
Glass Houses Quotes

Glass Houses by Rachel Caine

Glass Houses Quotes
"It sucked to be smart, because this was where it got you."
"This house has Protection, even if we don't."
"All you have to do is pull the trigger. Trust me. Nothing like a little virtual violence to make you feel better."
"You're the first normal one I've seen so far."
"You can never tell what Shane puts in the chili. Be afraid."
"Nobody’s told you the facts of life, Claire. The fact is, if you suddenly just up and disappear… Nobody but the janitor’s ever going to know or care."
"I’m not surprised—anybody who thinks World War Two was in China isn’t exactly going to impress—"
"You’re just a walking organ donor. So take my advice, Claire. Don’t get in my face, because if you do, you won’t have one for long."
"You think I’m trying to hurt you? Hurt Michael? How could I? I’m the one everybody hurts!"
"She’s all just kids sharing it, and if there was anything wrong, well, it was outside."
"That’s what they call it. It’s like a census. They always know how many are living in a place."
"Shane’s definitely not going to be able to handle it. Boy can’t even let somebody else have the last corn dog, and he doesn’t even like corn dogs."
"If he cares about somebody, he fights for them. Simple."
"Making deals with the vampires in this town will keep you alive on the outside, but it eats you on the inside."
"You may not be Lyssa, but he likes you, and more than that, he hates Monica Morrell."
"Everybody in town—everybody who’s a resident—pays taxes. Blood tax."
"If you live here, you learn to live with them. If you can’t, then you go."
"They don’t have to worry about who’s safe to bite and who’s not. If you’re out running around, you’re lunch."
"If you’re clever, they can’t tell you anything. Because it makes it easier to hide what really can hurt them."
"If God loved me, he’d drop a bus ticket to Austin in my lap so I could blow this town once and for all."
"Once you get about ten miles outside of Morganville, you just…start to forget."
"Magic didn’t exist. Shouldn’t exist. It was just…wrong. It offended her scientific training."
"If I say no and drive off, what are you going to do?"
"I had to come. I had such a terrible vision! There was blood and death."
"Promise me you won’t go with Eve tonight."
"You know how many nights I spent in bed praying, Dear God, please take away all the bad people?"
"I’m going to need to spend some time at the library."
"You really think they pretended on a lot of that, just in case?"
"I see him. I see his body lying on the floor… It’s not over. It’s never over."
"I was going to say, ‘Over my dead body,’ but—"
"Mom, would you quit shaking me? I’m getting dizzy."
"Well, I’m not paying good money just to have you squat in some old wreck with a bunch of friends!"
"I don’t like you living with older boys. Off campus. And I want these people who hurt you stopped."
"That’s what she paid me. It wasn’t about money, it was about Claire’s safety."
"I need to stay here. Michael isn’t telling you this, but they put themselves on the line for me, and I owe it to them to stay until it’s settled and I’m sure they won’t get in trouble for me."
"I’m not. I’m sixteen and a half, and I’m not giving up. I never have. You know that."
"I’m sorry, but you’re not giving me much choice. Last chance. Invite me in, and this can end peacefully."
"Better get some rest. And if you hear voices, try not to listen. They’re going to be testing us."
"I am the oldest vampire in the world, my dear. In a certain sense, I am the only vampire who matters."
"We’re in much rougher waters now. Either hand over the book, or we’ll come in and get it."
"I guess we go downstairs," she said. "Like they’re going to let us go? And no way am I letting this house burn. What about Michael? He can’t leave!"
"However, this house is my house, first and foremost. I built it, as I built several such in Morganville."