
The Power Of Six Quotes

The Power Of Six by Pittacus Lore

The Power Of Six Quotes
"My name is Marina, as of the sea, but I wasn’t called that until much later."
"In the beginning I was known merely as Seven, one of the nine surviving Garde from the planet Lorien."
"I was six when we landed. When the ship jolted to a halt on Earth, even at my young age I sensed how much was at stake for us."
"We had entered the planet’s atmosphere in the midst of a storm of our own creation."
"As a group we huddled together, knowing we might never see one another again."
"We were hungry, tired, and scared. I remember sitting on a sidewalk begging for change."
"Aside from the few visitors, the internet is my only source to the world outside our small town."
"I perch my arms on the cold windowsill and watch the snowflakes fall from the dark sky."
"I remember boarding a ship headed to some unknown destination."
"I’m certain that Adelina gave away some of our precious gems from Lorien for nothing more than warm meals."
"I’ve been here ever since, eleven years in this stone convent with its musty rooms, drafty hallways, and hard floors like slabs of ice."
"I can’t say that Adelina still believes, that she’s still with me."
"I lean back and blow my bangs out of my eyes, wishing I could go in search of John myself."
"I’m going to be getting my Legacies soon, and I don’t want to discover them here, with all of these girls and nuns around."
"I can see the faint dimness of the town lights. In the midst of this blizzard, they look like floating halos."
"Tonight I file out of the nave with the rest of the girls and head to our sleeping quarters filled with creaky twin beds evenly spaced apart."
"I can only hope we’ve grown a little wiser, those of us still left."
"We’re the only hope. Strength in numbers. The power of six."
"Take care of the cops. Keep them away from me."
"Guard this with your life," I tell him. "And stay down!"
"Good luck, fellas, I think, knowing full well the power of Six’s abilities. You’re going to need it."
"Don’t move a muscle!" I hear behind me. "Hands in the air!"
"Which is it, hands in the air or don’t move a muscle? I can’t do both."
"John!" Six screams from the top of the hill; and somehow in the pleading, desperate tone of her voice, I know what she needs me to do.
"Holy crap!" Sam says, his eyes wide-open.
"Staying hidden is going to be a lot harder than I thought."
"We’re far from out of the woods just yet."
"But they can’t open it without me anyway. Maybe I’ll get it back someday."
"The only limits of tomorrow are the doubts we have today."
"Your flirting just scared the hell out of me."
"You’re the kind of guy she’d go for, not some math nerd obsessed with aliens and outer space."
"But don’t worry, we’ll both be out of here soon enough."
"I'm sure their uses will reveal themselves in time. Things like this need to be slept on."
"You could be reaching for a glass in the cupboard or brushing your teeth or listening to someone tell a story, and your mind will just start drifting towards this other person, no matter what you're doing."
"Never lose faith in yourself, and never lose hope; remember, even when this world throws its worst and then turns its back, there is still always hope."
"Become who you’re meant to become, John. Grow strong and powerful and never forget for a minute the things you’ve learned along the way."
"Every birthday any of us are lucky to have is cause for celebration, considering what's hunting us."
"I have no right to be so upset at the thought of Ella leaving the orphanage, but she’s my one friend."
"I'm trying to do so much good, and you act as if I’m evil or something!"
"I can't help but worry about police. After thirty miles, he jumps onto an interstate and drives south."
"Ten more minutes pass. I can tell most everyone is still awake, including Adelina."
"I toss the covers aside, stand, then tiptoe from the room."
"Do you want me to carry you?" "You can’t carry me." "Not with my arms," I say.
"I can’t believe you’re using telekinesis to fly an old lady like me down the hall."
"How is there a cat in here?" she mumbles.
"Don’t ask. Listen, Adelina, you’re almost completely asleep, and I need you to open the Chest with me before you are, okay?"
"Put your hand on the Chest’s lock. Put my hand on the other side."
"How are you feeling?" I ask. "Like a fugitive. Like a bad son."
"Think about how proud your dad would be if we pull this off," I say.
"After we get the transmitter we go right back to the car and we leave Paradise immediately," Six says.
"I love you so much, John. But I can’t imagine how we’re going to get out of this mess."
"What’s stopping you then?" "Apathy and a broken heart," I say.
"My angel has returned," she says again.
"I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you the truth, Marina," she says.
"She was born able to change ages, but she’s young and hasn’t developed any Legacies yet. Keep her close."
"I’m sure we’ll get a chance to do it again sometime."
"The key to change is letting go of fear."
"It’s the calm before the storm, ladies. We’re winning far too many battles for them to ease up now."
"If Setrákus Ra thinks this is going to be easy, he’s got another thing coming."