
The Last Dragon King Quotes

The Last Dragon King by Leia Stone

The Last Dragon King Quotes
"Being at the base of Cinder Mountain, and the coal mines inside of it, meant that the fine dust from the mountain coated everything in the village."
"In Jade City, the capital of Embergate, you could spot a Cinder Village resident from a mile away."
"We were twenty winters out from the Great Famine but my parents remembered such a time and trained us younger ones on how to hunt and grow food."
"The weight of the animal was starting to cause a sharp pain between my shoulders, its blood dripping down the front of my shirt."
"The ash from the coal mine made the soil fertile and so we were known for our large potatoes and sweet tubers."
"Jade City was full of such opulence and splendor that had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it."
"Here in Cinder Village we were a bit of an anomaly. Technically, we were in Embergate territory and ruled by the dragon king, but we were mostly a mixed bunch."
"My mom was fully human. Her parents defected from Nightfall City when she was little, and my dad was a mix of human and one-tenth dragon-folk."
"I should have told you sooner, but it was never a good time, and I didn’t want you to think that you weren’t mine."
"I forgive you." I rushed forward and our arms went tightly around each other at the same time.
"How long have you known you can transform into a dragon?"
"My magic is linked to the dragon-folk people. With each passing day that I do not produce an heir to strengthen and double the magic, our people get weaker, and I get weaker."
"My mother said she arrived heavily pregnant, a highborn, covered in blood, and spoke of a battle where her entire family was slaughtered for a magic they held."
"The Eclipse Dragon queen killed nearly all of them. She wanted her family to be the last dragons left in the realm."
"It wasn’t a plague. That was a cover story to keep the people from panicking."
"I’ve done nothing wrong to you! I just found out I had wings yesterday. And then I was thrown in jail! I’ve had no time to run to the library and research!"
"My lord, she’s scared. She doesn’t know what this means."
"You’re different than the others. I like that. I feel I can be relaxed around you."
"If it looks like he is going to find out about your powers, make him fall in love with you."
Calm down." The king held out his hands. "Your dragon fire might come out.
"If I kill you, I kill my very own sister. Use your head, you idiot!"
"I am an idiot. I’m an idiot for liking you!"
"Thank you," I murmured. I couldn’t believe I’d spent the last few days with my idol and she’d seen all of these embarrassing things.
"I’m free to roam but not leave the city," I told her.
"It’s my advice that you take her out before she does the same to you."
"You may call me Drae," he said, and then walked away.
"How!? I got a job. That’s my first moon’s advance," I stated.
"I’ve fallen for another," he said boldly.
"I’m too good to be anyone’s backup plan."
"If she is to fight beside me in battle, I must know she is a capable flier."
"She will be a great asset to my army, and I am honored to have her public pledge of loyalty."
"Raife’s parents wanted to curb her technology, knowing her plans to one day wipe out the magical races."
"Because I’d just lost my own father, was getting married, and trying to have an heir. I didn’t know the first thing about invading a territory and starting a war."
"It killed me to hear him sound so weak and vulnerable."
"Ever since Amelia died, I’ve felt like I was drowning. Then you walked into my life… and now for the first time I feel like I can breathe."
"Marry me, Arwen. Not because I need an heir but because somehow I’ve fallen in love with you and now I’m not sure that I can live without you."
"Whatever we create will be a blessing upon the entirety of Embergate."
"They are going to love you as their queen."
"Carry the weight of your entire people’s fate upon your shoulders."
"You’ve always been a queen. I should have never tried to downgrade that title by putting you in my guard."
"Our wedding night will be more than complete."
"If the child lives for only a moment, does it still strengthen your magic?"
"I’ve loved you more than anything in this world."
"It’s time to protect what I loved most. No matter the cost."