
We Quotes

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin

We Quotes
"The way to rid man of criminality is to rid him of freedom."
"Two times two—eternal lovers; Inseparable in passion four … Most flaming lovers in the world, Eternally welded, two times two."
"To let out into the street such a group of bald-headed naked little truths. Only imagine please."
"We helped god definitely and finally to defeat the devil. It was he, the devil, who lead people to transgression, to taste pernicious freedom, he the cunning serpent?"
"Two times two; four. Two times two; four."
"If they will not understand that we are bringing them a mathematically faultless happiness, our duty will be to force them to be happy."
"I love, I am sure it will not be an error if I say we love, only such a sky—a sterile, faultless sky."
"The Tables transformed each one of us, actually, into a six-wheeled steel hero of a great poem."
"Every morning with six-wheeled precision, at the same hour, at the same minute, we wake up, millions of us at once."
"To sleep at night is a duty just like working during the day."
"Human history moves upward in circles, like an aero. The circles are at times golden, sometimes they are bloody, but all have 360 degrees."
"The natural road from nothingness to greatness is to forget that one is a gram and to feel that one is one-millionth of a ton."
"Consciousness of oneself is a sickness."
"I am a microbe, and she too, I-330, is a microbe, a wonderful, diabolic microbe!"
"Human society is constantly improving, as it should. How ugly a tool was the ancient whip and how much beauty there is in the graceful zigzags of the electric sparks."
"The most difficult and the most exalted love is cruelty."
"The way of paradoxes follows its sharp edge, the only way becoming to a fearless mind."
"To feel one’s self, to be conscious of one’s personality, is the lot of an eye inflamed by a cinder, or an infected finger, or a bad tooth."
"Everything that is great is simple. Remember, only the four rules of arithmetic are unshakeable and eternal!"
"I was dissolving in her lap, in her, and I became at once smaller and larger, unembraceable."
"I can’t bear it... I cannot bear it. You seem always to withhold something from me; you have never told me what kind of a place it was where I found myself that day beneath the Ancient House."
"Yes, exactly, exactly! That is why I am afraid of I-330; I struggle against her, I don’t want... But why is it that within me 'I don’t want to' and 'I want to' stand side by side?"
"Let me tell you about the Day of Unanimity, about that Great Day. I think that day for us is what Easter was for the ancients."
"To build a state on some non-discountable contingencies, to build blindly—what could be more nonsensical?"
"The limit of the function—Easter—To cross out everything."
"Of course it is clear that in order to establish the true meaning of a function, one must establish its limit."
"We celebrate our election openly, honestly, in daylight. I see them all vote for the Well-Doer and everybody sees me vote for the Well-Doer."
"I am like a motor set in motion at a speed of too many revolutions per second, the bearings have become too hot and in one more minute the molten metal will begin to drip and everything will go to the devil."
"I hold my pen with great difficulty. Such an extraordinary fatigue after all the dizzying events of this morning."
"Is it possible that the strong, salutary, centuries-old walls of the United State have fallen?"
"We kept moving by inertia, but more and more slowly."
"I was a stone; I-330 the earth; and the stone was under irresistible compulsion to fall downward."
"The stone ceased falling. Only the four lower tubes were growling, two ahead and two aft."
"In the name of the Guardians! You, to whom I talk, they hear me, every one of them hears me—I talk to you: we know!"
"Silence. The glass plates under my feet seemed soft, cotton-like."
"Afterward, again the telephone of the commander was in my hands and again we made the flight."
"I remember telling her something in a low voice and I remember how she looked through me."
"As a result of yesterday’s mishap my head is tightly bandaged."
"The street. It was windy. The sky seemed to be composed of soaring panels of cast-iron."
"It was as if the black, precise letters on this page should suddenly move apart."
"The crowd seemed just as nonsensical, dispersed."
"It seemed like the end of the world, Doomsday."
"I noticed an unfamiliar name on some of the pink checks."
"I learned from personal experience that laughter is the most terrible of weapons."
"I woke up; ten o’clock. Evidently the bell did not ring today."
"The sky was deserted, blue, all eaten up by the storm."
"Everything seemed to be cut out of blue autumnal air."
"I only then noticed that he had a notebook in his hands and a logarithmic dial."
"I am healthy, perfectly, absolutely healthy."