
Dexter In The Dark Quotes

Dexter In The Dark by Jeff Lindsay

Dexter In The Dark Quotes
"Not the bright, gleaming moon of slashing happiness, no indeed."
"Paris is what she is talking about in that far-spreading syrupy tone."
"Why, this moon must be a honeymoon—unfurling its marital banner across the living-room night."
"Married, honeymoon in Paris… Do these words really belong in the same sentence as any reference at all to our Phantom Flenser?"
"Dexter in Paris? For starters, are Americans still allowed to go to France?"
"It would never do to have the sheep see that Dexter is the wolf among them."
"Dexter really does understand. Not humans, romance, love, and all that gabble."
"I am always very careful indeed to get rid of my leftovers."
"It may seem strange that someone whose only passion is for human vivisection should actually enjoy Rita’s children, but he does."
"I could make a pilgrimage to the Rue Morgue, a sacred site for serial slashers."
"It’s a foolish risk for a monster to take; I know this full well, since I do it myself."
"I had always followed the careful rules laid down by Harry, my cop foster father, who taught me how to be what I am with modesty and exactness."
"If I could teach them that, I would never be lonely."
"So it seems like a good idea to find out. But how?"
"There is a great deal I don’t understand about human beings, but this really seemed to take the cake."
"Lateness was disrespect and there were no excuses."
"You’re making a statement about the rest of your life."
"My life is in danger if I don’t go, Vince."
"It’s more than that. It’s about your and Rita’s life together."
"We know we’re not going to find the heads on the scene."
"All right, Sergeant Morgan. It seems to be genuine."
"That’s fine. All right then. I’ll let you get on with the meeting then. Anything to report?"
"I DON’T DREAM. I mean, I’m sure that at some point during my normal sleep, there must be images and fragments of nonsense parading through my subconscious."
"This is forever with me, big man. I am holding on to you."
"The sudden and very scary reappearance of 65 percent of Sergeant Doakes supplied the sense of danger."
"I wasn’t sure if I meant it—for that matter, I’m still not sure I can really be sorry for anything I do."
"You mean the fact that you let a known bully push my boy to this kind of confrontation because of poor supervision?"
"How could I know the police would be so very thorough?"
"There was never any question of contradicting Harry, whether you were a murder suspect, the president of the Rotary Club, or a young errant monster."
"And now he will go to the electric chair. Because he didn’t know what the police were doing."
"He got caught because he didn’t know what he was doing."
"What a handsome lad you are, Dexter. Very pleased to meet you."
"If you were swimming and you saw piranha, what would you do?"
"Look like something normal," Astor said grudgingly. "But Dexter, fish aren’t people."
"Yes, that’s right," I said encouragingly. "Rings, bracelets—anything like that?"
"You mean like her platinum anklet?" Allison said, very obligingly, I thought.
"Do you know which professor she was having an affair with, Allison?" Deborah said.
"Oh God," she said. "I swear I never said."
"I’m sorry, will this take long? I’m kind of in a hurry," he said.
"What’s so important that they send someone like you, in this weather?" he said.
"Guy gives me the fucking creeps," she said.
"You need to make up your mind whether I killed my students or screwed them," he said.
"Listen, Jerry Halpern is a brilliant guy, but… not exactly stable?"
"If you can tell me how Halpern’s paper and Tammy Connor fit together, I’ll be happy to help any way I can."
"Detective, do you see a pattern here?" he said.
"I certainly will," he said, giving her the kind of smile that killed disco.
"We need to decide about the band," she said. "They may already be booked."
"I have an errand I have to run," I said.
"I picked up all the CDs from where you dropped them yesterday," she said.
"Jesus’ tits," he croaked. "What time is it?"
"I need to talk to you about my wedding," I said.
"If you mean what can you do to get me to change my mind, nothing. Not a thing in the world."
"I don’t guess," he snarled. "And I don’t give a shit about counting your fucking pennies."
"Your girlfriend signed the fucking contract," he said. "I can charge you anything I fucking feel like."
"That’s right," said Deborah as she finally fished out her badge.
"He’s dead, Dexter. They found the body late last night."
"Manny Borque," he breathed. "He was murdered."
"I can’t believe anybody would do that to him," he said.
"Did you ever tell Dad about this voice?" she said.
"They will find you," he repeated. "Soon enough."
"People fail all the time, but we keep trying, and it comes out all right in the end."
"It’s what I’m good at. For a while there, I was the very best."
"Did you ever see a TV show called Scared Straight?"
"We’re all trying to keep our plates spinning in the air, and once you get them up there you can’t take your eyes off them."
"If the spirit enters you, you would know. This is not somethin’ like in a movie."
"I’m still not used to this thing. I wake up in the night and the missing knuckle itches."
"All you blancs, you steal us and bring us here, take everythin’ from us."
"No, absolutely not. I got in enough trouble the last time."
"The joy came at me like a comet, blazing huge and ponderous through a dark sky and whirling toward me at inconceivable speed."
"And it whirled me across the trackless night sky in a warm, blinding blanket of jubilant love and rocked me in a cradle of endless joy, joy, joy."
"Reflection is supposed to be good for the soul."
"To begin with, I wasn’t sure I had a soul."
"Trapped. Locked in, captured, sequestered, in durance vile—even synonyms didn’t make me feel any better."
"I stood for a moment and concentrated on getting the room to hold still."
"What was the point in hoping, really? Hoping for what?"
"I realized that I was reflecting anyway, but somehow that failed to create any real sense of fulfillment."
"It was as if a hole had opened up in a dam and Dexter came pouring back in through it."
"Life went on. Nothing new happened, nothing within me was resolved, and no new direction revealed itself."
"I still craved an answer to the personal absence that plagued me, and I had not received it."
"The world was whole once again, just as it should be. A place where the moon sung hymns and the darkness below it murmured perfect harmony."