
The Sleepwalker Quotes

The Sleepwalker by Robert Muchamore

The Sleepwalker Quotes
"Nice tan, Bethany. We’ve been hearing good things about you."
"I brought you back a present, but I thought I’d save it for your birthday next week."
"But Karen liked the idea of taking her kids to New York, and she bit like a Rottweiler whenever a bargain came her way."
"Remember that time Mrs. Dickerson had us waving our arms around pretending to be trees for a whole hour?"
"They’re so manly! How can we possibly resist them?"
"Who’d want to see your flabby bod, Bethany Parker?"
"Despite check-in queues, the godawful in-flight food, and monster snarl-ups passing through immigration when they arrived at JFK, it had been a good weekend."
"I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there was a little James doll with pins in it in her room."
"I’m gonna pee in a bucket and tip it on your Weetabix."
"You only want him to go to school in Abu Dhabi to curry favor with your father. Our son isn’t a pawn."
"You will both learn to respect me," Hassam screamed, as he unbuckled and ripped his belt from his trousers. "This is my home. I’m the head of this household."
"For god’s sake, you’ll kill him," Yasmin shouted, as she crawled forward and wrapped her arms around her husband’s legs.
"There’s no point trying to run out in the open with no equipment," James said, frustrated. "Ambushing and nabbing equipment is the only way for us to go."
"You’re totally the best sister," James said as he pulled Lauren into a tight hug.
"The golden rule is hygiene, hygiene, hygiene. If chicken isn’t cooked and prepared according to the Deluxe Chicken guidelines, the result could be a nasty dose of salmonella for our customers, plus bad publicity and a hefty fine for the company."
"You know," Kerry said sourly. "I saw you eyeballing that girl’s legs."
"I’m trying," Lauren screamed. "Why did you design such crappy brakes?"
"Christ, it’s gotten cold," Dana said as she tucked her hands under her armpits.
"A detective called Mark Love took the call," Mac explained. "He categorized it grade D, and the lazy sod didn’t even bother doing a background check on the incoming number."
"I guess you can’t win ’em all," James said as the bus pulled up and a woman with a double stroller and three chocolate-smeared kids struggled on board.
"The crash has dropped out of the news. Is there any information that hasn't been released to the public?"
"Terrorists thrive on publicity and you can rely on several claiming responsibility whenever something like this occurs."
"The risk is very slight. It's similar to the risk we take every time we bring a candidate to campus to undergo recruitment tests."
"I hate people like that. First day on the job when you’re vulnerable."
"I’ve been trained. I know what I’m doing—more or less."
"Gangs pose a much greater threat in a violent situation because the presence of other gang members means that they all egg each other on."
"I know it’s a bit of a shock. But keep calm and listen carefully."
"I’m always fine once the mission starts and you know what you’re getting into."
"If this mission is going to succeed, I need to know right now that you're both mature enough to put aside any petty squabbles that you might have."
"A boy must learn to respect his father."
"It hasn’t even started yet. Tell me who you’re working for before things get much worse."
"The most important thing is that Asif doesn’t get a chance to blab about you guys."
"As for your punishment . . . You can rely on that."
"He’s got a short fuse. He never hits them, but he goes mental if they act up."
"You think I’m gonna turn up on their doorstep with two kids and a begging bowl, so that they can say I told you so?"
"We can’t make Gemma do something she doesn’t want to."
"I’ve got enough on my plate without this kind of nonsense."
"I swear to god, I’ll pull this car over and blow your head off."
"I don’t want to stay with you. Even in Abu Dhabi, I’ll be a wanted man."
"There’s more than one way to skin a cat."
"She’s no son of mine. He works for you lot."
"I don’t want trouble," James repeated, backing up slightly.
"I’ve got a gun." Hassam smiled as he plunged his hand into the pocket of his blazer.
"Green for a pass, amber for borderline, red for a failure."
"We don’t torture you kids for the fun of it, you know."
"Once the chemicals kick in, our brains turn to mush."
"You can’t blame him for having an overactive imagination."
"I really wish I’d got to be older than eleven, but I hope we meet someday in heaven."
"I’m more mature now. If you wanted to go all the way, like you do with Dana..."
"It’s just you and the brush, and at the end of the job, you feel like you’ve achieved something."
"Just because two people fancy each other, it doesn’t mean that they make a good couple."
"If someone gets a double red, that’s the end of the recruitment process."
"He’s under a lot of pressure, so I’m sure it will cheer him up."
"I guess your opinion counts for something. I certainly couldn’t see it doing any harm."
"Our relationship was the romantic equivalent of fitting the Titanic with jet engines and steering it toward Hurricane Katrina."