
I Hunt Killers Quotes

I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga

I Hunt Killers Quotes
"What can I do for you? A little busy right now."
"What are you doing? You need to stop obsessing about this stuff."
"You’re not the one everyone thinks is gonna grow up to be Billy Dent, the sequel."
"Let me help you. Just let me look at the file. Maybe a few minutes with the body."
"You go skulking around a crime scene, spying on me and my people. You march into my office and violate my privacy by reading my personal notes."
"Go home, Jazz. Dead woman in a field. Tragic, but nothing more."
"You should probably never joke like that."
"Here is all the invisible world, caught, defined, and calculated."
"Sometimes he couldn’t get a read on Connie’s emotions. Maybe it was a guy/girl thing."
"Connie was one of the few anchors that kept Jazz’s sanity firmly moored."
"This was how normal people kissed. Without thinking."
"Losing any one of them would be disastrous, but losing Connie in particular, he knew, would be catastrophic."
"I care about the now, Jazz. The now and the coming. I don’t care about the past."
"Pretending to be someone he wasn’t… That wasn’t the sort of thing he really wanted to be awesome at."
"If I can’t joke about this stuff, what can I joke about? Black humor. Good for the soul."
"Who needed therapy when Gramma could just explain everything?"
"Someday I could snap. I’m my father’s son. It could happen."
"And a lot of other people might die in the meantime."
"It’s not your job to take care of that. It’s his. Let him do it."
"If she did get away, then good for her. She’s the only one who ever did."
"This is why I forgive, but I don’t forget. When you forget someone, the forgiveness doesn’t mean anything anymore."
"Really bad things—truly awful, heinous things—didn’t happen to people in broad daylight. Did they?"
"You have to humanize yourself to a rapist. Make yourself a real person, and they’ll stop treating you like an object."
"You’re going through things no one should go through. Especially not alone."
"Your job is to try to be normal. Your job is to be a kid, then grow up, then have a decent life."
"You can’t underestimate these guys. This guy, he’s like your daddy, all right. Highly organized. Really smart, this one."
"I’m the local psychopath, and if you don’t save my best friend’s life, I will hunt down everyone you’ve ever cared about in your life and make you watch while I do things to them that will have you begging me to kill them. That’s who I am."
"If I didn’t have bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all."
"You go ahead, Jasper. You hit me. You go on and do it. Think it's the first time I been beat up? Do you?"
"You're more than what your father wants you to be. You're you."
"I'm ready to try just about anything. We got a lunatic killing people."
"All that crying, and what did you accomplish? Nothing. And nothing."
"Everyone was controlled by something. Everyone was a puppet to something."
"I love you, you moron. I try to be understanding and supportive, but you keep acting like I don’t get you."
"I’ll have to take it easy, but when has that not been true?"
"If you want to honor someone, you don’t do it with things. You do it with action."
"She had screamed, but she had not cried."
"Names were labels for things, the killer knew."
"But, truth be told, he missed the crying."
"He was going to kill her no matter what, so her behavior was moot."
"The killer knew what anger was, but had never experienced it."
"Billy had almost always seen a stranger in mirrors, ever since childhood."
"You have no idea what a pleasure it was to see you at Wammaket."