"Wallander was shivering with cold and longed for his Wellingtons."
"Wallander sat deep in thought for a long time."
"Wallander was catapulted from sleep at around 5 a.m."
"A man who possibly came from Hong Kong had turned up at István's restaurant in Ystad and paid with a fake credit card."
"There is a time for living, a time for dying."
"Criminals often leave a greeting at the scene of the crime. Sometimes it's deliberate, sometimes by accident."
"This is no mistake, no-one just happens to have a big electrical relay on them."
"Men are often childish and vain, although they deny it."
"The whole country is run by consultants nowadays. Soon even party leaders will be replaced by consultants."
"Nothing is ever better than cold water."
"It's like cutting a fence. When you leave you have to try to fix it so that no-one can see you were there."
"He who controlled electronic communication controlled everything."
"Everything was still under control, he decided, even though he couldn't deny that someone had broken through the first line of defence in Falk's computer and was possibly trying to go further."
"The marsh became a symbol for the chaos of life, where the only end was to drown yourself."
"The days of nuclear submarines were over. Future threats would come barrelling down the miles of fibre-optic cables that were now entangling the world like a spider's web."
"Bombs would be nothing more than computer viruses smuggled into the enemy's storehouse of weapons."
"That's the whole point. I don't know why people have to be so afraid of showing a little temperament."
"It's funny how quickly you get used to things. I can hardly remember life before these machines."
"She had suffered a long period of sleeplessness as she searched for a way out of her dilemma."
"The person or persons who had returned Falk's body would most likely have chosen a time when no-one could see them."
"If that's true, it's a valuable bit of information."
"Keep Viktorsson informed too, and keep trying to find witnesses."
"An American general was asked what future wars would look like. They would be fought with computers."
"How can it be so difficult to find someone who murdered an innocent girl – in a power station, of all places?"
"I go into her room sometimes. I just sit in there and look around. I just don't understand it."
"If you had to describe Sonja to a stranger, how would you do that?"
"That the world was chaos. That nothing was worth it any more."
"We have to come up with an interpretation."
"As I see it, there are two conclusions that can be drawn."
"It's like a game of dominoes. If one piece falls, the rest will follow suit."
"I can understand releasing the minks, that a group of animal rights activists plan and execute that task."
"I slapped her. End of story. I did it to protect her mother."
"I'm always nervous when I don't understand what's going on."
"The body was so crushed there wasn't a whole piece of bone in there."
"Everything is gone. My whole career has vanished overnight."
"We don't know why. It may also simply be that someone thought he had hidden something here."
"If you can't get over the mountain, you have to go around it."
"A person who can do something like this deserves whatever's coming to him."
We have to rethink this," he said. "From the beginning.
"I mean we have to rethink this. There have been some developments you aren't aware of."
We should move Hökberg's role out of the centre," he said. "I'm convinced now that she died because someone was afraid of what she could tell us.
"There's an air of desperation in all of this, combined with an extreme ruthlessness. Why would people behave in this way?"
Maybe they're fanatics," Martinsson said. "The only thing that matters to them is what they believe in.
"We're working our fingers to the bone, but the justice system is degenerating into a crumbling warehouse of unsolved cases."
"What if we are overinterpreting what's happened?"
"It's often sufficient to circulate documents and have people sign them in their own time."
"Something I can't accept really happened."
"Suddenly Wallander was afraid that the approaching cars were going to be a target."
I've dropped the radio," Martinsson said. "I can't find it in this shit.
"The mud immediately started caking up under his shoes."
"His feet were at once soaking wet and cold, but it was easier to walk over the mud."
"So this is how it would end: a pointless death in a muddy field."
"The main thing is to determine if this is the individual responsible for Hökberg's and Landahl's deaths."
"It was completely irresponsible to have gone after this man alone."
"The whole operation was being dismantled."
"He looked up and saw Martinsson and Hansson coming towards him."
"Behind my back, saying that I'm bad at my job."
"Could you say that last part again? About the hare?"
"The murder of crows took off as they appeared."
How about that?" Wallander asked. "Something right in front of our eyes.
"I wasn't there. I don't know how things looked out there or what precisely happened."
"We have to concentrate our efforts on Falk's computer."
"Don't let anything have happened. Not now, not yet."
"He said he hadn't done his job. That she had shown weakness."
"There were many question marks, but as Wallander sat there on the muddy field he felt that something at least had come to an end."
"The clouds were gone. It was a cold and clear October day."
"Of course, his age excused his speaking plainly."
"It was as if firewalls were not a phenomenon relegated to the world of computers."