
The Flame Of Olympus Quotes

The Flame Of Olympus by Kate O'Hearn

The Flame Of Olympus Quotes
"WAR CAME TO OLYMPUS. There was no warning. No clues that an unknown enemy was building an army against them; an army whose only goal was complete destruction."
"My children, we are in our darkest hour. At no other time in history have we faced such terrible danger."
"You are special, Paelen. This may be the only chance you will ever have to prove it."
"You’re Pegasus, aren’t you? I mean the really real Pegasus."
"I am Paelen the Magnificent, at your service."
"We who never die, now face our destruction."
"The storm’s just got me a bit freaked. But I’ve got lots to do here."
"We must stop them. That Flame is our very existence. We cannot let them succeed."
"If Pegasus hadn’t already fallen in battle, this was the time to make his move and capture the stallion."
"You’ve got to get back down to your apartment before your father goes to work tonight. I can stay here so Pegasus doesn’t get frightened." - Joel
"I think we might have some of those, but if I know Pegasus, he’ll take them from me before I even open the bag!" - Emily
"There wasn’t one tunnel in all Olympus he couldn’t slip through, or find his way out of." - Paelen's thoughts
"I can feel fresh air blowing gently down on me." - Paelen's observation
"They have no idea that I can clearly hear them discussing the test results." - Paelen's thoughts
"If they knew the truth of my age, they would never believe me." - Paelen's thoughts
"However, it is the name you have given me. One name is as good as any other, is it not?" - Paelen
"You are obviously a man of questionable intelligence. Please leave." - Paelen
"I understand, Emily said. What time are you going to be home tomorrow?" - Emily's question to her father
"If it’s growing and sweet, he’s eating it." - Joel about Pegasus
"I’ll always need you." - Emily to her father
"I don’t think we should stay up here much longer. We’re both soaking wet and freezing." - Joel's concern
"Emily, get back!" Joel cried. "He’s gone crazy!" - Joel's reaction to Pegasus
"Don’t say where you are, the CRU are probably listening to us." - Emily's father's warning
"I do not understand what you want from me." - Paelen to Agent J
"He’s running, he’s running. Lock down the facility." - Agent J's order
"I must go to him." - Paelen about Pegasus
"Please, leave me here and take Pegasus. Hide him in the trees." - Emily's plea to Joel
"You seem confused. If this happens so easily over the simple issue of my name, I am certain you would be far too challenged to understand the answers to any questions you might pose." - Paelen to Agent J
"I will be once I throw up." - Joel after carrying heavy bags
Minerva made the bridle for Pegasus," Diana explained. "But we do not know how she created it or what other metals she used.
"Pegasus says our main concern is the Daughter of Vesta," said Diana. "We must get her back to Olympus."
"I know! We hide him in plain sight!" Emily looked over to her father.
"They know we are here," Diana said as she listened to the calls of the horses. "They are suffering."
"You are both correct," Diana said. "And with their three eyes, they have full directional vision."
"We’ve got to walk Pegasus over fifty blocks downtown?" Joel moaned.
"This isn’t going to be easy," He inspected the padlock. "I can’t use my gun. It’ll make too much noise."
"I may have lost my powers," Diana said, "but not my strength."
"Forgive me for doing this to you, my old friend," Diana said softly. "You deserve better."
"You are not well enough to kick the stuffing out of you!" - Joel
"She is frightened. She has cause to be. Agent J hurt her." - Paelen
"I don't care if they lock me away for life. I'm gonna kill him for hurting her." - Joel
"It is going to be all right, Joel. We will get out of here." - Paelen
"Serpents’ eyes? Agent J says they can see everywhere in here." - Paelen
"I really don’t know. Possibly, but you’ll need help; perhaps a cane or even a brace." - Nurse to Emily
"You are not strong enough. You could do more damage to your leg." - Nurse to Emily
"After you’ve seen him, you will answer all our questions. No fighting us, no lying." - Agent J to Emily
"You have earned my respect. Are you well enough to rise?" - Diana to Paelen
"Fine, you want to stay with the dying horse while we talk, you can stay." - Agent J to Emily
"Your father will be very proud of you when she meets you in Elysium." - Diana to Emily
"You are more important than all of us. The Flame is burning brightly in you now." - Diana to Emily
"Please remember me, Pegs." - Emily to Pegasus
"You are this world’s only hope. Your sacrifice could save us all." - Diana to Emily
"Pegasus says you may hold on to his tail." - Diana to Paelen
"It’s all right, Joel. Believe me, it is." - Emily
"Pegasus, are you recovered enough to carry all of us, or should I stay?" - Diana to Pegasus