
Seabreeze Inn Quotes

Seabreeze Inn by Jan Moran

Seabreeze Inn Quotes
"The ever-connected Bennett had heard about the pending party and called to set up an appointment. 'Since you’re going to be in town anyway…'"
"As much as we like to support each other’s decisions, we also need to be honest with each other, especially when we see unfair or damaging behavior."
"Watching majestic swirls forming in the darkening sky was like witnessing an artist’s broad strokes on a masterpiece that all too soon vanished in the mild evening air."
"I can’t even afford the property taxes. Ivy had already made the toughest decision in selling the beloved home she’d lived in for most of her adult life. This decision was easy."
"You’re the most organized person I know, but you have to admit that in the last twenty-four hours, an impulsive, preoccupied woman who looks a lot like my sister has taken her place."
"Ivy felt dazed at the decision she’d just made to move into the house."
"Ivy turned to Shelly. 'Eleanor Roosevelt once said, ‘Do one thing every day that scares you.’ From now on, that’s what we have to do.'"
"Ivy’s phoned buzzed with a text from her real estate agent confirming their meeting today. 'The sun’s out—see you soon in Summer Beach.'"
"Rediscovering herself now was frightening at times."
"She’d spent days in bed, reeling back scenes in her mind like an old movie and wondering what had changed in their last year."
"I’m feeling drawn to the home through his words."
"To clean all the windows and light fixtures in this place would cost a fortune in product alone. I make a window cleaner with white vinegar and water. A lot cheaper and just as effective."
"We had two children to put through college. I found a lot of ways to economize, especially on expensive branded cleaning supplies."
"We’ll create a library for the guests. We can contact local writing groups and host author’s book signings here, or in the salon."
"Music room? Must have been beautiful in its day. Still can be. Needs tuning."
"Playing the piano makes you happy. You’ll practice here whenever you want."
"Think those still work? They built appliances to last back then."
"This one looks good, too. The estate’s property manager did a decent job of keeping up the plumbing."
"The less she had to do with Bennett, the better."
"You’re just like your husband, aren’t you? Next you’ll want to tear down the house."
"I thought you planned on making this your home."
"If I don’t run this as an inn, I’ll lose the house to a tax sale."
"I’ll be right back. You can keep the pen."
"You’re a natural leader, Ivy. If you don’t mind my saying so, Jeremy—may he rest in peace—often held you down."
"You should think about this. What if you’re disturbing old graves?"
"Good. That Jeremy Marin was a devil, I tell you."
"We were just having fun," Shelly said with a mischievous glance at Mitch.
"There’s a lower level down there. It’s been bricked up, and we’re about to find out why." - Shelly
"Can’t be a basement because this house is too close to the shore." - Bennett
"This isn’t a spectator sport. Helps us out or get out." - Ivy
"You should wear these." - Ivy, handing Bennett protective eye goggles.
"The house looks like it’s built on a hill. It’s possible that dirt was mounded up over that lower level to create a sort of cellar." - Bennett
"There is something in there." - Ivy, after peering through a hole in the brick wall.
"I studied art history, and I’ve never seen anything like this." - Ivy, upon discovering hidden artworks.
"What do you see?" - Shelly, curious about the hidden room's contents.
"You know, it feels good to take control of our own destiny." - Ivy
"We’re on a mission." - Ivy, leading an exploration of the concealed area.
"Could be a Chippendale piece." - Ivy, admiring an antique dining table.
"This place is a treasure trove." - Ivy, on the discovery in the hidden room.
"We have to secure this room." - Ivy, realizing the importance of their find.
"I’ll ask Bennett. As mayor, he must know the chief of police." - Ivy, planning to report their discovery.
"I’m in shock. Some of that is priceless, I’ll bet." - Ivy, after the revelation in the hidden room.
"I can do that for you." - Mitch, offering to help Ivy and Shelly.
"We’re going to get through this, aren’t we?" - Ivy, to her sister Shelly.
"It’s like Aladdin’s cave. Filled with artifacts." - Bennett, on the hidden room's contents.
"Was Amelia Erickson the genie?" - Ivy, pondering the original owner's motives.
"All these years and they’re still together. Now I realize how lucky they are."
"They’ve really had it all, haven’t they?"
"I’m getting my life back on track. Or rather, a different life this time."
"It isn’t often that our parents run away from home. I’ll miss you, but I hope you’ll both have a wonderful time doing what you love."
"We love you all, but we’re going to continue living life on our own terms for as long as we can."
"I didn’t know you cared so much about my reputation. That’s touching."
"That’s the kind of thinking that will endear you to Summer Beach."
"It’s funny. He’s not the one I really miss."
"You’re not going to have that loud music, are you?"
"But is that what you want? Wouldn’t you rather see people enjoying the home?"
"Here’s to a new chapter of Amelia Erickson’s Las Brisas del Mar, which we now call the Seabreeze house."
"We need your support to transform our vision into the new Seabreeze Inn."
"I fought your husband, and I can do it again."
"More than anything, we want to be good neighbors."
"What we really want to know about is all that artwork you found."