
Rebellion Quotes

Rebellion by Kass Morgan

Rebellion Quotes
"Three hundred years of genetic engineering and we never came close to growing anything like this back on the Colony."
"For the first time Clarke could remember, life had begun to feel peaceful, and full of hope."
We raided your camp," the boy said calmly. "We took what was useful and discarded what wasn’t.
"I wish there were better words, but all I can say is that I’m sorry. I’m an idiot. I’m—"
"You are running on Earth. You are striking Her with your feet. Apologize!"
"I couldn’t bring myself to move any of it," came a deep, gravelly voice behind Wells."
"Every action he took led to destruction and death."
"We’re all better people down here. Coming to Earth has made us braver. Nobler. Stronger." - Wells
"Fine, you win, mini-Chancellor. I’ll play along. And we’ll take these bastards down while we’re at it." - Graham
"I’ll do better than that. I’ll bring her back myself." - Bellamy
"This is ridiculous," Bellamy said. "You’ll lead us around in circles."
"Mothers are wise. They care for others, and giving this gift gives them one in return—they’re connected to the soil, to the air, to their intuition in a way that’s special and important." - Soren
"We don’t know what we’re going to find at the end of this road, but I know… I have faith that we will overcome it and bring our friends home." - Paul
"We’re leaving," Octavia said. "I saw some boats tied up by the river. Whenever we get the opportunity, we’re going to make a run for them."
"We’ll become Protectors," Wells said. "All of us."
"If this is a joke, it’s on them. They’re probably guarding the inner door to this hallway. And it will be, soon enough." - Bellamy
"People die while you’re trying to be rational, Clarke. Like Lily." - Bellamy
"Just because you love someone, it doesn’t give you the moral right to do something unreasonable. We’re all scared. We’re all in pain. But we have to be rational." - Clarke
"You really want to throw that word at me right now?" - Bellamy
"But leaders need something more than that. They need to look around them and see what they can provide for others." - Soren
"It’s our only option. We don’t have the weapons to make a strategic attack…" - Clarke
"Let’s go for it," Bellamy whispered to the others.
"We don’t know what’s going on in there—They could be torturing Wells. Octavia could be in pain. And you’re all just content to sit there, doing nothing." - Bellamy
"I’m not going to stand here while you cowards come up with excuses to abandon them." - Bellamy
"We’re going to blow down these goddamned walls, walk right into the middle of the fortress, and take back everything and everyone that was stolen from us." - Bellamy
"You see, this is why we don’t want you part of the negotiations tomorrow. You let your temper take over, and then you start to believe your own crazy stories. It’s dangerous." - Clarke
"She was amazed at how Soren could be both powerful and beloved—a far cry from the leaders she’d known back on the Colony."
"I sense an attachment elsewhere. She’s in love and she’s holding on to it still."
"I’ve done bad things, Jaha. You don’t even know how many bad things."
"It’s when the new recruits, girls like you that Earth has gifted us, become true members of our community."
"We’ll finalize the pairings tomorrow so the first rites will be as fruitful as possible, if Earth wills it."
"As Earth has brought you to us, now we must give back to Earth, planting seeds that will…"
"I’m glad to hear it. There are some very exciting things in the works, events that I sincerely hope you’ll be a part of."
"Leadership isn’t something that’s assigned, Clarke. It’s earned."
"I think you’re going to play a very important role in this community."
"You can make it as quick or as drawn out as you like, but do it well outside our sacred walls, please."
"The early Protectors had taken refuge in shelters far to the west, where the mountains are tall and the wilderness much more brutal than even here."
"My color against your color. My family unit feuding with yours."
"I wake up every morning thinking that I’m there, all of you, strong and angry as ever."
"But we didn’t anticipate how much damage there had already been to the foundations."
"If they’re headed to the armory, they’re in for a nasty surprise."
"These girls hadn’t needed saving—they’d already been saving themselves."
"This planet was big enough for all of them."
"Villains always think they’re the heroes."
"They hadn’t been defeated. They’d healed up and set to work."
"I promised to love you, respect you, honor you, protect you, defend you, tease you, argue with you… For the rest of my life and yours."