
Lover Revealed Quotes

Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward

Lover Revealed Quotes
"Sorry, you need to go taste the rainbow somewhere else."
"Sometimes fate takes you in fucked-up directions."
"You happen to have two heads there, Sympathy?"
"It wasn’t like any woman in this club or on the face of the planet could come close to Marissa."
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil."
"You will wear what I bought for you. Your hair will be bound and off your neck."
"The worsted wool had been bought with the guy’s own money."
"God…this was so familiar. A quickie with a stranger, a meaningless crash between two bodies."
"She had been pure in the manner of a crystal, refracting the light."
"This moment now is part of the reason you dreamed of him in the beginning."
"Their end had been a surprise and no surprise at all."
"She was so alone. Caged in a beautiful, wealthy, fancy nightmare."
"Maybe she was finally exhausted with being on the outside."
"She would have loved to hold the delicious secret that under the civilized gowns she wore, her body had known his raw sex."
"He wasn’t the type to hang back if an innocent was getting cracked."
"Everything’s going to be okay provided you get yourself out of this alley."
"Handling what is within him will bring you closer to death than ever you have been."
"You must bring back the jar of one of your enemies. Bring it to this place and use your hand upon it."
"You shall make more progress toward his salvation if you act rather than offend me."
"The seat of evil is in the soul, not the body."
"You would be wise to unveil the curse you detest."
"Go now, take this human, and trust that the seat of evil is in the soul, not the body."
"The Brotherhood has among its weaknesses a paralyzing loyalty, do they not? Yes, paralyzing fidelity."
"I know you wake, human. Look upon me and know your captor’s master."
"I’m not saying it would have gone this far, but I would need a condom."
"You are the male I want to mate with. That’s who you are."
"The way you’ve known me, being with the Brotherhood, dressed in fancy clothes…that’s not the way I lived before. And that’s really not who I am now."
"No matter what they did to me, I didn’t say a thing about the Brotherhood. I swear."
"His recollections came to the end of their train track at that point. Just shot off the edge of reasoning into a pit of huh, what?"
"I’m going to take care of you. Trust me, Marissa."
"Butch’s palm was slowly sliding up Marissa’s spine now, going under her profusion of blond hair."
"You’re so with me right now. You’re so right here with me."
"You don’t want to go to Havers’s, fine. But cut the shit. You’re skipping meals, you look like you haven’t slept for days, and your attitude is beginning to irritate the fuck out of me."
"You will quit it with Lash, you feel me? Do not make me get involved with the two of you. Neither of you will like it."
"That brother of yours really pisses me off."
"If she doesn’t want to see me, I’ll leave on my own. I swear."
"This was about Butch, wasn’t it. V told me that you went to the cop and pulled him through. Let me guess—Havers didn’t appreciate you getting too tight with our human, right?"
"Fucking Havers. Fucking idiot. I’ll go find V and let him know you’re here."
"You will be without a mate and I will not function as your ghardian, so you will have no one to grant permission for your presence to be out in the open. Not even your bloodline can override the law."
"I’m absolutely scared shitless of myself and I can’t handle the idea of you getting hurt."
"Keeping you away from me seems like the only way to make sure you’re safe."
"I don’t want half-truths. It demeans us both."
"I want to be surrounded by all this, held in you tight."
"I won’t lie. I’m scared. But I don’t want to turn my back on you."
"I’m sorry you’re disappointed. But not all that surprised."
"Fair warning, my queen, this is about an improper subject. Sex, actually. It’s about…sex."
"Good. That’s good. And it’s going to be all right, I promise you. You two just need to try it again."
"If he hurt you, I can understand why he’d want to stop."
"We’re not going to get anything done here until you do."
"I am destined to go to my grave a virgin, aren't I? Sure, technically I'm not, but—"
"I begged God that this not be my family. Please let this not be my family. Please let there be someplace else I can go…"
"This here’s your sistah, Teddy. Yah gonna love'ah and take care'ahah."
"I'd just reach over to her with the other guy."
"You sound like birds when you do that chuckle thing. It’s nice."
"The presentation to me is complete. If he lives, you shall finish the ceremony as soon as he is well enough."
"I don’t want to be a kept pet, Marissa. I want a purpose."
"I can’t sit on my hands when I know there’s something I can do to help the race—my race."
"I can’t…I can’t do this. I’ve seen you almost die too many times. I won’t…I can’t do this, Butch. I can’t live like that. I’m sorry, but you’re on your own. I will not sit back and watch you destroy yourself."
"You’re worried about that, too, aren’t you? You’re not certain you won’t turn into one of them."
"We need him, Marissa. The race needs him."
"This is about the race’s very survival."
"I liked you, cop. From the moment I met you. No…not the first moment. I wanted to kill you when I first met you. But then I liked you. A lot."
"I am still your friend. Always your friend."
"As he put his hand up to the glass, he thought about what Wrath had said—that Tohr was alive, somewhere. He so wanted to believe that."
"Your grace, the vow of silence is to be commended. Such self-discipline. You shall be a warrior of great power, you who have been bred from Darius son of Marklon’s line."
"I’m not his sister anymore, or so he’s told me. Though I believe we can all agree that blood lineage is immutable. As is the order of birth."
"You shall be called the Black Dagger warrior Dhestroyer, descended of Wrath son of Wrath."
"You did well, cop. Congratulations, true?"
"I wouldn’t change a thing about you. Not one single thing."